Red thread from the evil eye - how to tie and where to buy?


Probably, a very large number of modern people fears the evil eye. And a much larger quantity in it simply do not believe, as in other mystical phenomena. But those person who believe, try not only to be as far as possible from all strange personalities, but also to take themselves from negative energy.

Red thread from the evil eye - how to tie and where to buy? 1182_1

The highest quality and proven way to protect against damage and evil eye is a red thread. It is believed that it is a thread of red wool easier and faster will help a person to return the natural blood circulation. About the process of the evil eye, people spoke long. Another great Plato and Aristotle argued about this concept, they wrote about him in the Bible.

It should be noted that damage and evil eye may be feared all people : Any age and gender, a different material situation. Not even the kings and the queen were very afraid to be damned. After all, negative energy does not bypass even blue blood.

Since the most ancient times, people are trying to protect against bad influence. The navalmen designated special eyes on the noses, which could take damage. Many peoples still believe that this thickening of negative energy not only strongly affects human life, but can significantly change it, making its own characteristics that are almost always very negative and sad. The fact is that this kind of bad energy can hold back the personality from what was marked by her fate.

Why red?

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For what reason People prefer to worry It is with a thread of red . There is simply no single version for this regard. Each nationality has its own legend, which explains in detail, for what reason the rope of this color should be tied to protect against damage and the evil eye.

  1. From Slavs There was a legend about the goddess of Swan, who trained ordinary people to tie a red thread from wool on a wool so that the disease would not fall into their home. Even in modern times, it is thus trying to stop strong epidemics. Modern city inhabitants who are not as susceptible to such beliefs, they can still obey the thread on the hand in order to get rid of the cold or negative influence.
  2. In the most vintage chronicles It is mentioned that the woolen thread of wool absorbs the animal power and the energy of the sun, which stains the thread in the shade of fire. The Sun is health and life, which means that the thread.
  3. Gypsy Also had their own legend about this. Based on the legend, the Holy Sarah is a Gypsy woman who managed to protect from the enemies of the apostles themselves. For such an act, she was rewarded with the gift of foresight and then selected the Gypsy Baron. The woman took out of her own shawl of the thread of red, cut her and tied to the wrists of everyone who claimed this title. One guy, Joseph, such a thread suddenly began to strive to sparkle, as if the sun rays were held through it. So the choice was made. It is since that time that this nation remained faith in the fact that all applicants for important title should knit hands with such threads.

Red thread from the evil eye - how to tie and where to buy? 1182_2

Buy or do it yourself?

  • The strongest and workers Red threads on the wrist from Jerusalem. They possess the energy of the Holy Land. You can buy a red thread from the evil eye for the symbolic price on this site.
  • Currently, the red thread is most often located On the left hand In adults and children. Not everyone knows that it is used in the form of protection. Such a thread helps to get rid of the envy and evil of other people, as well as expel this kind of feelings from themselves.
  • Charm must be done From wool. Red shade is a danger. I told such a thread on my hand, a person puts protection against danger in any form.
  • Left hand - This is the side of the body and the soul, which is responsible for receiving. Wearing thread on this hand, people make an important connection with the energy of protection that exists in space.
  • Binding red string also need to be able to. For this you will need exactly 7 knots, while the owner of the thread does not need to do it alone. Ritual on tying should be carried out by the most native person. In the process of tying, you need to read a special prayer of Ana Bekoa. Thanks to 7 nodes It is possible to fix the strongest energy, which intercepts the negative of ill-wishers.

Rules of wearing Oberega

Red thread from the evil eye - how to tie and where to buy? 1182_3

  1. As soon as a man on his wrist was tied up with a red thread from the evil eye, he should be promised to himself that now not only he would protect the thread, but he will be refrained from every evil in his life.
  2. According to legends after the thread turned out to be wrapped around the tomb of the biblical instrument, it is overwhelmed with Rachel's special force. It was after this that the great thread was cut into pieces, and carry it on their wrists.
  3. Negative behavior of the owner of the thread will be bad to affect the working properties Oberega. Thread gets energy from good deeds, purity in heart and thoughts.
  4. I want to once again emphasize the fact that the thread knit on the left hand, since through this side and there is a negative. The left hand has long been responsible for the desire of a person to take, and the right - for the desire to give . According to such a scheme, good comes to a person on the right side, and evil - with the left.
  5. Each new thread node symbolizes a specific spiritual stage. which overwhelms reality. It makes no sense to knit the usual lace on the hand. The best option for the acquisition of such a guard is to seek help from a special person - Kabbalist. The strongest are those threads that are made in Jerusalem.
  6. Putting on his wrist this amulet, a person gives a promise to himself and God, which will lead a kind and pure lifestyle, With positive thoughts and good deeds.

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