Doll Charm Breeding: What denotes how to make it yourself


Criminal crop crowns threatened with hunger and disadvantage of food not only to people, but also a home cattle - horses, birds, petty livery. In order for the bore of the barn to be filled with selected grain, the ritual dolls-talismans called the Motanka. One of the coated dolls was a brunt, inside which was sewn grain.

This doll faugored crops from bad weather, and the masterbars from rodents and thieves. In the modern world of the doll, the brunt will take care of the table that there is always food on the table, and the refrigerator was filled with products.

Baby carriage to do me taught mother-in-law: the doll saved their family in the dashing 90s. Who lived at the time, he remembers the salary for 3 days and other wonders of restructuring. In the article, I will tell you how to properly make a pupa with my own hands and where to place.

Doll Charg Bribs

History Oberega

Dolls-Motanka did our pagan ancestors to protect against evil spirits and to attract well-being.

Cowards were accompanied by a person from birth to death: without them, the Slavs did not think of life. Until now, archaeologists are found in the excavations, the preserved copies of the coated dolls, which carry valuable information about the pre-Christian life.

The largest brunt was the main doll in the family, because she protected the satiety and prosperity in the house.

Other doll names:

  • Pea;
  • Grain.

The internalities of the pupae filled with wheat or buckwheat, during the crop used these grains - they were pushing the first. After collecting the new harvest, buckwheat and wheat dolls again filled out fresh grain.

The brunt was appreciated in every home, they had in the red corner and all sorts of honors were rewarded: the well-being of the family depended on it. If suddenly lacked grains and cereals, took from the brunt.

The peasants tried to make several coasting dolls and fill them with different grain. First, several dolls accumulated more positive energies. Secondly, with a lack of grain in the barn, it was always possible to take a stock of the brunt.

In a couple of grains, the rich was mastered - this doll took care of the financial well-being of the hosts of the house. They were put together in the red corner.

Fragment of the doll brunt

Symbolism Oberega

Cowproof pupae folk magic did free work on the energy (invisible eye) level. Some of them attracted the energies of well-being, happiness, good luck. Others protected from evil and disease. The brunt attracts abundance of abundance into the house, thanks to which the family will be fed and satisfied.

Under the podium, the pupa was hidden a bag of grains and seeds suitable for sowing. They were considered the best. The peasants believed that the grain was capable of improving the quality of the crop.

Consider what value our ancestors gave each type of croup:

  • buckwheat - abundance and wealth;
  • Oats - to strengthen immunity;
  • Perlovka - for satiety;
  • Rice is a symbol of wealth.

When creating the overag, you can put one kind of cereals, and you can mix everything together.

Coast of Bibrulic doll

How to make a brunt-grain: Step-by-step instruction

All materials for the manufacture of the overag should be natural. Synthetic fabrics are unacceptable: they block bioenergy.


  • Fabric for a bag with a cereal;
  • Red material flap for pupa blouse;
  • Orange flap for cable;
  • Zipun flap (caftan without collar);
  • 3 flap of different colors for eyeling (headband);
  • flap for apron;
  • Triangular brake flap;
  • threads for fixing tissues;
  • braid or thread for belt;
  • Groats for filling the bag;
  • Cardboard, double-sided scotch.

First you need to make a tube from cardboard - it will be the base of the doll. Fix the tube with scotch so as not to open. Then wrap the tube with a white cloth and tighten on one side with a thread (like a candy candy).

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Remove the cardboard insert and remove the fabric bag inside out so that the nodule does not stick out. After that, you can fill the bag of prepared crop. Do not forget to put a laurel leaf to do not start bugs in the cereal.

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The top edge of the bag is also tightened with the nodule, like the bottom. Then we put on the bottom edge of the base red tissue.

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So that the edges of the fabric do not hoisted, fix it with a thread and wrap. In the same way, you will fix the top view.

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Slightly above the level of the links are fixed by Zipun threads.

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When the caftan is put, fixed to the base of the apron doll - large, medium and small.

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Now it remains to wear headbands on the doll and cover your head with a handkerchief.

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It remains to tie the lines and put the doll to the prominent place.

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What size should be the largest brewer? It depends on your imagination, clear parameters for the manufacture of the overag is not.

Application Oberega

In order for the grain to become a magic artifact and attracted an abundance into the house, you need to relate to it correctly:

  • Mastery of the guard on the growing moon or in the days of the full moon;
  • The pupa must be near the products: in a closet with croups or near the refrigerator;
  • The inner bag of dolls should be filled with a crop, otherwise the charm loses its meaning and turns into a simple souvenir.

On the face of the coated dolls can not paint the eyes, nose and mouth. This is prohibited due to the concerns of the universe of unclean spirits. Our ancestors believed that in the figure without a face could not move evil entity. Thus, the brunt was protected from the subsidence of the unclean.

The sacred sense of the color of the tissue on the doll:

  • Red - symbolizes the beautiful life in every sense;
  • green - color of abundance, fertility;
  • Purple - for bonding family bonds and values.

The doll must be made with her own hands so that it serves the role of the Oberega. The magic force bought in the store does not possess. You can also make a doll on your own and give a close person. In this action, handmade is plays an important role, and not a mass production of a beautiful toy. When a man makes a person with his own hands, he puts his own energy into it.

The best material for the manufacture of the basics of the Cauldron is considered unpainted flax. But for the absence of such a cotton fabric.

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