Diagnostics of karma: how to develop the skills of psychics


Karma's diagnosis is needed in order to determine which tasks are in front of you in the current life, which karmic debts need to work out, find out the goals of the current embodiment.

How is karma diagnostics?

Scientific methods of research of karma does not exist, so you have to rely only on faith. Or refer to psychic, which has the necessary abilities and will help solve the problem.


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What is important to determine when diagnosing:

  • Calculate energy vibrations and feel the delicate, spiritual body of a person.
  • Understand whether there are karmic blocks that should be eliminated. Blocks are the memory of previous embodiments, negative experience.

To perform diagnostics, a person must have astral vision. Then he will see the energy cocoon and blocks in it like dense dark bunches.

Definition of karmic "baggage"

Karmic baggage is a combination of all blocks in the casual thin body of a person. This phenomenon is also called hidden karma - it may not be manifolding for a long time, waiting for the right moment in the future, provided that it is located in the rear hemisphere of the body.

Diagnosis of energy

If the karmic luggage is in the front hemisphere, then blocks are ready to be implemented, and this can happen in the very near future. The more blocks and what they are denser, the greater the magnitude of the karmic baggage.

It is possible to estimate this only by astral vision. If a person does not have such a skill, refer to psychic.

Online calculation of the karmic number

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 April 29, January 31, January 31, JUNE JUNE JUNE 195, 1951 1952 1953 1954 1957 1958 1959 1969 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1976 1981 1984 1984 1985 1992 1998 1999 1995 1991 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Calculate description

Determination of the severity of karma

There are certain rules that help determine how negative karma in humans. Psychic reads this information on the size of the loop of energy units:

  • If the loop exceeds the length of 1 meter and looks like a kind of "karmic tail", then the karma is very heavy and negative. Most likely, in the life of a person there are many sad events that cause him suffering and pain.
  • The plume sizes from 30 to 60 centimeters speaks about karma of moderate severity. This phenomenon is observed in most people living on our planet.
  • The plume of up to 30 centimeters is talking about light karma. A person lives easily, he is accompanied by good luck, he is successful and carelessly applies to everything, fate does not feel it. Most likely, in previous lives, he managed to atone for sins and heal the soul.

If you just got on the path of spiritual development, karmic "tailings" can prevent you very much. Therefore, the first thing to do is to reduce the magnitude of the loop with special practices.

Diagnostics Karma

As your spiritual potential and the development of karmic blocks, the length of the energy loop will decrease. This is facilitated by positive actions, thoughts, emotions and intentions. Negative actions and thoughts, on the contrary, increase the karmic blocks and add problems.

The concept of karmic blocks

The karmic blocks appear in the thin body of a person as a reflection of its purpose in the current embodiment.


  • Unfulfilled karmic tasks that failed to implement in past lives. For example, unrealized artist or sculptor talent.
  • Dried "exams" - tests that were sent to your soul for her healing. As a rule, these are recurring situations in life. For example, a woman get married three times and every time she gets an alcoholic husband.
  • Karmic debts in front of other spiritual entities, peace, universe and God.

If you look at the person with astral eyesight, the karmic blocks will look like dense black nodes combined with many thin threads. Each block is a character of a certain event of the past.

Who can conduct diagnostics?

It is believed that only a specialist with extrasensory abilities is capable of diagnosing the subtle body. Is it so?

In fact, in each person there is a huge energy potential, just not everyone has enough. You are able to know the world not only by five physical senses, but also with the help of astral, mental bodies.

The power of the human subconscious is huge - if you believe in it enough, you can create real miracles and diagnose karma on your own.

Check video about the diagnosis of karma:

How to develop psychics skills?

To reveal deeply charged energy bodies of perception, you will have to try. Most often, extrasessor potential is very deeply, and to allow him to reveal, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Main methods:

  • The development of intuition. There are many exercises and spiritual practices. The most important thing is to learn how to turn off the mind and include the subconsciousness, you can easily feel what the soul tells you.
  • Spiritual practices and meditations should take at least two hours a day. Of course, not every person is ready to stand on the path of spiritual development so radically.
  • Cardinal change of thinking - it is necessary to remove all negative thoughts and emotions from consciousness, to live in harmony with spiritual laws and divine commandments.
  • Working out your own karmic debts and purpose. Study of radical forgiveness methods.

IMPORTANT: You must have at least the challenges of innate abilities to psychic. What they are more, the sooner achieve success. It is like with a musical hearing - with its absence to develop the ability will be incredibly difficult. And with a congenital talent, several exercises.

To become a psychic, it is necessary to devote life. Only units are ready for such self-denial. Therefore, to diagnose karma, it is better to look for a "ready" talented specialist.

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