Star in Circle (Pentagram) - what she symbolizes


Today, many people are awakening interest in old sacred symbols. However, the value of most signs remains a multivariate and not known to the end. One of these interesting characters is a star in a circle and today I suggest you find out what it means, pushing out from different versions of interpretations.

What does Star mean in a circle, an ancient story

A five-pointed star in a circle has another name, more common - pentagram . Nowadays it is impossible to reliably establish where and when people first began to use it as a symbolism. Indeed, in all the time of its existence, the pentagram makes it unprecedented popularity, it is hidden in the shade. Now interest in it markedly increased, so let's try to find out, the star in the circle means.

Pendant star in a circle photo

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For the first time, the pentagram people begin to depict approximately 3500 BC. This is evidenced by archaeologists discovered by archaeologists during the excavations of the oldest city of Uruk clay plates, on which a star with five angles are clearly seen. Presumably, then the sign symbolized the trajectory of the motion of the planet Venus.

A star in the circle symbol in the ancient Egyptian statues is found. In the Egyptians, she was associated with the stars and wore the name "Stars of the Pogwood God of Anubis."

The people of the ancient world belonged to the pentagram as a powerful coated sign, with her help tried to protect themselves from any evil. Only the residents of the ancient Babylon applied a five-pointed star on the doors of their stores, as they believed that she would not allow damage or theft of their property.

In addition, the pentagram was used by dedicated people as a symbol of power. To this end, it was applied to the press of rulers. Scientists express the assumption that in this form a symbol meant "the power of the king, which diverges in the four parties of the world."

But there is another theory, according to it, the oldest pentagram images are associated with the kingdom of the dead Dat and the goddess Ishtar.

In ancient Ellinov, instead of the pentagram, the word Pentalf was used, that is, "5 alpha letters". This name is explained by the fact that the symbol is folded on Alpha (the first letter of the Greek alphabet) exactly five times.

We meet the images of a five-pointed star and in the seats belonging to the famous commander Alexander Macedonian.

Interesting! A five-pointed star has a lot of different names: so it is called the pentagram, star of Isis, Pentalfoy, Pentageron and so on.

Star in Circle Symbol Meaning in Middle Ages

We find a five-pointed star and amulets of Gnostics. In the latter, it was used as a symbol of the superiority of the mind.

And the famous researcher of Kabbalah's course by Hersch Scholam, argued that medieval mystics of the European continent had drawn information about the pentagram called "the seal of King Solomon" from the eastern manuscripts. Arab magicians knew well about the "Print of Solomon" and used it in their practice.

Stamp Solomon Photo

Researchers suggest that the Pentagram also used representatives of the ancient Order of the Templars.

At the destruction of the ruler of the Roman Empire, Konstantin Great five-pointed geometric shape in the circle was drawn on his personal press and amulete. Konstantin believed that the sign helped him find the right faith (referring to Christian religion).

We meet the mention of the mysterious sign in the work of the 15th century "Sir Gavein and the Green Knight". In the poem, the Pentagram acted as a personal symbol of the main character who had a nephew of the legendary King Arthur.

Gaaven puts the star to his shield. In this case, the sign had the following meaning: five of his corners correlated with five main knightly values, that is, nobility, chastity, politeness, courage and piety.

If we speak for Western Christianity the times of the Middle Ages, then there the sign in question was called upon to remind of five waters of Jesus Christ: the fact that he provided a thorns on his head and damage from nails on her legs and arms.

True, it should be noted that with the beginning of the Inquisition, the symbolism of the pentagram changes sharply in the opposite direction: now it is called "the witch foot".

According to Agrippa (medieval German physician, Humanist, Alchemist, Occultist, Astrologer, Naturofilosopher and Lawyer), the Pentagram was widely used by Pythagoreans as a sign of their community. They considered the world as a combination of five major first elements, closely connected with each other (fire, water, air, land and ether) and applied to the star in a circle letters meaning each of the elements.

Agrippa pointed out images dated to the Renaissance Epoch, in which the figure of a person (microcosm, a symbol of spiritual work in the material world) is inscribed in a five-pointed star. Thus, it turns out that a person is closely connected to five main elements. About this Agrippa writes in his book "Occult Philosophy" (1531).

In the work of a medieval astrologer, quietly Brage we find the depicted Pentagram, on the rays of which the name of Jesus Christ is applied by the letters of Kabbalah (Ihshvh). Braga corrected a sacred sign with the presence of God, the pentagram is spiritualized with four material elements that symbolize the name of the Savior.

If you turn to later times, namely, 18-19 centuries, then learn that then the star with five rays in the circle is used as a talisman from different non-dusties. This tells the famous work of Johann Wolfgang Goethe "Faust". So the damn name of Mephistophel falls into the house of the scientist of the Faust, making his way through the insufficiently well drawn at the entrance to the dwelling Pentagram:

The words of Faust "... But how, the demon, did you get behind me? What way of it got caught? ".

The words of Mephistofel "ignored it (the pentagram) you do not draw badly, and the gap in the corner remained. There, at the door, and I could jump freely. "

In the 19th century, the image of a five-pointed star arises on the decks of Arkanov Tarot, because then they are correlated with the teachings of Kabbalah.

Pentagram photo.

Pentagram - Sign Satanists

In the same 19 century, thanks to the efforts of the French Mystic and Tarolog of Eliphas Levi, a pentagram appears in the turned the form, which is beginning to correlate with Satan and Satanism. Although if you consider another image, also belonging to Levi, then it has a star in a circle in a circle in direct form, only in it a bugtomet (a demon, presumably one of the devil names) is depicted.

Subsequently, the same sign is found in the illustrations to the "Satanic Bible" of the famous founder of the Devilian teaching of La Veia.

Five-pointed star in a circle Symbol value in the modern world

Today, the Pentagram acquires new popularity among adherents of various teachings. So, a five-pointed star in a circle uses Eastern Vera Bahai. In this course, the pentagram is called Aikal (translated from the Arab "Temple").

But everything is not limited to the Arab world - they began to apply a star with five rays in a different image version (vertical, straight, twisted) representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days. They have a pentagram as a symbol on the temples. The first church, where she was put on the walls, was the church of Navu (Illinois, USA), it happened at the end of April 1846.

We can observe five-pointed stars in the form of decorations also on the temples of this religious organization of Logan-Utah and Salt Lake City. Why did the Christians of the Last Days suddenly appealed to the mystical sign? They themselves refer to the twelfth chapter of the revelation, where it is said about

"The great miracle in heaven: a woman closed in the sun, with the moon under his feet, and the crown of twelve stars on the head."

It should be noted that not all people have been agreed using such an ambiguous symbol as a pentagram in religious flows. So at the end of the past millennium, a lot of American spiritual schools were expressed about the need to ban a five-pointed star. They referred to the direct connection of the symbol with the cult of Satanists and mystics.

But in 2000, the ban was canceled, as the authorities came to the conclusion that such actions would violate the right of people on the free use of the religion of them. And even moreover, the star in the circle (she is also known as the "Tentacle of the Plaintiff") included a list of thirty-eight government religious signs, which planned to apply to the graves of members of the service who died at Arlington Cemetery in 2007.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the article:

  • The star in the circle is a very multifaceted and ancient symbol. At different times, representatives of radically different teachings (Christians and Satanists) and various purposes were used.
  • In Christians, the Pentagram symbolizes five wounds on the body of Jesus Christ.
  • In medieval metaphysics, this sign personifies the bid of the top of the main elements (first elements: fire, water, land, air and ether).
  • Satanists have a symbol of the devil.

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