How to restore the aura: a few nail techniques


The human body is protected by an energy membrane, which is called an aura or biofield. This shell protects a person from the penetration of malicious bacteria and aimed mental impact.

How to restore aura after illness and stress? The density of the bio-shell directly depends on the mental state of the person, its sincere equilibrium, nutrition and physical activity. Consider uncomplicated practices for self-correction of biofield and strengthen the aura.

How to restore aura

Causes of weakening aura

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The human aura consists of several layers - esoterics numbered 7 thin bodies. Thin human bodies are associated with chakras - energy centers for receiving and processing space energies. Chakras perform an important role in the human energy exchange with the environment - they adapt the "alien" cosmos energy to the human body.

Seven chakras form 7 thin bodies, of which aura consists of:

  • Muladhara - Copchicker Chakra;
  • Svadchistan - Sacral Chakra;
  • Manipura - chakra of solar plexus;
  • Anahata - Cardiac Chakra;
  • Vishudha - throat chakra;
  • Ajna - frontal chakra;
  • Sakhasrara - Crown Chakra.

Finalization in the work of the Chakre leads to the deformation of the biofield. This immediately affects the well-being of a person - from light ailment to serious diseases of organs and systems. Each chakra is responsible for the health of the organs that are in its sphere of influence.

Molandhara Responsible for the elimination of toxins from the body, immunity, longevity and regeneration of cellular systems. Keyword chakra - use, preservation and enhancement acquired. If a person has problems with material things, then the chakra functions incorrectly. It is worth free from excessive material dependency, as a failure of energy in this area will be corrected.

Svadchistan Responsible for sensual pleasures, as well as for the excretory system of the body. This chakra of emotions, pleasure beautiful, sexual contacts and self-esteem. If a relationship with the opposite sex is disrupted in a person's life or there is an excessive passion for food and drinks, problems with the urogenital and excretory system of the body will begin.

Manipura Responsible for self-awareness, this is the center of the individual I, the Volware Center. Manipura gives Harizmu, uniqueness and uniqueness. It also coordinates the digestive system. If a person of someone or something can not tolerate, problems with the stomach and intestines begin, up to the formation of ulcers. Forgiveness, tolerance to other individuals will help to establish the work of the chakra.

Anahata Responsible for love for the opposite sex, parents and peace as a whole. Anger, hatred and narrowing is upset by the work of the Heart Energy Center. Infarcates, strokes and problems with the hematopoietic system talk about problems in relationships with peace and people.

Vishudha - Chakra of social relations and self-realization. Inability to find compromises, psychological complexes and discontent with society cause the problems of the energy exchange of chakras with the environment. Sugar diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, problems with hearing and vision speak of the wrong work of Vishudhi. Loss of vision - a person did not want to see something or someone. Hearing problems - unwillingness to hear unpleasant things.

Ajna and Sakhasrara Refer to the highest chakram and are responsible for the connection of a person with a spiritual world. The denial of spirituality, the lack of communication with space lead a person to madness and schizophrenia.

How to restore man aura? To do this, it is necessary to balance the work of the chakras. This can be achieved with the help of psychotries and affirmations, since the harmonious work of human energy centers directly depends on the mental state and mental (mental) settings.

Cleansing aura and restoration of vitality

Tips for restoring aura

The restoration of aura must be started with awareness of the reasons for the unbalance of the energy system. Analyze your life, find problems in dealing with people or wrong thinking. Well helps confession in church, communion and prayer. If you are a believer, be sure to attend the church.

Sincere forgiveness of themselves and other people contribute to the purification of aura and restoration of vitality. Well cleans the biofield visit to the liturgy, but it is necessary to stand right under the dome of the temple - this is an energy-strong place.

Well restores aura high-quality vacation. Sleep should be full, before bedtime you need to make a warm bath. If you can meditate, conduct meditation sessions with aroma or aroma.

Incense and aromas well affect the astral body of a person, soothe and strengthen. Choose pleasant flavors for improving mood and conifer - for cleansing and calm.

In the fight against the consequences of stress, the active vacation, visiting the pool or general cleaning in the house. The main thing, not to remember the unpleasant moments, disconnect from the study of the past situation in the mind.

Remember that resentment and hatred leave the breakdowns in the bio-wing and contribute to the outflow of vitality. The bad world is better than a good war - this rule should be one of the main in life if you want to maintain health.

How to restore aura and biopol yourself

How to restore aura: unity with nature

Esoteric science considers the human body as the unity of the four elements and the spirit. How to restore aura and biopol yourself with the help of elements? To do this, seek help to the forces of nature. Consider work practices with elements.

Purification of the Earth

Earth can clean the body from negative energies and strengthen the aura. This requires direct contact of the body with soil. In the summer, you can simply lie on the ground with the thought of getting rid of ferrous energy and diseases.

Just go to bed in natural, not synthetic, clothes. Well helps instillation in the sand, mud wraps or baths. In the cold season, you can just touch the soil with your hand with the thought of purification and liberation from the negative. Only the hand should not be "taking", but "giving": for right-handed - left, for left-handed - right.

Purification of water

How to restore the aura with water? It should be a natural source - lake, river, stream, sea. If it is not possible to swim in the natural water source, do the following.

Type the water from the tap and leave the open-air per day. Water is posted by the light of the stars, the sun and the moon, will acquire the properties of natural. Then type the bath and add this water to it. Bathing with the thought of cleansing from any negative and strengthening the body.

Fire cleansing

How to restore aura with fire? Fire is a powerful negative energy absorber. It is enough to spend a few hours by the fire, as well-being will change dramatically. Meditate on the flame, ask the element to destroy everything bad and clean from the bad.

If it is not possible to breed a fire in nature, you can clean the aura with the help of candles. Put the 12 candles and lie among them on the warm litter. Tempel in a circle of candles until they store completely. At this time, you can mentally ask the fire to pick up the whole negative.

Cleansing air

The air element is very capricious and wayward. Standing at seven winds is dangerous to health. However, smoke comes to the rescue. Smoke cleansing is an ancient practicing aura recovery. Only smoke should not be any, but from cleaning herbs and plants. It cleans well and restores the aura smoke juniper branches, wormwood, hunter, sage or needles.

Herbs should be dry, and smoke - intense. If there is no herbs, you can clean the aura of the lad far. Light grains incense and sit with a prayer at least thirty minutes. Very good at this time to listen to the bell ringing or the sound of Tibetan bowls.


How to strengthen aura and improve vitality? Feel at an integral part of nature, feel love for the world, maintain the inner harmony. Remember that earthly life is only part of eternity, which is ahead.

Do not give too much importance to earthly troubles. Learn to perceive all events in a positive key. If you can't find positive, just let the events have the right to exist - any. Well soothes the soul meditation and ordinary prayer.

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