Stone Charoit - Magic and Medical Properties of Stone


Stone Charoit, whose properties are enveloped by a smoke legend - a unique and rare mineral. It is incredibly good - decorations with a charoit look amazingly effectively. It is valued for the magic properties that we will talk about below.

Magic properties Charoite

Stone Charoit Properties

The mineral is endowed with the following qualities, thanks to which it represents a special value for everyone who plunged into the world of magical esoteric:

  • The purple color of the mineral is the personification of wisdom, the harmony of spirituality. Accordingly, by these qualities, he gives his owner.
  • Charoit is the perfect option for lovers to spiltily, live quietly and measured. It repeatedly strengthens the awareness of a person, develops a tendency to be prudent and weighing every decision. "Teaches" to abstract from emotions and think head, not a heart.
  • This is an excellent charm for everyone who wants to protect against all sorts of negative energy coming from the outside. A person who carries an amulet with a charoit, is not terrible energy vampires and other "toxic" people.
  • Develops from its owner the ability to see the situation as it is, it helps not to feed illusions, but soberly assess any event that happens in your life. It helps to feel the unity of all things, understand its role and meaning in life, even find a vocation.
  • Develops such qualities as restraint and tranquility, the ability does not speak and do not do too much. It can teach to unsubscribe every word that is known, not a sparrow.
  • Developing intuition and helps to listen to sensations and needs of their own soul. This is a great assistant in self-development and spiritual development.
  • Charoit is a mineral that patronizes in love. Helps to feel all the charm of love relationships and achieve harmony in them. The keeper of the family focus: helps spouses not only to preserve, but also multiplying their feelings repeatedly, incites passion, teaches mutual understanding and search for compromise solutions in conflict situations.
  • "Kills" loneliness. A person who is constantly wearing decorations from Charoite will never remain alone. He necessarily meets the second half, a man with which will build deep, sincere, very harmonious and trepidative relations.
  • Gives a sense of self-confidence, it helps to overcome any difficulties arising in the life path.
  • Patronizing people creative, develops and multiplies talent, helps to be realized in his favorite business (if it is a creative sphere). Charoit decorations are the perfect option for people from the world of art.

It is equally good for people with any zodiac sign, but especially expressing its magical properties regarding weights. Located under the auspices of Venus.

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Charoit magic properties

Charoit was discovered relatively recently, therefore studied is still slightly. But his story is already associated with several cognitive and very curious facts:

  • The discoverer of the Charo-Field Department of Yuri Rogov, being in an overseas business trip, visited the Museum of Minerals of the Louvre. He showed the Museum to workers Charoit and asked to determine what the stone holds in his hands. Despite the fact that the museum was positioning himself as the owner of the full collection of all minerals, ever produced in the depths of our planet, there was no charoit in it.
  • Employees of the Mineralogical Museum of the Louvre offered a fabulous money for a sample of Charoite for their collection, but the horns refused.
  • The Roman Pope John Paul's second took care of buying a slate from Charoit for his sarcophagus.
  • In handling Charoit, you need to be very neat - it is quite fragile and may not withstand the impact or fall. But but the stone is allowed to wash in warm water if the decoration was stained.
  • It is mined only in Russia - nowhere else on the planet there are no deposits of this purple miracle. Sources are located in the Valley of the Chara River. This place is located at the intersection of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, in the area of ​​the Baikal Amur Highway.
  • The Charoite Deposit is irreplaceable, so every year, decorations with purple stone grow in price. Buying can be an excellent investment and profitable inheritance for your descendants.

Watch the video about the stone Charoit and its properties:

Therapeutic properties of purple stone

The people are believed that Charoit has both healing properties. For example:

  • Soothing acts on the nervous system. Thanks to its purple color, it gives peace of mind, relaxes and pacifies.
  • Relaxing the whole organism as a whole. Due to the effects of Charoite on a psycho-emotional state, you can learn to live without stress and treat life with a thinness of impassive indifference.
  • Removes the voltage from the nervous system. Therefore, it is good enough as an amulet for people living in constant stress engaged in hard mental work, those who have to quickly adapt to changing the circumstances of life.
  • Thanks to these properties, Charoit has established itself in folk sign as a means of treating diseases of the central nervous system.
  • It is believed that the stone has and ability to take pain. He was applied to the body of the body, which was sick, and the stone as if pulled out painful pain, giving a sick relief.
  • It also charita well affects such internal organs, like liver, kidneys, pancreas, heart. Normalizes pressure, favorably affects the male potency and the female reproductive system. Accelerates healing wounds, fractures, bruises.


Cleansing, soothing, the normalization of psycho-emotional state is the main qualities of the Charoite, for which it is especially appreciated in the world of esoteric.

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