What valuable properties has a unique stone aquamarine


Stone Aquamarine is the representative of the Berylov family, the owner of a gentle blue or transparent color. Thanks to its unusual name, it causes associations with the sea, and not in vain - in the appearance of the mineral reminds the frozen droplet of sea water. Aquamarine has a rich history and to this day does not cease to amaze the huge spectrum of useful healing and magical properties that we will talk about in the article.

Stone Aquamarine Photo.

General Characteristics of Stone Aquamarine

Sea stone with stunning color variations from light blue to green-blue attracts attention to what changes its color in different conditions. Considering the mineral under the tilt, you can admire the spectacular game of his overflows.

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Aquamarine stone called in 1609 by the Belgian scientist Boeation de Boort for the similarity with the marine element.

There is a version that the stone is able to feel the mood of its owner and has a beneficial effect on it.

Magic Properties of Stone Aquamarine

  • The main task that Aquamarine solves on the "Hurray" is the exposure of untrue information. A man who has jewelry with this stone gets the opportunity to discover the true meaning of what is happening. Emotionally mineral opens up what is hidden from most people.
  • The stone directs the thoughts and actions of a person in a positive direction so that they bring good to him and his surround.
  • Aquamarine is also responsible for justice and is a teacher who is able to instruct "on the True path."
  • The mineral controls the work of the Gorl Chakra, will help to cope with the fear of public speeches, it is the ideal version of the talisman for teachers and teachers, as well as all those whose profession is related to performances. Using decorations with aquamarine, you awaken in yourself the gift of eloquence and can calmly express your point of view without excessive aggressiveness.
  • Another positive moment - the stone activates mental activity, speeds up the reaction. In addition, it contributes to the development of creative abilities, helps people in any situations to maintain their own opinion.
  • Impressive properties of Aquamarine change their painting, which are due to different factors. The first reason for the color change is weather conditions, so, the stone darkens in front of the beard, hurricane or storm. The second - mineral is an excellent sensor of the mood of its owner - if there is good weather on the street, and the stone darkened, this means that its owner is now sad and lonely.
  • It is worth abandoning the use of decorations with Aquamarin people who love to lie - he will not help them, but will only harm.
  • Gem has a strong energy, it fills in life forces, motivates to active actions. For this reason, it is not recommended to wear those who are active from nature enough - then the action of the stone will become noticeably weaker.
  • As for the love sphere, here the crystal will help to return the lost love, contributes to reconciliation. Thanks to this gems, partners who have different interests and views on life are faster than the approach to each other, conflict situations occur between them.

Rings with aquamarine are traditionally presented as a symbol of love and loyalty, they help to fulfill love oaths. The love magic of the mineral is so strong that acts even at long distances. In antiquity, even existed a tradition when loved before long parting exchanged decorations with this stone.

Ring with aquamarine

  • In addition to the above mentioned, the mineral stabilizes human emotions. He successfully copes with such negative states as depression and apathy, poor mood, sadness. He will also help his owner (or the hostess) to become more relaxed, eliminating the extra emotions and passions that can cause evil, first of all, to pay from sober thinking and deepening an adequate perception of the situation.
  • Eliminates stone and negative habits (thrust to alcoholic beverages, tobacco and various medical drugs).
  • And the last positive magical property of the crystal - he protects travelers from different misfortunes. Traditionally is a stone talisman for sailors.

Therapeutic properties of Stone Aquamarine, who will suit

  1. The main favorable effect inherent in this mineral is to improve the work of the body's immune system.
  2. Positively affects the stone and on the state of the nervous system, as it has a pleasant soothing effect.
  3. Clean the body from toxins, different harmful substances.
  4. In many ways, therapeutic properties of the gem will depend on what kind of decoration you will wear it and with some of the organs it will be closest to contact. In general, Aquamarine has a positive effect on the work of the thyroid gland (when wearing the coulon, beads or necklaces with it), on the condition of the skin (for this, rings and rings are used), it helps to eliminate headaches, removes fears and phobias, normalizes sleep processes (when Use in the form of seryl).
  5. Seafarers Mineral with a beautiful marine name will save from the seaside disease.
  6. Extremely favorable mineral affects blood circulation, the process of metabolism in the body helps to clean blood.
  7. Also, the stone removes the symptoms of dental pain.
  8. He will help those who suffer from gastrointestinal pathologies, has a sick liver, a gallbladder - Aquamarine will cope with all these ailments.
  9. We must not forget about the positive effect of the mineral on the organs of vision.

More than ancient times, Aquamarine was highly appreciated by people for the presence of his healing and magical properties. It was actively used to cure from various pathologies, as well as to harmonize their lives.

But only a natural stone can help you. There should be no difficulties with this, because the mineral is not popular with those who are engaged in fakes. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the features of the appearance of the product and remember the fact that natural aquamarines cannot have an ideally smooth surface, they necessarily have asymmetric protrusions.

Royal Aquamarine Picture

Who from the signs of the zodiac will suit the mineral

Aquamarine will suit the representatives of almost all zodiac constellations, but on all signs it affects different:

  • Scorpions - harmonizes family relations, with relatives and loved ones.
  • Fish - improves all the good traits of their character, makes them more aware.
  • Aries are shown to wear decorations with the described mineral to understand the true nature of things, become more prudent.
  • And for Aquaev Aquamarine will become the perfect talisman.
  • Sagittarius can do without this stone, but it will still help the most stubborn of them become more good.
  • Scales due to minerals achieve success in life.
  • Capricorn stone improves personal life.
  • Lions will calm their nervous system, will become more balanced.
  • Nature crayfish is not very resolute, so they are shown to wear aquamarine, which will help eliminate this trait of its character.
  • Taurons stone eliminates depressive states.
  • In the twins, gem acts not very favorably - he causes confusion of thoughts and interferes with concentration of attention. Therefore, it will have to abandon him.

Now you know all the properties that Aquamarine has a stone, we also acquainted you with his photo. Finally, it is necessary to view a video about this stone:

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