Amulet - what it is, protective power of the subject, magical abilities


Amulet is a decoration with defined properties. It is made, relying on the traditions and features of culture. He can have protective qualities, involve a success, happiness and well-being in man.

Amulet - What is it?

Amulet is synonymous with overag. This is an item endowed with magical properties. He is designed to give his owner happiness and save from all sorts of life awry.


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Most often, the amulet is worn on the body as a decoration. But it can be placed in a car or apartment. In antiquity, amules were protected even cattle.

Some historical facts:

  1. The history of the emergence of amulets began in primitive times. Then the inhabitants of the tribe decorated themselves with the bones and teeth of the killed animals. It was believed that the owner of the amulet admirates the power of the defeated enemy.
  2. In alternative medicine, amulets are used to protect against the evil eye, attracting love, strengthening the reproductive abilities of the body.
  3. In various religions there are characteristic amulets.
  4. In the Stone Age, semi-precious stones, shells, pearls, amber and rhinestone were used as amulets.
  5. The followers of Muslim obstacles as amulets use special leather bags, in which paper is sewn with Sur Koran records or other magical signs.

Materials for making amulets can be the most different. One thing unites them - they are the passive protection of their owner from a variety of life peripetias.

Church attitude to amulets

In Orthodox culture, people use amulets, but the church refers to them extremely negative. It is believed that the magic concluded in the "charged" energy item is the uzami human soul.

The opinion of the Church is: if a Christian wears amulets, it needs to be overcome from the church. A truly believer will hope only for the power of God, but will not turn to magic.


Especially critical Church refers to the talismans that put on babies. It is believed that only the consecrated cross can be protected by children from all bad.

The Christian Church considers protective magic by the type of occultism. This means that amulets are subjects directly related to unclean power.

Wearing charms or not - everyone's personal matter. Not all people are sincerely believers, so they can afford to use amulets.

Talisman and amulet - what is the difference

Talismans and amulets are very similar in their properties, but there are differences that help to understand the difference between these magical artifacts.

Types of amulets

They are as follows:

  • If the amulet is an actively active magical instrument, the talisman acts more passively, fencing a person from negative.
  • The amulet must be kept to keep with him and wear on the body. Talismans and wanings to wear constantly not necessarily.

The rest of the property is practically similar.

Amulets: features and types

Amulets may look completely different:
  • Decorate with magical symbols and patterns that are applied to household items and dishes.
  • Look like bags with herbs that wear or hang over the door leading to the main place at home.
  • Charged energetically brooms that are used for cleaning. Called to attract well-being and financial wealth.
  • Antiques are precious relics that are transmitted from ancestors to descendants from generation to generation.
  • Any other products that a person buys or makes independently by using infringement means.

How to choose an amulet correctly?

In order for the magic talisman to have the desired action, it is important to know some features and guided by them when choosing an amulet. If you choose it incorrectly, instead of use you can apply tremendous harm.

The incorrectly chosen symbol can negatively affect the human life, attract failures and adversity.

Here are some rules and recommendations that should be held:

  • Decide with the appointment of amulet. What purpose you are haunting: attract wealth or love, protect against the evil eye and negative, strengthen the health and become attractive to the opposite sex. If there is no specific purpose, use magic items with a universal action.
  • Come up with how your amulet will look like. It is necessary to listen to your own soul - what object to wear with you will be as comfortable as possible.
  • Activate the finished amulet with special conspiracies or prayers. If this is not done, the talisman will be "empty" and will not help you.

Watch video about amulets, their application and value:

The traditional classification of amulets is as follows:

  1. These may be objects that are historically endowed with the "magical" properties. For example, horseshoe, four-leaf clover, rabbit foot and others.
  2. Talismans separated by the degree of zodiac compatibility. Most often it is minerals and precious stones. For example, Charoit fits the scales, heliodor - lions and fish. Consult with a competent astrologer on this issue.
  3. Figures depicting animals. Each of these figures is endowed with its specific properties. For example, a white elephant attracts love, a horse figurine carries family well-being and so on.

Make an individual amulet whose properties will be perfectly fit your personality, you can independently. In this case, you will have to take into account the set of nuances: choose the appropriate material, adjust the moon phases, even make a talisman in the right place.

Self-made amulet will be particularly strong, because it lies the particle of your soul, personal energy. Do not forget to activate the talisman after its manufacture.

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