Chakra Anahata - how to reveal the source of world love


Anahata from Snsrita is translated as "Drum, which plays forever." She protrudes the fourth chakra of a person responsible for the expression of emotions, as well as the manifestation of love, complemented by responsiveness and openness.

This looks like anakhat chakra

Where is located on the body

Cardiac chakra is located in the chest area very close to the heart. It combines together 3 lower chakras together with 3 tops, due to which the center of love, compassion, loyalty and care is from itself.

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According to its form, anahata resembles a ball in a stable state, has a diameter of about five or six centimeters. The fourth chakra in the form of a spiral is connected to an energy post passing along the spinal line.

His second name - "Cardiac" - this chakra received precisely because of its location (it is also called the Cherdha's Chakra, love or green - due to its color sound).

For which is responsible

  • A sufficient disclosure of 4 chakras allows a person to harmoniously to show his emotions, to be quite sensitive, responsive, open to other people - thanks to this, in some sources it gives it another name - "emotional chakra".
  • Anahata acts as the center of love in the highest understanding, tenderness, is a kind of "emotional balancer" of the body, as well as the center of faith and spiritual tranquility.
  • Chakra contributes to the formation of the emotional contour of the human aura.
  • Since the anahat is located strictly in the center of the human energy industry, it is responsible for the correct adjustment and the interaction of the top of the lower chakras (produce the energy of the physical world) with three tops (which produce spiritual energy). 3 The lower chakras use the personal energy of the person and allocate it from the total mass of such individuals. And 3 Higher perform a manifestation of collective aspects of the highest "I", which provides communication with the Worldwide. Anahata is the intersection point of personal with collective aspects of the individual.
  • It is in the heart chakra who is the Center for awareness of a person who gives the opportunity to control and distribute all the bioenergy.
  • Considering how much anahata is revealed and works well, it is possible to bring the conclusion about whether the personality is quite emotionally, as far as it is emotionally discovered to the penetration of the surrounding vibrations of the material and subtle worlds.

Main characteristics

  1. 4 Chakra corresponds to green.
  2. Her noto is faithful.
  3. The energy center refers to the air element.
  4. Anahata symbol contains twelve petals.
  5. According to the taste qualities of the chakra corresponds to the acidic taste.
  6. She is inherent in the aroma of Gerani.
  7. From stones to improve the activities of the chakras help adventurines and pink quartz.

For which bodies and body systems are responsible

Anahata controls the normal functioning of the body's cardiovascular system. It allows you to work normally the following authorities:
  • heart;
  • trachea;
  • bronchoms;
  • easy;
  • hands;
  • chest.

The degree of disclosure of Anahat Chakra

When this energy center operates harmoniously, a person is able to feel love (both to a specific person and to the whole world around), filled with internal harmony, balanced and integral, calm, is balanced, filled with joy, inspiration, easily and successfully implements itself in the creative sphere.

Such a person interacts the most harmonious way with other individuals, exchanges with their emotions, and is also ready to share his joy and inland glow.

World Love

If the chakra is not enough, the person becomes an egoist, is attached to certain fetishes, it is capable of deceiving, indecisive, not sure about his abilities and opportunities, impatient, suffers from tanniff, wrath, indifference, arrogance, overcome various temptations.

Indicate that 4 chakra is unbalanced, there may be a sense of loneliness, depressive states or, on the contrary, a deposit into a love dependence on its partner. In this case, there is a hypertrophied desire for dedication, self-sacrifice, excessive susceptibility of someone else's grief and suffering, a sense of guilt for other people's mistakes, as well as problems of another person.

With good development, the anahata man distinguishes wisdom, the ability to control himself and their actions, the inner force, the ability to cope with various difficulties in the smallest losses, pure thoughts, intention, energy is increased. If the person has opened the skills of "blessing", then such a personality has the ability to contact with higher entities.

Emotional manifestations of chakras

From the fear of fear of remain alone with them (acts as a lack of faith).

Normally, a person feels the unity and beauty of the world, rejoices, watching different manifestations of love.

When passion is beginning to prevail, a person overwhelms egoism, it becomes a dealerous, egocentric.

How to open a heart chakra

The best method of opening and enhancing the energy center is a meditative practice. In addition, it is necessary to constantly study yourself, his own personality.

The main purpose of meditation for Anahata is repentance that provokes the elimination of any negative energies. First, execute this stage and only then make the collected chakra energy together. This is performed by changing its location, as well as other indicators.

When activation occurs, the person automatically connects to the air element, binds to cosmic energy. Open anahata will help internal work on yourself. It is necessary to pay enough attention to the workouts of the mind, memory with logic. Strive to constantly discover new horizons.

Also a huge role in the opening process of 4 chakras plays the manifestation of joy in any kind. Learn without disappointment to cope with any vicinity of fate, especially with negative and sad moments. Thank Life for the experience gained and the ability to cope with obstacles.

Another effective method of opening anahata is a teaching, the process when you share your knowledge with others. Also leads the chakra into activity scientific activity, learning new knowledge.

We bring to your attention also a very gentle video with meditative music, which contributes to the disclosure of Anahata:

Restoration, pumping and cleansing chakras

If you wish to clean the anahat chakra, first of all, it will be necessary to spread with accumulated negative emotions, aggression and insults. It will be best to make this special meditative practice.

Try to find inside your body a warmer feeling of love. Let it be your shadow so that you can always be able to feel unlimited love to the whole surrounding. Only having a sincere desire to get a similar condition, a person will be able to independently clean anakhat and reveal its energy as much as possible.

We bring to your attention an independent way of pumping this chakra:

  1. Sit to the most comfortable position. Blank eyes.
  2. Start perform breathing exercises. Control each breath and exhale, they need to relax as much as possible by eliminating any thoughts with emotions from their consciousness.
  3. When you are able to achieve the cleansing of the mind, visualize how green energy leaves from the center of 4 chakras. She like the beam of the light envelops you, turning in the place where the chakra is located.
  4. Imagine these rotations for four to five minutes, and then mentally return the energy back.
  5. You can pump the chakra if you regularly repeat the described exercise. Include special meditative music designed for heart chakras.

Features of a thin body

Anahata acts as a subtle mental human body, which can accumulate a certain energy. It allows a person to engage in mental work, thoroughly think about his actions, control his thinking with thoughts.

Opening chakra

The development of the mental body can occur both in itself, without additional impacts. But then the individual will need to apply certain efforts, developing the described chakra.

Special place in the opening of the mental body occupies scientific activities, the assimilation of new knowledge, as well as the transfer of them to others.


Most of the heart pathologies act as a consequence of a non-harmonic lifestyle. When people live in a disharmony with their own body, they do not care about the development of their energy centers, do not perform purification from negative energy, do not seek to fill themselves with love, they face the consequences of blocked anahata - the appearance of heart disease.

The main deep problem of cardiac pathologies is the absence of ability to remove from any manifestations of negative energy. When people, as they say, "take everything to heart close."

The first point that is necessary for the healing of its cardiac system is the ability to enjoy everything around us. Assistance in this business must be sought in special cleansing meditations.

Asana who contribute to the disclosure of 4 chakras

By performing special asanas, you will significantly speed the chakra disclosure process. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Pranamasana - it is very similar to the position of a person during prayer. In this Asan, it is important to clearly visualize anakhat and breathe correctly, the breaths should be even and deep.
  • Eka Pad Pranamasana. Almost similar to the previous option, but complicated by the fact that it is necessary to stand only on one leg. In other sources, it is called "Pose of Tree". The main task in this asana is exactly standing. When a person is gaining experience, he can do it with covered centuries.

These are initial asanas for anakha disclosure. Only knowing how to perform them perfectly, allowed to be taken for more difficult options (Samakonasan, Ardha Ushtrasan, Suput Vajrasan, Sarpasan and others).

What is felt when opening chakras

In the process of activating each of the chakras, a person begins to manifest themselves defined manifestations of the activity of this energy center. If 4 chakra is closed, there is a feeling of pain in the heart. It may also be punished with tingling, cramps and other unpleasant sensations.

When the chakra "flourishes", at the very moment of discovery there is a feeling of heat in the middle side of the chest. The appearance of vibration on the tips of the fingers is possible, since these chakras design their state to these points.

If you managed to completely clean the chakra from negative emotions, to disclose it with meditative practices, to achieve the desired balance of energy, while people feel truly impressive emotions. It is believed that, successfully opened anakhat, you will feel the feeling of flight, ease, a sense of steam in air or even outer space.

Opening in itself the source of energy of love, you are simply doomed to become a happy person who does not disturb the momentary problems and adversity, which sincerely rejoices to every new day and perceives life as an amazing adventure. Do not be afraid to give your mental love around you - she will definitely return to you!

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