Whether overweight and its meaning


Hardeane-grass in antiquity called river guys with white or yellow flowers. He pregnant to the grass was taken to the road to protect against trouble, healed diseases, with the help of her a love spell. However, the main symbolic load of the pita is charm and protection. Consider the value of the overall of the lenti-grass. In addition to the dried parts of the plant, the graphic image of the overawe is used in magic.

Whether overweight and its meaning 1152_1

Value and symbolism of degenera-grass

The overag symbol refers to the solar group and concludes the powerful energy of the sun, the double sign of the fiery element. The value of the solar symbol is to get rid of negative energies and filling creative energies that attract success and well-being.

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Externally, the graphic symbol resembles Slavic Kolovrat, on the basis of which he was created. Kolovrat is a solar symbol that is carrying the enormous potential of solar energy. but The strength of the ease of herbs is enclosed in a double kovolyrat, which significantly increases its power.

Double Kolovrat portrayed on household items, clothes and weapons. It was believed that the lentra-grass protects well from the unclean, eliminates the enemies and saves health. However, this symbol can be applied only in exceptional cases:

  • with a strong disease;
  • To destroy damage;
  • to overcome enemies;
  • For preservation on the way.

For permanent use, the artifact is not suitable: it contains the enormous potential of energy. Hardeane-grass was put in the cradle of a newborn to protect against unkind views, admiration and night attack of unclean spirits.

Whether overweight and its meaning 1152_2


How to apply artifact? Hardweight Therava charm can be made of various natural materials:
  • skin;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • Stone.

In jewelry shops and esoteric stores, you can purchase a pendant charm from gold. Since the charm carries the potential of solar energy, gold is considered the most suitable manufacturing material. However, the symbol manifests itself well in simple embroidery, and shown on a wooden bang.

Children can give toys on which the sign is depicted or embroidered . Sometimes the grave is embroidered on rag amules and carry with them to protect. Embroidery made red threads without knots, that is, in the process of work it is unacceptable to bind one end of the thread with another.

If the charm was used to heal from the ailment, after recovery, it was betrayed fire. You can not store a spent symbol, it can attract trouble. The same applies to both faiths against enemies and road faiths: after use they are burned.

If the character was embroidered on the patient's clothes, then after healing it must be burned . This belief is due to the fact that along with then clothes absorbs and the disease. Therefore, do not regret things, but simply burn it after recovery with gratitude.

The exception is the symbolism on the dishes. Such kitchen utensils are used to protect against food poisoning, stomach disorders and magical casses. Also, the artifact was used for courage per minute danger. but The permanent wearing of the artifact was considered inappropriate: it attracts excessive attention to the otherworldly forces.

How to charge artifact? To do this, it is necessary to put the product under the rays of the Sun for the whole day, at sunset the guard must be removed. The purchased charm must be pre-cleaned under the current water (ideally - in the natural source), and then charge the sunshine under the right rays. This procedure should be done from time to time to activate the force of the artifact.

Male and female charm

In the magic of the ancient Slavs, steam symbols are often found - male and female. How to distinguish them? If you mentally divide the drawing with a longitudinal feature, then in the men's lengthening line have the direction to the right. In the female faith - left. The male essay of the grass is a fern flower symbol.

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In the embroidery, the distinction of the fabrics can be determined by the accompanying patterns: women's characters are surrounded by flowers, men - acorns. Also matters the age of the media of the artifact:

  • Girls embroidered roses buds, women - blossomed flowers;
  • The boys embroidered the bumps of hops, men.

Remember the important rule: the charm has the power if it was made specifically for another person. For yourself, it is impossible to make it possible.

If you embroider the coated symbols, you need to follow the rules:

  • Materials must be natural - flax, cotton;
  • Threads to associate nodes are unacceptable;
  • In the involment, the pattern should be smooth, without loops;
  • The color of the threads must be associated with the goal;
  • Embroidery charm is needed with sincere equilibrium, thinking about the goal.

Complex embroidery may take several days of work, so the product must be folded along with threads and stored in a protected place so that the material is not filled with negative energy.

During operation, it is necessary to constantly think about the person for whom it is created . It is necessary to keep the image in the head and pronounce the words of protection or wishes. This is how the artifact will be able to fill the power of intention. You can not think about the bad, allow negative images.

Operwege Application Tips

How to use an ancient artifact in modern conditions? Rules simple:

  • To protect a schoolboy from aggression, you can embroider with a purple or blue image on clothes details;
  • To protect against poisoning, draw signs on the dishes of waterproof paint;
  • kids of kindergartens embroider the symbol on the mittens or blouse;
  • To protect the far path, you can make a suspension or keychain with a symbol;
  • To protect against negativity, mastered the charm in red tones;
  • For healing from the disease embroidered a green symbol.

Embroidery or suspension of fern symbols and pita can protect newlyweds during a wedding. After the wedding artifact was placed under the mattress of spouses. Such an overlap can manufacture the mother of the groom or the bride.

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