Stones talismans for all occasions - how to choose and charge


Natural crystals for a long time use in magic - they create talismans and amulets. Women's decorations made of stones had a sacred coastal value. In the modern world, products from gems and precious minerals are worn to decorate, without suspecting that stones can influence fate - positive or negative. What are talisman stones and how to use them correctly? Consider the process of choosing the mineral and creating a magical assistant from it.

Stones talismans

Natural and magical properties of stones

Before you start creating a talisman, you need to understand the particular energy of certain minerals. Some of them have undergoing properties - can protect against malicious energy. Others help to attract the necessary - health, love, good luck, money. Where did the magic properties come from?

The nature of minerals has a feature - accumulate information from the environment and generate it outside. This property is explained by the crystal lattice inherent in all minerals. The property of unusual memory of crystals has long been used by scientists and engineers: a quartz disc stores recorded information infinitely long. Modern engineers create computer techniques with the latest heavy duty processors using crystals.

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The crystal in its properties is an intermediate link between lively and inanimate matter, and this successfully use magicians. In other words, the crystal has a kind of mind and may understand the intentions of a person. Minerals are something like living beings - they are born, aging and dying. As minerals increase, the minerals accumulate information from the environment and stored in themselves. Also, the natural stones of the talismans can communicate with each other and share information. This was learned about this scholars, and the magicians owned this knowledge to the impact of centuries and used them for their own purposes.

You need to establish a dialogue with stones, and they will perfectly understand the person. Negative stones charged with negative information can bring a misfortune to death. Stories about the old decorations that have disguised their owners are described in historical and literary writings. Some talisman stones possess such powerful energy that they start to manage a person. Therefore, before creating a talisman, it is necessary to free the stone from unnecessary information - to erase his memory.

How to choose your stone?

Before choosing a stone, you should decide on the magic goal that it will embody. Why do you need a talisman - to attract love or strengthening memory? After examining the table matching the magic targets, you can better navigate when choosing.

How to find the stone that will be an assistant and other person? To do this, it is necessary to rely on intuition and listen to the inner voice: a dialogue with a stone is possible only at the level of the inner alone. First of all, the stone must attract your look and cause positive feelings. Look at the mossers of minerals and look for "your" stone - it can stand out among others with some features.

Take the mineral in your hand and consider its surface: it should not be scratches, chips and other defects. The fact is that the impaired structure of the mineral for magical purposes is not suitable. Hold the stone in your hand and try not to think about anything. At this point you will understand, your stone is or not yours. Only after that you can safely pay for the purchase and go home.

Natural stones talismans

Energy of natural minerals

Among hundreds of stones can be found on certain characteristics and properties. Here they are:
  • Jasper It is considered a versatile stone. Jasper gives stability and equilibrium to its owner, radiates powerful positive energy. Home figurines and crafts from Jasper protect the room from evil energies. Caskets from this gem are cleared of negative items that are in them.
  • Amber gives its owner a balance and wisdom. Talisman from amber helps to make faithful solutions in complex and confusing situations.
  • Serpentinit It has the ability to pump up negative energy and create a powerful protective field around the owner. It uses masseuses and signs when taking people.
  • Rhinestone Gives my owner with universal love and attracts fame. This crystal activates the energy of love and surrounds the person with a powerful energy field of admiration and respect.
  • Stone amethyst Can attract well-being and wealth. It is used in monetary magic. Like a crystal, Amethyst attracts fame to his owner.
  • Pink Quartz deservedly called the Love Stone. This mineral excites feelings and creates a powerful field of attraction.
  • Onyx Can save the sense of loneliness and lost. This mineral is able to attract sincere souls to its owner who will give friendship and attention.
  • Ruby Gives success and glory. This bright crystal gives the owner with glory, respect, recognition and honor. Stone easily copes with any obstacles and negative energies. Also, the mineral is able to warn about threatening danger by changing color.
  • Amazonite Release the owner from sadness, longing and despondency. With this stone you will always have a good mood and joy on the soul. If you wish to get rid of stress, the best talisman is not found.
  • Aquamarine Helps the disclosure of extrasensory abilities. Wear a mineral constantly on the body to achieve the desired result.
  • Emerald - Stone long-livers. If your goal is to attract health, take the emerald pendant and wear on the neck.
  • Lapis lazuli It helps in communicating between people, causes a sense of confidence in its owner. If you work in the social sphere or communicate with a large number of visitors, wear a jewelry from Lazurita - you will be trusted.

Stones Talismans - Preparation for the rite

Now there has been a turn of mineral preparation for the creation of a talisman. The first stage of preparation will be cleansing. The easiest and most affordable method of cleaning the stone - flowing water. The perfect cleaning point is a natural source (stream). If there is no possibility to hold the stone in the creek, then turn on the water in the bathroom. How much to keep the mineral in the water? Preferably at least an hour.

If the stone is an opaque structure, it can be cleaned with salt - put the mineral in salt for three days, then rinse. Another option to purify the saline solution. Make a saturated aqueous solution from salt and immerse the mineral on three days, then rinse with running water. Before salt cleaning, read the information about the stone - will the salt water damage him? You can clean the mineral with holy water.

Next, the stone should lie under the sunny rays all day until the evening. Moonlife stones - opal, lunar stone, aquamarine, beryl, pearls, coral - saturate the rays of the moon. After that, hold the mineral in your hand so that it is like your energy. Talk to him and give a name. The main thing is to praise the pebbles and admire His beauty. Stones, like all living beings, are not indifferent to caressing and tenderness. Now your mineral is ready to become an assistant and friend.

Stones talismans do it yourself

Creation of Talisman

There are several ways to charge talisman target. Consider one of them. For the ritual you will need:

  • Church candle;
  • Aromaque with the smell of Ladan or incense.

Apply the mascot stone to the eyes and focus on him, thinking about your goal. At this point, the mineral will record your information, so do not allow extraneous thoughts!

Now put the talisman stone on the left palm and read the prayer handling:

Stones talismans for all occasions - how to choose and charge 1128_4

After that, three times cross the talisman. Now he is ready to work. However, as well as every thing in this world, the mascot can be contaminated, so it must be cleaned periodically.

Methods for cleansing the talisman are as follows:

  • Put the stone into a glass container filled with water, under the rays of the sun for half an hour.
  • Put the mineral into the salt on three days (salt then throw out).
  • Lay the mascot smoke sage or needles.
  • Clean the stone above the church candle - carry it to the right left and left right several times with prayer.

Important! Nobody should see manipulations with the talisman, otherwise the magical ceremony force will disappear.

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