Imperial amulet for good luck and wealth


Imperial amulet sincecore brought success and material well-being to its owners . This is not some kind of fiction or legend. If The imperial amulet is located on a person, he will never be poor . His debts run out, and the true time of luck comes, which brings it absolutely carefree life. Amulet is done under a certain person.

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History amuleta

Another 1689 in the Trinity-Sergius Church, a rather young king of Peter prayed a lot, fear of various shooting speeches and evil from the sophistic sister sister. Dyacon Church, after seeing his torment, made him from the imperial coin amulet And the whole night prayed. And here in the morning he presented this amulet with such a speech to the young king: "From this very day you will become invincible, the success will go with you next, and the wealth will not leave! May God be with you! " And Tsarevna Sophia and her minions soon lost, and Peter I became the greatest king in the history of Russia, as well as the first emperor.

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Since then, the Dynasty of Romanovs bloomed, its rule lasted until 1917. And the very amulet was delivered to every new emperor of the dynasty due to the fact that faith in his healing force passed from generation to generation . It was made traditionally in the Trinity Sergiev Monastery from Imperial Coins. And the family of the kings gave the monastery, who over time called Lavra, various lands and gifts.

After revolutionary processes, the priests of Trinity Sergiye Lavra managed to escape abroad. The Bolsheviks mocked the shrines of the monastery, and the secret of amulet, as everyone believed, lost forever. But after some time, Lavra came to life, and now the inhabitants of Russia from all parts of the state go out to bow to her shrines. And the secret of this amazing amulet is stored and to the present.

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Amulet, based on a special ritual, is made for a specific person and his name. The ritual himself is based on the power of prayers and human ancestors. The basis from which such a talisman is being done is Imperial coin . These are the objects of the royal time of the most different nominal nominal, which was minted from the times of Peter I until 1916. Such objects are obtained from old donations of the ancient churches. Coins on the type of mining are very clean. The ritual itself is carried out at dawn and does not in himself.

Imperial amulet action

If such an amulet is made correctly, it will definitely be attracted to his own owner only the most positive energies and money flows that had previously passed by him. This is also told about the warm reviews of those people who already use such a stunning thing. It helps:

  • get a new interesting job;
  • climb the career stairs;
  • succeed in business;
  • establish financial life;
  • Return debts.


For the rightful and high-quality work of the amulet, some must observe Rules of appeal with him:

  1. Amulet is a very personal thing because It is forbidden to give anyone. And it is better to hide at all as far as possible from other people's eyes.
  2. These things You can not give or give someone - They will lose their properties. A special case is only those things that were handed over inheritance, although even they need some processing when changing their owner.
  3. Refer to the amulet need very carefully and honorable . Store in those places where it is always clean and beautiful. Be sure to believe in his amazing properties.
  4. Such an assistant often Requires recharging . Therefore, at least once a week, it should be taken out and talking to it, filling its own energy.
  5. To him should also contact both the most important moments of life. , during the adoption of the main decisions, and in the moments of complete happiness and joy.
  6. The best option is to wear an amulet on the neck.

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It is possible to make such an amulet and personally, but at the same time remember some important points:

  • To create a talisman, choose a special day. If the main goal is to attract money, then the optimal day will be the environment. If a person wishes success in his career, the best time is Sunday.
  • It should be created a very warm atmosphere, which will appear such a charm. It is necessary to light the candles, turn on the peaceful music. Clean mentally from all troubles and think about the good thing that a person wants to get from this subject. You can not be distracted by other affairs, you need to close your eyes and see bright pictures of your happiness.
  • If the coin is rushing on the neck, then it needs to make a small hole. However, it is possible to avoid this. The coin can be tied up with a thread of red or put in a small pouch.
  • In full moon at night, the coin must be placed on a piece of red cloth on the windowsill under the bright light of the moon. And from the bottom of my heart, ask the universe (or God) of everything that a person wants the most.
  • After you should wrap the amulet into this tissue and put it under the pillow. So the energy of the owner and the subject will be able to unite.
  • It is impossible to tell about the Amulte a stranger, somehow praising his forces. Envy can destroy such energy.
  • In the process of creating an amulet, a part of a person's vitality will go to the amulet. But it can be filled soon. To do this, taste a piece of bitter chocolate or strong tea, stroll through the air or to do something very kind for yourself.

But best of all Trying such an important thing to make an amulet specially trained person. Create a truly strong amulet can only man with a very clean and strong faith. The main thing, believing in the amazing power of the imperial amulet - and then the person will never need, and his life will only go for the better.

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