The location of the chakra on the human body and their meaning


Under chakras, certain energy centers are understood on the human body and filling it with a certain type of energy. There are only seven major energy centers (in some sources - nine and more). In this material, we will look at the location of the Chakras and their main properties.

Chakra location scheme

What are the chakras responsible for

We bring to your attention the name of the chakra with a detailed description of each energy center and its main properties.

First Chakra (Molandhara) . Provides communication with all earthly, it hides the main fears with fears and anxiety.

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Her disclosure occurs when you learn to remove any excitement with anxiety. It is the energy of fear closes Muladhara, overlaps the main instinct - self-preservation.

When the first energy center is not well well, various pathologies of adrenal glands begin to occur, as well as the bottom of the back and kidneys, a person feels sluggish, depressed, the condition of the bones, skeleton and teeth is disturbed. The metabolism is worsening, a person suffers from severely thin.

Emotional Poor work chakras is manifested by the state of panic, stress, insecurity in their forces and the presence of a permanent feeling that something threatens you.

Second Chakra (Svadchistan) . It provides us with the joy of life, getting pleasure from sex and communications with others, new acquaintances, positive emotions.

Chakra of sexual pleasure

To reveal the second chakra, it is necessary to pay enough attention to your favorite case.

When this energy center is blocked or working weakly, the person overcomes the inner anger and dissatisfaction with life, for this reason the reproductive function is disturbed and pain appear at the bottom of the abdomen. Also characterized by the development of allergic reactions, muscle spasms, lack of sexual desire, depressed emotional state.

Third chakra (manipura) . This chakra is a connection of other energy centers, as well as a source of awareness of his personal strength, faith in its capabilities and abilities, its beliefs.

When the manipura works badly, a person shows either a strong aggression or, on the contrary, loses all faith in itself. It becomes closed, suffers from mental or nervous exhaustion, it is difficult for him to maintain relations with other people. The manipurates indicate the poor performance of the abdominal organs, gastritis and excess body weight.

Then it is necessary to urgently engage in its intrinsicity for which there are many different practices today.

Fourth Chakra (Anahata) . The main goal of the fourth energy center is to combine the human ego and the soul, so that the personality felt its integrity with the surrounding reality. Thanks to the anahat, we positively apply to yourself and others, as well as compassion other people.

In the case of bad work, the anahata man becomes too sentimental, fusive, is experiencing dependence on the love of someone. At the body level, problems appear in the immune system, lungs, heart and blood circulation system.

To improve the work of Anahata, take care of other people, as well as as much as possible to praise themselves even for minor little things, increase their self-esteem.

Fifth Chakra (Vishudha) . It stimulates our internal self-development and self-realization, awareness of its uniqueness and uniqueness, the expression of his opinion.

With bad work, a person becomes incapacitated, constantly coping the manner of the behavior of others, does not have his own opinion and deceives himself. He suffers from soul diseases, headaches, has a low self-esteem, there are no creative impulses.

To reveal Vishudhi, it is important to express creatively

The unlocking process includes, first of all, the voice of its position, even if nobody supports it, honesty and surrounding, as well as active self-expression.

Sixth Chakra (Ajna). It is responsible for intuitive abilities, ensures information from space, the feeling of inspiration and unity with the outside world.

If this energy center works poorly or does not work at all, the person is easily subjected to various dependencies - alcohol, narcotic, manifestory shows, it is unpleasant to communicate with it. A person also faces diseases of the eyes, ears, the respiratory sphere, it can overcome nightmares.

Seventh Chakra (Sakhasrara). It is a center that radiates the energy of the kkosmos, it forms a nimble above the head.

Browse this video, which provides many additional useful information about chakras:

Chakra scheme

Now that you know how much chakras of a person and the description of the chakras, get acquainted with their location on the body, as well as with their color designation.

  1. Molandhara. Its energy of red, the energy center is located in the crotch area (at the very base of the ridge).
  2. Svadchistan. It has the energy of bright orange and is located approximately two or three centimeters lower than the navel, but does not reach the pubic bone.
  3. Manipura. This energy center corresponds to the energy of bright yellow, the chakra is located in the field of solar plexus.
  4. Anahata In appearance, it looks like a sphere with a pleasant greenish tint. Located in the central chest.
  5. Vishudha . The energy of this center is a saturated blue, the chakra is in the throat area.
  6. Ajna (or the famous "third eye"). This energy center is located in the central part of the forehead (some sources indicate the area between the eyebrows).
  7. Sakhasrara . Rades the energy of purple color. The energy center is in the field of patterns.

Knowing the location of the chakras, as well as the area of ​​their influence, you can improve their work if necessary and maximize yourself with one or another energy you do not get.

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