Blue Aura in humans: What does this color mean


During the diagnosis of biofield, psychics sees a man's aura in color. What denotes the blue aura, what does this color mean? My former one-log lamp possessed a blue color aura. She always suffered from a lack of love for himself, from ridicule girls from our group. Some of it simply used for their own purposes.

One day she met the yoga instructor, and her life was cool changed. Yoga taught it not only the right asanas, but also self-awareness. Now it is a completely different person who knows how to appreciate himself and others, to properly arrange priorities and carry serving people without prejudice to personal life.

In the article, I will talk about what denotes the blue color of the aura and what needs to be fixed in herself to become a free happy person.

Blue aura.

Blue color value

In esoteric blue color is a symbol of calm and peace. This is the color of spirituality, spiritual spheres. If the extrasens saw the aura of a pure blue saturated tone, then this person is under the protection of heavenly patrons. Than saturated and brighter the tone, the more healthy and active is the person.

The color depth says that a person controls the Vishudha - Fifth Chakra. This chakra is responsible for communications, communication. So, a person knows how to build the right ties with people, knows how beautiful and intelligibly express his thoughts.

It can be a lecturer or speaker. This tone of Aura is often found at the missionaries who heard the call over: this is a call sign. But those missionaries whose intention is just a free journey around the world, there will be no blue.

If the psychic saw dim blue or with an admixture of gray, it testifies to the leakage of vitality. This is a lonely person, depressed, with a melancholic temperament. He feels abandoned, no one needs, useless. I do not know how to build the right links with people, closes in yourself.

A pale blue shade speaks of eternal doubts and fluctuations, a person is not able to independently make a decision and waiting for tips from. Sometimes this shade indicates a infantile person.

Blue color aura.

Mind and body

People with blue aura are the most caring and merciful of all. Their vital credo is helping needy. For this, they are ready to sacrifice their own time, forces, even health. These are volunteers by calling, sisters of mercy, nurse and nurse.

They are so different from the rest of the people that they seem to come from another planet.

People with Blue Aura teach all that without love there is no point in life. Their motivation is to serve others with love and tenderness, share universal love.

Many of them dedicate all their lives to the ministry to humanity, a great mission on Earth. Sometimes they have to restore the strengths spent to restore the equilibrium.

People with blue aura are focused on intuition and listen their heart, do not rely on the mind. In the modern world there is no place for them, since most people live a mind. However, they do not lose and continue to trust solely with their feelings.

People with Blue Aura always listen to the complaints of another person to the end and show sympathy. There are many lawyers, consultants and doctors among them.

A person with a blue aura is strongly developed empathy: he can understand the inner state of the other without words, feel his emotions and feelings. Therefore, they often have to dive into silence to clean their biofield from excessive information flow and weaken emotions.

Tears help to break free from the accumulated negative. People with heavenly color aura are able to clean with a stream of tears. It helps them to restore forces.

These are inborn pacifists, opponents of any forms of violence. They calmly perceive someone else's leadership and do not seek to be in all the first. They are comfortable to stay in the shade, be invisible. However, the Blue needs to learn how to speak solid "no" not to become victims of operation: they can be used for their own mercenary purposes.

Blue - sincere believers in God and the highest mind. They do not represent their lives without faith, love and hope. Faith strengthens their spirit, helps to overcome the obstacles and serve people in spite of anything.

Personal life

These are perfect spouses, because they surround their half a comprehensive care and attention. They know how to create a warm cozy atmosphere in the house, comfortable existence.

It seems that they are created for a happy family life. But the passion is not for them. Instead of passion, they give heat and tenderness, but constantly. Passion quickly burns out, and love and tenderness remain forever.

But sometimes they bend the stick and literally slander the partner with their excessive care and tenderness. People with a blue aura must be understood that each person should have a personal space free from the intervention.

Blue Aura in man what does

What you need to fix

All-consuming assistance to other people often becomes an obstacle to self-development. People with a blue aura must sometimes think about themselves, and not try to help everyone immediately. Some of them are convinced that they can reject if refused to help.

Blue so afraid to be humiliated and expelled that they are ready to put their own life on the altar. From this mental installation you need to get rid of.

The fear of causing psychological pain to other people is a reflection of their own fear to be rejected and offended. People with a terrace of heavenly need to realize that the refusal to help is not equal to the phrase "I do not like you."

Excessive sensitivity and gullibility can lead people with a blue aura to energy and mental exhaustion.

Often, rushing to the aid, they simply pull themselves someone else's pain or illness. It is very dangerous, as you can drag the deadly disease and even die.

What is the motive of such behavior? People with Blue Aura need so much in universal love and attention, which is ready to get out of the skin to get out of the sake of attention and respect.

This is an incorrect psychological installation that can lead to trouble. In fact, these people are just trying to earn the love of others. But it is impellent efforts, and does not always lead to the desired result.

Mintiness is another drawback. If a person from heavenly color Aura says a hundred times about love and rek up once, - he will remember the negative phrase. It will cause it to pour tears, complain and complain about fate.

When they are released from fear of being unloved and lonely, they will begin to breathe freely. Fear stifling, does not give rest, destroys the inner world. They need to learn to protect themselves and their inner world from someone else's influence and invasion.

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