Molandhara Chakra - Ways to improve the work of the Energy Center


Molandhara Chakra It acts as initial chakra of the human body (or in other sources is known as the "root"). The name of the chakra from Sanskrit is translated as "base" or "root". Also, in esoteric literature, Muladhara is referred to as Chakra survival, as it is responsible for the instinct of self-preservation and thirst for life.

so looks like the first chakra

Mulladhara Chakra for what is responsible

The first chakra acts as a binder of a particular individual with a material world, represents the basis for the normal functioning of all other chakras of the human body. It is in it, as in the tank, the entire stock of the life energy of the individual necessary to him for a full physical existence in our world is stored.

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The root chakra fills a person with a sense of confidence and stability, and also activates the most basic survival instinct - the need for labor to ensure itself with food, the blood and everything necessary. Symbolizes the struggle for survival, is the source of all instincts.

In addition, Molandhara has a strong influence on character with temperament, as well as mental state. Promotes the liberation of the energy body from all the slags accumulated in it.

In strong sex representatives, the normally operating 1 chakra exhibits typical courageous features - stability, strength, inner rod.

In girls, the development of the energy of the root chakra is much weaker, so she is looking for such a man with a well-developed Mladjar, which will be able to provide stability, confidence, will help bring it to the balance of the balance of overwhelming feelings and emotions. This is due to the fact that representatives of the beautiful sex of the chakra is anatically not attached to any particular body, so a woman should receive the energy of Muladhara through a man.

Where is located

The location of Molandhara is somewhat different from the representatives of both sexes:

  • In men, it can be found at the beginning of the crotch (the anatomically chakra is tied to the prostate gland);
  • In women - in the ovarian area (it is anatomically not attached to any organ).

If we talk about a physical shell, then the root chakra is located in the area of ​​the lumbar point, in which the nervous plexuses of the spine are passing.

What bodies are responsible for

Molandhara manages the lymphatic and immune systems of the human body.

This chakra has a strong impact on such organs:

  • Makeup with a prostate;
  • prostate gland;
  • rectum;
  • left kidney;
  • bladder;
  • urethra;
  • Musculoskeletal system.

What features the chakra has

The color of Muladhara is red. Red energy fills the physical body mobility, health and power.

It corresponds to the note before.

Chakra refers to the elements of the Earth.

It has four petals (see the image at the beginning of the article). The petal is the energy oscillation of the described chakra arising in the oscillatory circuit if you consider the electromagnetic analogy of the chakra activity.

Molandhare corresponds to sweet taste.

Aroma - Veiver. This plant has a smell consisting of a combination of wet mud with wood and filled with moisture roots of plants. But based on the growth area, it can be supplemented by adding a hint of citruses, spices, smoky and wood shades.

From chakra stones to improve the work of the chakra, you can use grenades, obsidians, rubies, red corals, red jashed, bed.

Degree of opening 1 first chakra

When the person has a high spiritual development of the chakra described, the following is characteristic of a person:

  • Increases the amount of physical energy;
  • A person becomes resistant to various pathologies;
  • A typical state for him becomes cheerfulness and endurance;
  • Such a person easily defends his needs and its position;
  • trusts the world around;
  • feels in complete safety, constantly presents a sense of stability;
  • Excellent connection between the physical organism and the Earth.

People with developed Mladjar - real

If there is a low spiritual development of the described chakra, the person constantly feels a sense of fear, greed, gives in progress, the personality is completely concentrated exclusively on the material side of life: the satisfaction of their physical needs for food, drinking, lovers and finance. It seeks, first of all, to satisfy your own desires without taking into account the interests and needs of surrounding individuals.

In addition, with an insufficiently developed energy of 1 chakras (in case of closing or blocking), if a person has an increased emotionality or has an activity in which it has to think a lot, the physical body begins to suffer, since there is no harmonious energy balance. This is fraught with the development of various pathologies. To get rid of such a condition, attention should be paid to the issue of "grounding", that is, implementations in physical reality.

When Mulladhara is not developed enough, it is impossible to say about a person that he is a strong person, he in every way to avoid physical labor and is inclined to "turn in the clouds", without taking obvious things.

What emotions commanding the chakra

From fears you can call the fears of death and self-destruction.

In the normal state, when the body harmonizes with the soul, a person enjoys his life, filled with confusion and confidence, has mental stability, has an excerpt and always resides in a state of real reality.

Molandhara Chakra - Ways to improve the work of the Energy Center 1201_3

When the work of Molandhara is broken, the person becomes overwhelming the workolism of the body, which misfortune, rustling of jealousy, increased angiveness, intolerance, tries to assert themselves at the expense of others, angry, aggressive.

How to open the chakra of Mulladhara?

Fortunately, the chakra disclosure process, which gives vitality and excellent well-being, financial success is pretty simple.

The first and very strong way - try to surround yourself with attractive objects (use, decorating from those minerals that correspond to this chakra).

Also restore the work of Molandhara will help you, special music - Shaman's tambourines or ritual drums.

A bathtub with the addition of aromatic oils will come to the rescue: sandalwood, cedar oil, patchouli. In addition, the Molandhara massage and the pronouncement of special affirmations is shown.

Speak the following words every day:

  • "Life is beautiful, I adore her and enjoy every new day!"
  • "I am worthy of this wonderful life" and so on.

Block and worsen the functioning of Molandhara can be improper lifestyle, the manifestation of greed, lust, sexual perversions, fears, the lack of respect for their relatives, when a person has no specific life goals and does not fulfill its obligations.

Cleansing and improving activities is carried out by reading mantras, meditations and different energy practices are also used.

Even if you wish to support Molandhara normally, follow these rules:

  • Take care to always have a normal relationship with relatives;
  • Eliminate your fears;
  • appreciate every moment of life;
  • put a lot of goals in front of you;
  • Get rid of misfortune;
  • Always follow what promise;
  • Return debts in a timely manner.

Also browse the following video that will help you harmonize the state of Molandhara:

How to restore the work of Molandhara

The most effective, but at the same time a fairly soft way to normalize the root chakra is the use of crystals. Take advantage of this goal with pink jasha, obsidian, magnetite, rubies, smoky quartz.

Restore the energy of the chakra will also help aromatherapy with various incense and oils. The beneficial effect of tea tree oil, basil, mimosa, cypress, vetiver are distinguished. These manipulations are desirable to perform in nature, being in emotionally calm condition.

If the chakra is not enough, a person faces the following pathologies:

  • lumbar pains;
  • constipation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • overweight;
  • nervous diseases;
  • pathologies of joints, spine, leather.

The man falls into depression, with a huge reluctance performs any actions, loses the meaning of life, becomes sluggish.

The value of the chakra in the energy of Kundalini

Molandhara Chakra is inextricably linked with the energy of Kundalini. It is the main energy center of the body that is a starting point distributing all movements.

If practicing yoga exercises aimed at improving the work of Molandhara, a person will be able to positively affect the state of the intestine, the spine, as well as the muscles that are in the field of hips and groin.

Malabandha's practice should be performed (also known as the name of the lower energy castle). The practice includes asans, in which the muscles of the lower press work, it is necessary to perform attacks and slopes, as well as breathing delays.

Too active work chakras, past reincarnations

1 chakra differs in its functions from representatives of strong and weak gender. She dominates men, as it fills them with strength, resistance, ensures safety. For women, it is more passive, as the ladies should be engaged in creating comfort, maintaining a family hearth. Woman should rely on a strong man.

In the modern world, it is often happening that the woman is forced to perform the role of a minimum material of material goods, in this case, Muladhara begins to be activated. It provokes its over-excitation, which, in turn, extremely negatively affects the entire energy system. It is impossible to make a similar state, as it is fraught with very unforeseen consequences.

Muladhara is the source of Kundalini energy, which was collected during many past lives. For the harmonious distribution of this energy in all chakras, it is important to be cleaned from the negative, which comes from past incarnations, and harmonize 1 chakra.

First chakra: how to meditate with a candle

For harmonization of thoughts and change its internal installations, we advise you to resort to the practice of meditation, in which the candle and incense is used. Be sure to include special music that will pacify you, sit in the most comfortable position, cover your eyes, align the spine and relax the knee area. Output lips.

When you feel complete internally peaceful and relaxation, say the "Ohm" mantra. At the same time breathe not to the breast, but the stomach. Feel like the sound of the mantra finds a response in 1 chakra, and then begins to rise up, breaking the energy of harmony on all chakram. When you feel this condition, say several affirmations to change your internal installations.

Work with Mladjar

The main task of the root chakra is to fill a person with a life force, give him a sense of confidence. Normally, a person should not feel a sense of fear.

If you have any phobias, we advise you to eliminate them through meditation. Work on yourself, concentrate on the proper execution of all tasks to get the desired self-confidence. The main task is to preserve the feeling of limitless confidence in your capabilities and abilities for life.

Open and closed Chakra Molandhara

When the first chakra is clogged by the energy garbage, a person regularly faces laziness, lethargy, does not want to do his job, suffering from fear attacks, depressed melancholy. He is also inclined to rush and fuss, which provokes errors in the process of performing important work.

Knowing the basic ways to open the root chakra, you will easily bring it into a normal state, filling your body with crystal clear energy and enviable charge of cheerfulness.

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