Slim tuning 7 chakras - body power consciousness


Energy is the basis of our life, without which the existence is impossible. There are various energy around us - sunny, starry, vegetable world energy, water and air elements.

A man draws energy from the surrounding space, keeping it in chakras. Today we consider the topic: Thin setting 7 chakras - the energy of the body of consciousness. We will analyze the principle of the functioning of the chakra, the method of activation and filling through meditative technology.

Slim tuning 7 chakras - body power consciousness

Chakro system of man

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To understand with what we will deal with, you need to understand the structure of human energy bodies. The slender energy system can be found in Vedic teaching - there is a detailed structure of human energy bodies, basic and secondary energy channels and chakras.

It is believed that the main chakras in the energy body seven, but they are much more. The topic of today's article is to configure the seven major chakras of a person. Chakras in the translated from Sanskrita denote "whirlwinds, swirls". They are invisible by common vision, as they are energy education.

It is in them that the energy obtained from the surrounding space is accumulated, that is, the chakras are energy accumulators. If the chakras work well, the person is healthy and full of strength. If some chakra "failed" (blocked), a person begins to hurt. The disease appears in that body for which a certain chakra is responsible.

In addition to the disease, a person has other problems - in terms of realizing themselves in society, in communicating with people, material and personal sphere. Well-being (material and spiritual) man completely depends on the harmonious state of the chakrov pillar.

How does consciousness affect the energy? Just like the brain gives impulses to the action of senses and body organs. Consciousness determines the state of our energy, fully controls it. Thought determines whether we will be happy and healthy or we will not. The scheme for managing the consciousness of our body can be determined as follows:

Consciousness - Energy - Body

We are accustomed to thinking that our physical body is the main defining factor in life. However, this is not true: it is consciousness that forms an energy field that influences our physical body. Changing consciousness and energy, you can achieve changes in the physical body. Official medicine proposes to fill the physical body with food additives so that it is strong and healthy. Vedic practice offers a different way - a change in consciousness to change the condition of the physical body.

What are the chakras responsible for

Consider what is responsible for each of the seven major chakras in the human energy body.

Chakra name and color matching:

  • Molandhara - red;
  • Svadchistan - orange color;
  • Manipura - yellow color;
  • Anahata - green color;
  • Vishudha - blue color;
  • Ajna - Blue (Indigo);
  • Sakhasrara - lilac color.

Thin setting 7 chakras


Maladhara is the root chakra, which opens the chakrah post. It is located at the base of the spine and is sometimes called smoking chakra. The health of the bone system, the functionality of the kidneys and a large intestine, teeth, spine depends on her work. The problem in chakra is expressed in a psychological aspect - a person suffer fears, uncertainty in their own power, cutoff from earthly problems, lack of physical energy, excess weight.

Molandhara is a kind of pump that downloads energy from the essential body. With the right work of the chakra, a person feels joy from life, it is filled with material benefits, completely healthy and satisfied with himself. If the chakra fails, the reverse picture is obtained.


This chakra is located in the center of the abdomen below the navel. In the sphere of its responsibility there is a reproductive function of the body, sexuality, pleasure from tactile and other contacts, inspiration and ecstasy. At the physiological level, the chakra is responsible for the exchange of liquid media of the body, genitals, spleen and liver.

The blocking of the chakra leads to unnecessary models, complexes in communicating with the opposite sex, genital diseases and even constipation. The functionality of the svadchistan largely depends on the operation of the root chakra, and when it is blocking, it also fails.


This volitional power center of a person responsible for the ability to achieve the target target. It is located in the field of solar plexus. The distribution of vital energy depends on the activity of the manipura (Prana). At the physiological level, the manipura is responsible for the delicate intestines, spleen, stomach. At the psychic level - for control over emotions, countering someone else's will and human management. A failure in the manipurus leads to a decline of strength, depression, violation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.


This is a cardiac center responsible for unity with the environment. Open anahat fills the person with mercy, harmony, love to the whole world. The block in chakra leads to cardiovascular diseases, ailments of the respiratory system, hatred, aggression and cruelty.


The throat chakra is responsible for communications and the implementation of a person as a social unit. This is a career success, developed intuition, creative abilities. The block in Vishudhe leads to a disease of the thyroid gland, skin ailments, colds, pains in the cervical area. A person suffers low or overestimated self-esteem, cannot harmoniously get along with the surrounding people.


This energy center is located in the center of the forehead, it is also called the third eye. Ajna is responsible for superpowers - intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy. Blocking Ajna leads to madness, schizophrenia and other ailments of the nervous system, as well as to the loss of vision and hearing. At the psychological level, the chakra leads to the loss of the ability to implement the goals, the absence of motivation and complete disorganization.


This center is responsible for contact with the highest mind, cosmic forces and the spiritual world. There is a chakra over the scalp. Blocking leads to various nervous disorders, failures in life, "martyrdom". The person is forced to constantly fight the place under the sun, feels abandoned and unnecessary.

Setting up chakra

Setting up chakra

Thin setting 7 chakras is cleansing, harmonization by meditation. Success in practice will depend on the following components:

  1. visualization of light;
  2. Sound setup;
  3. Mental mood.

Turn on the video with the practice entry. Look at mandalas, symbolizing chakras, and say mantras:

  1. for Molandhara - Lam;
  2. For Swadhistani - you;
  3. for manipura - frames;
  4. For Anahata - Yam;
  5. For Vishudhi - Ham;
  6. For Ajna - Ohm;
  7. For Sakhasrara - Ohm.

Mysterious setting for each chakra:

  1. I'm happy;
  2. I am confident in my own strength;
  3. I am a source of peace and good;
  4. I love everything;
  5. I am free in self-expression;
  6. I am discovered for the knowledge of truth;
  7. In me the Spirit of God.

You can sit down in a pose of a semi-speed with a direct spine and meditate on the chakras, you can conveniently sit on the litter lying. Listen to the recording, visualize the colors of the chakra and please the mantra of a certain chakra.

You can apply and easily setting up - just listen to the melody in the record. However, the first method of working with chakras is more effective. You can work with stones corresponding to each chakra. To do this, you need to lie down on your back and ask someone from home to put stones on the chakras or to put stones on the chakra during elaboration (one by one).

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