Funny dolls do it yourself - Step-by-step instructions


Puppet magic has ancient roots, traditions for the manufacture of coated dolls reached us from the depths of centuries. In the old days, the overlap dolls were a carrier of magic, not toys to comfort children. Each woman knew how to make a special charm for a certain magical purpose. Consider which dolls did our ancestors and by what rules.

Funny dolls do it yourself - Step-by-step instructions 1142_1

Variety of dolls in the Slavic tradition

The dolls were designed to protect the dwellings and households from the negative energies that were in space. In the old days, the whole life was impregnated with magic, and people believed that protection against negative forces could save from trouble and attracted happiness. For these purposes, the following dolls were used:

  • Latchy dolls: Designed to lure the evil forces from the house;
  • Kubashka-herbalis: Designed to protect against diseases;
  • Decade doll: helped women in work;
  • Breeding doll: cared for incubation in the family;
  • Walked "Bird of Happiness": passed into the house only positive energies;
  • Doll "God's OKO": faithful from the evil intentions of other people's people;
  • Doll-twist: protected from evil spirits;
  • Other dolls.

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One doll - to attract happiness, the second - for the overall of health.

Funny dolls do it yourself - Step-by-step instructions 1142_2

Doll spin

The spin helps to get rid of evil spirits and attracts the energy of happiness and joy in the house. These dolls are mastered from pieces of fabric without scissors and needles, they have no face.

How is the doll flies with their own hands from the fabric? For this, large pieces of fabric pumped up with hands or even teeth. It was believed that it was unacceptable to cut the material with scissors - wubble would lose force.

For the manufacture of the twist should be prepared:

  • Fabric flaps;
  • Threads.

Fabric flap for creating a torso need to tightly twisted the roller. So that the edges do not appear, they are peeling inside. For the seal, you can roll wool in the roller.

Then the roller is wrapped in a thread in the middle and at the top - it is necessary to mark the waist and neck.

Now handles should be made. To do this, we take a square flap of fabric and bend on the diagonal - it turns out a triangle.

The triangle wear on top of the body and rewind in the neck. Free ends rewind the threads - we get palms. So that the material does not face, the edges are separated inside.

The free edges of the triangle are watched by a thread around the waist - fix. The basis is ready. Now the pupa needs to be adjusted in the sundress.

For sundress you need to take two strips of narrow tissue and one rectangular. Narrow strips are placed cross-shaped over the shoulders and fix the thread on the waist.

Now we take rectangular flap and turn in half, inside the thread. Loskutov tie to the waist and distribute the fabric evenly - the skirt will turn out.

It remains to tie a slash on the head, and on the waist - the belt. The outfit is ready. Someone puts on a doll Apron - this is at will.

Funny dolls do it yourself - Step-by-step instructions 1142_3

Cube herbal

This doll protects against disease, medicinal herbs are stored inside it. Usually, the cube hung over the cradle of a baby or above the bed of a sick person. The herbs were harvested in advance and dried according to the rules. In our time, the grass can be bought at the pharmacy.

Herbs for Cube:

  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • Yarrow;
  • peppermint;
  • Coniferous needles.

The composition of herbs can be different, which corresponds to a human disease. The cube was taken into hand, miles - and the aroma of herbs spread around the room. A year later, or two grass in the doll was changed, as she lured her therapeutic properties.

The doll consists of six nodules filled with herbs and tied to each other:

  • one big - for the body;
  • a little less - for the head;
  • Two were tied to handles;
  • Two were on the site of the breasts.

Loskutka was taken from the patient's clothing, which was impregnated with human energy.

Note! The number of turns of the threads should correspond to an even number - this is important.

Cube manufacturing process:

  • We make the foundation for the doll - roll the roller from the natural fabric of light color.
  • We tighten the roller with threads in the center (waist) and at the top (head).
  • Now you need to make two breasts from small loskuts filled with cotton, they are tied separately to the body.
  • We take a small flap of fabric and tie two nodes - these are horns. Loskut tie the alleged doll forehead.
  • We put on the head of the doll to the kink and hide under it nodules-horns.
  • Now you need to form a nodule for hands, filled with herbs from square pillars. To do this, put the grass to the center of the square and dragging the thread - the knots are attached to the handles.

Creating the basics of herbs for the overaf doll with their own hands - an important point. We take a large square of colored cloth and have a grass in the center. The edges of the fabric sweep and collect in the bag. Insert a torso in the center of the bag and fix threads.

We got a doll in Sundar. From above you can bind the apron. The belt for the Apron crosses the back, and the front is nevertheless.

Adding the name

After making the overag doll, you need to assign a name to it. This rite is easy to perform - put a doll in the table of the table and tell me 9 times: "Nackage you (name)." After that, you can read the corresponding doll goals plot.

To the doll came to know, you need to talk to her, meditate on it. Often the doll brings gifts, such as bread or sugar. Thus, a spiritual connection will be established with the doll, and it will bring maximum benefit. Otherwise, the doll will be just a souvenir.

If the doll was made for healing from the disease, after recovering the patient, it must be burned (betraying the fire).


Question. If I do a cube fabulous for health, you also need to burn it?

Answer. When the herbs stop exhausting the aroma when the doll compresses, it is necessary to either burn or burst into the ground. He served his own, collected negative energy. Store such a doll in the house is dangerous.

Question. And the twist doll also burn?

Answer. Necessarily. The charm collected negative energy, so it is impossible to leave a doll in the house. When you burn the doll, thank your words for your help.

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