What amazing properties has a stone amazonite


A stone having a beautiful name "Amazonite" is a volcanic mineral - a type of Kaliyevo Polespot. It enters into a group of lunar stones, and its bright green or rich turquoise color gets due to the presence of lead ions.

Stone amazonite photo

Interesting information about this stone

It may immediately seem that mineral received its name in honor of the river flowing in the southern part of Amazon, but in reality they found it in a completely different part of the world.

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According to the other version, the Amazonite is associated with the famous ancient Warriors - Amazons. How was it really impossible to install now, so it is only going to be lost in guess.

It is noteworthy that in nature there are almost no amazonites, having a uniform green color - as a rule, their surface is littered with small dots and spots of various shades of white.

Healing properties of Amazonita

People since the times of antiquity were convinced that this unique mineral is a real elixir of immortality - allows the elderly to return the lost external attractiveness and ease of movements.

Today, beads, necklaces and necklaces with amazonite use when they want to rejuvenate skin cover: get rid of small wrinkles on it, as well as to give the skin freshness and gorgeous shine.

But besides this, Amazonite has a whole range of useful properties, namely:

  1. Scientists have established that mineral helps protect the human body from harmful radiation techniques. Therefore, it is worth keeping a small piece of pebble next to your fixed computer or microwave oven - then you can no longer worry about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation.
  2. Mineral also has antispasmodic functions. It accelerates the restoration of tissues and normalizes the work of all systems and organs after various accidents, pathologies and operational interventions.
  3. Amazonite balls are used for massage sessions (prevention of vessel pathologies, as well as the appearance of thrombus).
  4. Also, the mineral helps to cope with various nervous disorders that are caused by improper transmission of nerve impulses. Decorations with Amazonite will get rid of their owner from nervous overvoltage, will have a beneficial on the state of the heart muscle.
  5. Amazonite is a real find for the treatment of throat and thyroid disease.
  6. Also, the stone leads to normal the exchange of fats in the body - it helps to break fat deposits (due to the development of more food enzymes). Due to this food completely absorbed.
  7. Thanks to the use of decorations with amazonite in the body, calcium is more actively absorbed. It is for this reason that the stone is shown to apply those people who suffer from different articular pathologies (arthritis, rheumatism, cervical osteochondrosis). He will also strengthen the enamel of teeth, hair and nail plate.
  8. If you have small ulcers or inflammatory phenomena on your body - wipe them with the amazonite crystal, it will contribute to their faster healing.
  9. Mineral has a beneficial effect on the skin: has rejuvenating properties, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
  10. It was scientifically established that Amazonitis successfully eliminates sexual disorders (impotence, frigidity, nymphomania, vaginitis, piralism and other).
  11. Stone will help to calm the restless mind, relieve anger and aggression, excessive irritability, helps to convert negative energy into a positive.
  12. According to the latest scientific research, the powder of this mineral slows down the growth of pathological cells.

Beads from Amazonita

What magic properties has a stone Amazonit, who is suitable

  • The stone is advised to use in cases where they want to see the prophetic dream and increase the sensitivity to the surrounding world.
  • Amazonite gives its owners courage and dedication, the harmonious location of the Spirit. Get rid of anxiety and disbelief in your own strength.
  • It has a calm energy, contributes to the preservation of a positive atmosphere in the dwelling. The use of jewelry with Amazonitis will benefit on the relationship of the pair, and also attract family wealth.
  • The amazonite has a special benefit for aggressive personalities, which are inclined to react to the events taking place in their lives. It will keep off from rash actions, improper reasoning, excess egocentrism and pride.
  • It is impossible to teach about the influence of this gem on the representatives of the fine gender: it helps to discover their unique femininity, fills with kindness and tenderness, causes the maternal instinct. Even touching the mineral of the hand, it is already feeling heat outgoing from him.
  • Amazonite is an excellent natural psychotherapist, it eliminates various mental injuries, experiences (especially related to the love sphere of life).
Girls and women using decorations with this stone attract to their side of a capricious Mrs. Good luck, it is easier to cope with different life difficulties, get opportunities for self-realization. Another mineral will protect against evil eye and contributes to an increase in your charming and beauty.

Amazonite and zodiac signs

In general, jewelry with inserts with Amazonite can be put on representatives of any zodiacal constellation. Strong energy of the stone will help in any life situation.

But most of all the action of the mineral will manifest itself in twins, scales and aquatic. With it, they will be able to achieve championship in any endeavors, successfully cope with any obstacles to their path, will find assistants both in this and in parallel (subtle) worlds.

Also, Amazonite is well suited for representatives of the sign of the zodiac Taurus. But Sagittarius, using decorations from gem, will suffer from attacks of non-controlled laziness.

Amazonita bracelet

Wearing gem, you can immerse yourself in the depths of your subconscious, remove from there information about your real purpose, I will understand why you live in the world, and it is possible that you can even foresee the events of the future.

Amazonitis energy is so powerful, which is suitable not to all people. The stone will only help those who have solid life beliefs and is able to achieve their goals.

But it is important to treat the mineral to the proper. Therefore, before buying, it is worth examining the rules for the care and wearing of amazonite. After all, if you cannot establish a connection with a stone, it will show all his negative qualities and will not help you.

Today, Amazonite is an acceptable semi-precious stone that attracts both external unusualness and internal properties.

To understand, this mineral suits you or not, you should hold a piece of gems for some time in your hands, trying to tune in with him one wave. If you come out, you can count on reliable support in different life moments. Otherwise, it is better to stop your choice on some other representative of the jewelry world.

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