Sacred Chakra: life force, swadhistanis, methods of application


Sacral Chakra, or Svadchistan, is located at the bottom of the abdomen and is the component of the human energetic shell - aura. Let's talk about how this chakra is responsible and for which this chakra is responsible, as well as how it manifests itself in a healthy and sick condition.

Functions of Sacral Chakra

Svadkhistan is located at the location of human genital organs, its reproductive system. This is an area between pelvic bones, at the bottom of the abdomen. Like any other energy center, this chakra is responsible for the health of certain organs and part of the human psyche. Chakra color - orange.

Sacred Chakra Svadchistan

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Functions of Sacred Chakra Svadchistan:

  1. Responsible for the health of the lymphatic system, kidneys, reproductive system and all organs located in the area of ​​the pelvis.
  2. It is a place of concentration of sexual energy. If Svadchistan works harmoniously and nicely with the rest of chakras, there are no problems. If there are failures - problems begins with the reproductive features of the body and sexual life.
  3. Provides the conception of children and pleasure from sex. In disruption, infertility, frigidity, impotence may be discovered.
  4. Affects psycho-emotional state. Responsible for the adoption of himself surrounding the world as a whole and for any kind of social interactions.
  5. It affects the perception of itself as a person of a particular floor and sexual orientation. It is in violation of this chakra that a person can feel like a homosexual, strive to change the floor.
  6. Responsible for the choice of sexual partners, sexual attraction and emotions, which are experiencing a person in the process of intimate life.
  7. Associated with physical beauty and naturalness.
  8. It is responsible for the formation of stereotypes imposed by society in the process of socialization and education.
  9. Another important function is the manifestation of the creative potential of the person. It is this chakra that gives energy to self-expression, manifestation of his individuality in creativity. And also for success and ability to decide on the life changes.
  10. Activates the energy that is necessary for the person to implement the idea, achieve the goals, expressing itself in society.

Formation and development of Svadchistan

The most important period of life in which the disclosure and development of sexual chakra occurs is age from three to eight years. At this time, it is especially significant how many people around love, respect and take a child. Also have the meaning of the relationship between parents - the younger child should see that Dad and Mom love each other, harmony and happiness reign in their relationship.

Sacral Chakra

If the child grows without love, is subjected to frequent punishments, criticism and condemnation by his parents, chakra will be incorrect in further adult life. Also disturbed energy balance at the kid, which grows in an incomplete family.

The incorrectly opened and "underdeveloped" Svadchistan will be asked already in adolescence: the teenager will begin to comprehensively, doubt its attractiveness. Disappeared self-confidence.

Society plays an important role in the disclosure of sacral chakra. From the environment - a positive or negative will depend on how the smallest child in the future will be a pleasure from physical proximity, which partners will be chosen.

Svadchistan disclosure

The problem is that in the modern world there are practically no people with adequate self-esteem. It was customary to criticize children, many crossed in incomplete families or in an environment where there was no love and happiness. Therefore, Svadchistan practically everything works incorrectly.

Sexy chakra

But the problem can be corrected using the ways of opening the sacred chakra:

  • Singing or listening to the mantra "you". If you choose this method, you need to additionally disclose the remaining chakras too. Because all energy centers are interconnected.
  • Aromatherapy. Simple and accessible to each way. Make your personal set of incense and essential oils with flavors, pleasant to you. Select on nature where you can inhale odors of freshness, wood bark, herbs, colors. Ideal flavors for Svadchistan - Juniper, Ylang-Ylang, Rosemary, Sandal, Jasmine.
  • Meditation and yoga. A variety of spiritual practices is a very powerful chakra disclosure tool. Find a competent and authoritative mentor who will traine simple techniques, and then practice them regularly.
  • Wear stones-talismans. The best choice is the moonstone and all the minerals of orange, yellow shades.
  • Massage. If it is not possible to regularly visit the massage interior, make self-massage. Technique is unimportant, the main thing is to have pleasure from the process.
  • Watch the power. Refrain from harmful food garbage. The diet should be useful and balanced.

Watch the video on how to activate and harmonize sacral chakra:

How to fill energy?

It is very important that your life is filled. What emotions, people, events and classes in it prevail. If it is mostly negative thoughts, unpleasant surroundings and tedious work, there will be big progress.

Fill the life with what brings you pleasure. Here are the main sources of happiness and vital energy:

  • Creation. Absolutely any. The main thing is that you enjoy the process.
  • Sport. It is not necessary to squint with a barbell in the gym. Hiking is the easiest option. Yoga and stretching exercises - perfect.
  • Communication with like-minded people and people who are pleasant to you. Change the environment to positive, refuse energy vampires.
  • Order in life and home. Get rid of the rubble, throw away old and unnecessary things, remove everything that prevents you freely breathe.
  • Indulge yourself. Buy sweets, prepare a delicious and beautiful dish, buy a decoration that have long been dreamed of.

And most importantly - control your consciousness. Try to drive negative thoughts, learn how to enjoy simple things, love yourself.

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