Spiridon Solvice: how to make a doll with your own hands


Cowing dolls - the main feature of the pagan beliefs. Our ancestors endowed dolls with certain features of character, each of these dolls carried its mission and helped in any one sphere of being. Spiridon Sol Coat is a pagan symbol of favorable change in life, because with his hands the doll holds the wheel of life.

This ritual Motanka helped my classmate to change my life and leave the hometown to meet his fate. She could not decide on this step in any way, although he wanted to leave the soul to another country.

Our neighbor advised her to make a Sporton Sporton doll, which he helps to change their lives. As a result, Galya decided to take this step and went to study in America.

Spiridon Sol Coat

History of creating doll

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Coasting Motanka made our ancestors during paganism when they worshiped the deities of Pantheon and marked the change of seasons as important milestones on their life path.

Spiridon's doll SUWF symbolizes the moment the longest night of the year, when the sun is in the long point of the ecliptic. After that, the sun disc begins to gradually approach the ground, and the day gradually increase.

Our ancestors believed that Spiridon, with the help of his wheel, lead the processing of the sun in the sky. Thanks to Spiridon, the sun will never disappear from the heavenly horizon and will not leave people to die in darkness. Therefore, the doll is always done with a wheel in hands - this is its distinctive feature.

On a note! Spiridon Solvice has nothing to do with St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky.

On the day of the worship of Spiridon, the Sunflower arranged a festive feast and folk walking. It was a very important day in a year when it was possible to see the mercy of the gods that turned the solar disk towards the spring. As the rainbow symbolizes the ending of the rain and the sun syntifring the end of winter and turn to the summer.

On this day, large straw turn signal figures took place on the streets and burned on the bonfares. The hostess stuck the sickle in Pokolok, and the owner is an ax in the threshold of the house. This was done in order for the magical power of iron tools to protect the house from natural disasters and evil.

On Spiridon chickens fed from the right sleeve so that they are better to rush. In the morning the peasants, the sun was going to meet the sun, and the bonfires were burned with the onset of darkness.

On a note! Nowadays, this charm with the wheel in the hands gives drivers to protect against accidents and traffic accidents.

Also, this day of the hostess was made by a special coasting doll - Spiridon, to encourage favorable change in their lives. This winding served at once 2 functions:

  • Coaway;
  • Symbolic.

She served as an evil and was a symbol of the holiday. As the sun turns to warm and fly, and life will go light and joyful. This simple folk magic helped people survive difficult times and avoid misfortunes.

Doll Spiridon Sutty do it yourself

Magic meaning of doll

In addition to the coated function, the doll lay hopes and aspirations. People believed that the Motanka would help:

  • solve complex living questions;
  • To establish a certain sphere of life in which man is not lucky;
  • Find your place in life;
  • change life for the better;
  • attract luck;
  • master new skills;
  • improve health.

On Spiridon pinned great hopes and sacred believed that he could help everyone. Also, with the help of Motanka, it was possible to get rid of bad habits, fears, complexes.

Note! If you do not need change in life, this doll cannot be done. If there is not enough wish fulfillment, you need to make another doll for these purposes.

For the doll, a special place in the house was determined: the most active zone where the work was boiling. In the bedroom of Spiridon can not be put.

Nowadays, a doll is recommended to sew all who need to make the right choice and solve pressing issues related to business or project organization:

  • find yourself in the right place at the right time;
  • establish your own business;
  • Strengthen leadership qualities.

After a year, the doll burned together with unnecessary objects and things to remove all unnecessary and old from their life. Burn with gratitude for the help. Instead, they make a new one - with a new life program.

On the night of Spiridon there are prophetic dreams, try to remember them. Before bedtime, you need to say three times:

"Spiridon-Sunshitchko, turn, and I have a dream faithful."

After that, it is impossible to talk with anyone, you need to immediately go to bed.

Spiridon Doll Solvice Master Class

How to make a doll: step by step instructions

It is necessary to start doing a ritual doll Spiridon Solvice on December 21, on the day of the winter solstice. According to the beliefs of Slavs, all Crested dolls were animated creatures that actively participate in the life of a person and his family.

Before starting work, you should think about what questions you need to solve with the help of the overag. During the manufacture of the head, you need to think about these issues to lay a program of action in a doll.

Note! Slavic wubbles impersonal, that is, they do not have faces. In the absence of a person, evil spirits will not be able to penetrate the charm.

There are no clear guidelines for the manufacture of doll. You need to create the correct image and be sure to put the wheel in the hands. Clothes for Motanka do not sew: Loskutka fabric wrap around the calf. Also, it is impossible to use scissors: threads and tissue are broken by hand or round with teeth.

Prepare to create a Motanka:

  • monophonic cloth or dairy tone to create a head;
  • pieces of fabric for limbs;
  • Fabric for pants - two loskutka;
  • Fabric for shirt and hats;
  • yarn or muuline for hair and wheel winding;
  • cord for belt;
  • filler - synthepsong, wool, holofiber;
  • Threads and wire.

Now proceed to the creation of Motanka

First you need to make your head. To do this, in the flap of light fabric we put the filler and tie the thread, as shown in the figure:

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All the movements of the hand are directed to the right - along the sun.

Now go to creating hands. To do this, roll the tight roller from the fabric and tie out threads. We place a roller under the neck and fix the threads of the Cross-cross:

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Next, we make a roller for the legs, bend it in half and fix to the hands:

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Well rewind the thread created by the figure to strengthen. Now you can wear a Motank in clothes. Watch each foot with a cloth to get pants. Fix threads:

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Now you need to wear a shirt. For her, two-layer pattern with a neckline are made. The shirt is worn through the head and fix the tissue with threads.

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Now you can start creating hairstyles. A beam of threads need to be distributed on 2 streams - for bangs and for the back of the head. Lock the hair with threads and put on the cap.

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Watch the head of the doll with a cloth, lock the thread at the forehead and adjust the edges. The top must be hooked down.

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We proceed to the manufacture of the wheel. From the wire twist the wheel, wind by threads, we make threads (imitation) 8 spokes. Pull the handles of the dolls forward and secure the wheel to the wrists: as if she holds his hands.

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Spiridon Solute is ready, now you can talk with them and pour your soul.

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