Karmic connection between a man and a woman


In our life, everything is ordered for special laws, one of which is the law of karma, that is, the rewards for actions, thoughts and acts committed by man. If you deepen more in this topic, then you will inevitably come together on such a concept as a karmic connection between a man and a woman. What are the reasons for its occurrence and ways to eliminate, read about it in our material.

karmic connection between a man and a woman

What is a karmic connection

Karmic communication - This is a kind of energy-informational relationship between the souls of two people, embodied in the reality of the laws of karma due to specific causes and for a certain purpose.

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Communications can be two types:

  • Light (positive) - those are observed on the examples of related souls, harmoniously acting with each other;
  • dark (negative, gray) - when people are connected due to their negative acts committed in past incarnations.

There is also such a thing as Karmic node - It also represents a kind of very powerful dark coupling, which it is impossible to break ordinary people to independently, until they receive permission from the higher forces.

You can bring a bright example of a karmic connection between people when they want to divorce, but can not do this for a long time (there are constantly some obstacles on the way that you interfere with people to disperse). And even if they seek all their forces to stop their relationship, they are forced to continue communication, as well as to deal with joint problems (joint children, property, and so on).

It will continue, it will be exactly so much time how many people need to solve their karmic debts, until the negative karma is fully worked out and the permission will not be allowed to eliminate karmic communications.

Varieties of karmic ties

There are such types of communication:

  1. Communication that roots go deep into past incarnations, In which the souls of people repeatedly crossed and filled each other with negative or positive energy. It should be noted that most of the people who have a close attitude towards us are our past karmic connections, both good (those who make us stronger and better) and negative, carrying devastating energy.
  2. Communication that has been planned before the physical manifestation of shower . This means that two souls agreed with each other to meet on Earth at a certain period of time to fulfill some joint activities. They prepare for their embodiment in advance, consider the tasks that they will have to jointly solve in the material world. And karma sets, in what place, at what time and under what conditions their joint activities will occur.
  3. Also possible communication of people who are not relatives. Spouses, friends and comrades, colleagues, business partners are falling into this category - in general, all the people with whom we are closely contacting throughout life. Such connections can also be both creative and destructive.

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Signs of karmic bond

Yet the most popular species is a love attraction between the floors. How to easily distinguish them from harmonious relationships? It should be more closely to look at the presence of such signs.

  1. In the relationship there are incredibly strong emotions (jealousy, passion, fear, guilt). Due to such intense emotional experiences, people become addicted to each other. At the same time, one of the partners or both are inclined to exaggerate and inadequately react to certain moments in life.

Karmic connections are impregnated with strongest emotions and feelings

The main reason for this - Unresolved personal conflicts. It is for this that people attracted each other to eliminate such wrong behavior. And when the lesson is worked out and people will be able to completely exhaust their negative karma, then the conflict will gradually come down on "no", the partners are either quietly disperse, or remain in relationships, but they will become much more harmonious.

  1. Another obvious sign There will be a relationship that arose very rapidly. In this case, partners are usually widely different in their characters, life positions, worldview, and also have a different social situation. They often deeply in the soul treat each other in the best way, but as if it was amented to the strongest hypnosis and are not able to independently come out of the relationship.

Usually in such relationships is prevalent sexual aspect - people are so highly susceptible to passion, they can not break away from each other, want to again and again fill with sexual energy. It is also possible emotional connection. In very rare cases, there are couples in which the beloved is closely linked at all levels. This is the most powerful bond that is incredibly difficult to interrupt. Partners will be able to leave only when they learn everything they should, in each other, then the karma will reset the counter.

  1. Fatality and tragic end - another indication of the presence of a karmic relationship. A striking example of this will make love triangle. The basis of the relations of this kind constitute a powerful emotional or sexual bindings. Being in such a relationship, men and women feel unable to leave, but at the same time can not be close and harmonious, because all the time face various barriers and obstacles. In most cases, the end of such a relationship is tragic enough.
  2. Another indication of the karmic connection between lovers - a marriage in which one partner is a drug addict, an alcoholic, mentally ill person, or has a limited capacity. A second partner perceives these relationships for granted and believes that he has no right to leave his beloved. This relationship clearly imbued with a strong sense of guilt (usually it affects the fairer sex), which stretches from the previous incarnations.
  3. If a man or woman dies prematurely (Thirty-five years), it also indicates a karmic relationship. In this case, the second partner consciously chooses a punishment for certain actions of the past.
  4. There is an option of a harmonious connection In which both sides are kindred spirits. In such a pair is observed excellent understanding, respect and acceptance of all of the positive and negative qualities of its second half without the desire to change the favorite. Relations between soulmates is very harmonious and full of love and peace.
  5. The presence of a significant difference in age (more than fifteen years) - another one of the signs of a powerful karmic attraction. Such people can not let go of harmony, even if they have a strong desire to something. This option is very difficult relationship, in which men and women can both help your partner get on the right path, and, on the other hand, pushed him in the wrong direction, which increases the number of karmic debts in the present incarnation.

What are the prospects?

Now is a good time to talk about the future outlook.

How much will last a karmic relationship? This is largely due to their kind - Whether they will be healing or destroying (we talked about this at the beginning of the article).

In case of healing communication, When the partners fill each other with positive energy, share the necessary experience and contribute to creating (create a happy family, together they are engaged in raising children, have a common job and so on), you can observe cases when it lasts throughout life. Such relationships make people stronger and harmonious, contribute to their formation in all plans.

If conflicts arise in such relationships, they are very quickly passing, rarely when they end in a serious clarification of relationships. In such pairs, there are practically no cases of divorce. This is due to the fact that two souls are closely connected for many embodiments. They refer to the category of related souls.

If there is a negative destructive connection - Such relationships will last exactly as much as you need to ensure that both partners are able to completely return to each other that energy owed from the past embodiment, and filled it completely.

giving everything that should be partners can finally part

A characteristic example of such relationships is unrequited love, When one person begins to lose his head from love to another, and the second at the same time or does not feel anything, or it feels sympathy, which is much weaker. The most reasonable advice in this case is to release, continuing to fill it with positive energy at a distance. Of course, it is very difficult, but this is the only method that will allow you to harmoniously break the bonds, not by challenge even more firewood.

As a rule, in no mutual relationship Partners simply change roles from past lives. For example, if in the previous embodiment the husband was crazy about his wife, and she treated him indifferent, then in the current life the situation will repeat, but in the opposite context: a man will, for example, walk and change, and a woman will love him and Fight with indifference in relation to yourself.

It should be noted that two souls at the same time do not necessarily come into legal relations again - it is possible that the exchange of energy will occur at a distance.

It becomes clear that any karmic communication will mostly be not harmonious, requiring certain issues that have arisen in past incarnations. Allow them to independently be unrealistic, but there is an option to appeal to a specialist (numerologist, psychic, astrologer), which, on the basis of personal information partners, will help find the root cause of the problem and successfully cope with it.

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