Stone-Talisman for Women Taurus - how to find your mineral?


Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac have their own talismans. The choice of mineral that will continue to perform the functions of the amulet depends not only on the zodiacal features of the owner, but also from the sexual belonging. A stone-talisman for a woman, for example, must comply with the nature of his hostess and at the same time not to damage her karma.

Stone Talisman for Women Taurus

Characteristic Taurus

Taurus is a sign of the zodiac, known for his striking perseverance and stubbornness. People born under this sign are accustomed to at all costs to go across and prove their truth around. They love stability in everything and prefer to solve emerging problems consistently and methodically.

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Not devoid of perseverance and focus and female Taurus. But it does not prevent her from possessing peace-loving temper, calm and slowness. At the same time, some secrecy and pragmatism are dominated in the nature of these stubborn groups. The female Taurus is distinguished by special scrupulousness in the work and prefers everything to perform strictly according to the instructions.

Baryshne, born under the sign of Taurus, also not alien romance and sentimentality. She is a sensual nature, but there is some caution in love, reveals to his partner gradually.

These ladies love comfort and chic, so any choice is suitable with special care. The same applies to the talismans.

Right stone - what is he?

The strongest talismans become the stones gained inheritance or as a gift. Minerals acquired for their money, the overag function is beginning to perform only in a few years. And gems stolen nothing but negative energy are not carried.

So what kind of stone talisman for a woman is best suited, how to choose it, what are the parameters to rely on? Answering this question will help one simple recommendation: Taurus - Spring Sign, and its representatives like spring colors. Therefore, the talisman stones should be juicy and at the same time gentle spring shades: blue sky, white clouds, young greens.

People born under the constellation of the Taurus are endowed with the nature of the high energy potential (and women including). Therefore, as a talismans, it is better to choose minerals active and at the same time not too aggressive. Their main task should be the direction of congenital energy of its owner in the right direction.

Choose by date of birth

The best solution is to choose a stone talisman for a charming woman, leaning on her period of birth. In total, it is possible to distinguish 3 such periods:
  1. Women Tales, born on April 21 - May 1.
  2. Women-Taurus, born on May 2nd - 11th.
  3. Women-Tales, born on May 12 - 20.

Each group will fit their amulets stones.

First decade (April 21 - May 1)

Female Taurus First Decade

Women-Taurus, which emerged in the period from April 21 to May 1, are under the control of the Mercury planet. Their distinctive features are equilibrium, amazing luck, generosity, love for pleasant surprises. The best stones talismans for these young lady and ladies are:

  • Avenue - a stone that brings his owner of prosperity and protecting it from various unpleasant situations. Mineral also enhances the leadership qualities of their mistress. It helps to activate positive energy, himself highlights it. Attracts luck and good luck.
  • Agat - protects its owner from the impact of dark forces, from the evil eye. Soothes and softens her temper, attaches confidence in their abilities. Eliminates malice and irritability. Strengthens health. Contributes to establishing peace, Lada and harmony in its family.
  • Amazonite is a soothing, relieving alarm and causing a good mood stone. Contributes to the family life of his hostess harmony. It is recommended for single female tanks, as it gives the energy needed to create a family, attracts well-being in the house, peace, gives a sense of security.
  • Amethyst - Talisman, helping its owner to relax, achieve peace and peace, take their emotions under control. Protects against alcoholism.
  • Turquoise - It is recommended to choose the mineral "old". This is a stone-talisman, which will help strengthen intuition, will give prosperity and well-being. Attracts love, strengthens family relationships, contributes to the family of PLA and happiness.
  • The bullish eye helps to cope with various diseases and dependencies, protects against them. Awakens the gift of clairvoyance. Recommended for women's active and active women. Will bring harm to her hostess if she is prone to laziness.
  • Quartz - activates mental activity, develops imagination. Attracts financial well-being. Treats the organs of the respiratory system.
  • Cherdelik is a stone that brings good luck in love, and also attracts money and glory. Attracts the attention of men, eliminates too obsessive workers. Protects its owner from change.
  • Tiger eye - empowers his mistress by turning. Raises patience, concentration. Intensifying decisiveness and activity.
  • Bloody Jasper is a powerful stone-talisman that protects a woman from any negative impact, including emanating from evil forces (damage, evil eye). Gives happiness and well-being.

The second decade (May 2 - 11)

Women-Taurus, born in the period from 2 to 11 May, are under the control of the moon. These are business and practical ladies who are absolutely alien to romanticism. The key goal of their life is to build a career. At the same time, these individuals are distinguished by some indecision.

Female Taurus for the second decade

The best stones talismans for representatives of this period are:

  • Jadeitis - walked from misfortunes and failures. Moves his mistress with the mind, wisdom and resistance. Makes her more modest and merciful, brave and fair.
  • Malachite is a stone with healing abilities. Improves mood, protects against depression. Gives harmony and executes intimate desires. Attracts wealth. It is recommended to wear it framed in silver so that the talisman could protect his owner from the envy of others.
  • Onyx - Mineral, able to calm her hostess, strengthen her body. Helps find a life destination, gives a good mood, strengthens the positive qualities of the owner.
  • Opal is an amulet that protects from the influence of dark witchcraft forces. It protects against failures and accidents, from unclean on the hand of people and diseases. Developing talents.
  • Chalcedony is a stone that has a strong energy of love, happiness and joy. Attracts Men's attention to its owner, sometimes even too active and obsessive. Makes the atmosphere in the family joyful and happy.
  • Chrysoprase - Talisman, protecting against danger and malice. The stone of friendship - helps make friends with decent people. Gives her hostess luck.

Third decade (May 12 - 20)

Women Tales, whose date came to the Third Decade (October 12-20), the people around people seem funny, perky, non-dull and filled optimism. In fact, this is a kind of mask under which the pessimistic and noncommunicable nature is hidden.

Female Taurus Third Decade

Third-decades are suitable for women-talismans:

  • Aquamarine - sends the energy of the owner in the right direction, helps her learn to distinguish any deception, the secret meaning of things. It has therapeutic properties: strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body from toxins and slags.
  • Diamond (diamond) - makes the mistress happy, attracts material well-being in her life. Makes it with more resolute and hard. Heals from mental diseases, eliminates depression. Protects from any evil. It is recommended to women-tolets for constant wearing.
  • Beryl - stands on the guard of financial well-being of their owner. Protects against any diseases, gives the body vitality and tone, increases its potential. Recommended for women-tanks aged.
  • Pomegranate - incite the passion, returns fastened feelings. Fits women-toe creative professions.
  • Emerald - cuts out with severe life circumstances, gives strength and patience. Attracts well-being.
  • Ruby - raises purely male qualities in her hostess: courage, fearlessness, courage and power. It is recommended for wearing those shoulders whose activity is related to danger and risk.
  • Sapphire - Strengthens the marriage bonds, protects against lies. Personifies the virgin purity, chastity and constancy.
  • Topaz protects against cunning, lies and intrigues. Helps lead the subordinates, find true solutions. Putting focus. Recommended for women-carts employed in the field of business.
  • Tourmaline - gives the hostess confidence in his abilities, eliminates indecision. Raises durability and endurance. It has rejuvenating properties.

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Unwanted stones

There are stones talismans, which are extremely recommended to wear women born under the sign of Taurus. Usually these are minerals that are attributed to strong energy. According to the opinion of astrologers, the woman is not suitable:

  • amber;

Amber - Unwanted Stone Talisman for Women Taurus

  • obsidian;
  • heliotrope;
  • pyrite.

A very ambiguous relationship of specialists was honored with ruby, amethyst, mountain crystal, pearls, coral, zircon, jade and yellow topaz. Some believe that the taurus woman should be careful with these minerals, although in some sources these stones (ruby and amethyst, for example) are attributed to the talismans permissible for this person.

In any case, choosing a stone-talisman for himself, the female Taurus should listen to the inner sensations. If the mineral taken in the hands causes a tide of heat, then he may well become a faith, and if the feeling of anxiety, it is better to refuse such a gem.

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