How to see a man of man: exercises at home


Aura (or biofield) - It is an energy membrane that surrounds the silhouette of people and other living organisms.

To date, there is no doubt in the existence of a biofield: scientists were able to fix it using special instruments (here you can recall the famous "Killian effect", Open Semen Davidovich Kallian in 1939).

But it turns out that it is possible to see the energy outline and without ultra-duty devices, with their own eyes! How to see a man of man - talk about it in this material.

Aura man

Aura: General

Eastern teachings suggest that every person has not only the physical body (the coarsest), but also several energy (thinner). The latter and create our aura. Aura - acts "energy shell", also performing the role of an indicator of physical and psycho-emotional well-being.

Biopol is formed by the seven layers, which will be separated from the physical body at various distances. In shape, they repeat the contours of the physical shell, the ideal version resemble the egg-shaped cocoon.

The aura can be compared with the ionized field around the Earth. Its task is the same - protection against negative radiation, its deviation. Only in this case we are not talking about gamma radiation from space, but the negative impact of other people's energy fields.

Surely you have repeatedly noticed that you feel differently with different people. Some immediately have to themselves, cause inner sympathy, feel comfortable and confident with them.

And on the other, on the contrary, I want to burn out in all possible ways, they literally "put" on you, and your well-being in their society is noticeably deteriorating.

The "symptoms" described above are the result of the interaction of energy fields - your and other person.

Psychics, people with unusual abilities often see or feel biofields in this way:

  • can distinguish the luminous shell, the surrounding person;
  • Energy vibrations feel - tingling, heat or cold, when fingers close to the skin.

At the same time, it is believed to see an energy body (his or someone else's), if desired, each person is capable of. For this, regular workouts and non-real-minded persistence will be required. How to see aura - Consider a little further, but for now let's find out what the color of your biofield will tell.

What color can Aura be and what does it mean?

Of great importance in the decoding of the energy field has not only its shape and size, but the intensity of the luminescence, density and color. Biopole shades differ for different people. And even more - they change when our physical or emotional state changes.

Therefore, we can conclude that the state of the aura is the result of our actions, thoughts, this is an indicator of the general condition of the body and soul. Depending on how the tint prevails in Aure, you can make a characteristic of its owner.

What do the colors of the biofield mean?

  1. Black - It may indicate a serious illness, describe a person as a "evil genius", or say that the studied closed from scanning. The appearance on the aura of dark spots unequivocally testifies to big health problems.
  2. Golden or silver. Such personalities are leaders, they are distinguished by nobility, purposefulness, as well as physical and moral force. If you see the splashes of gold or silver colors on a general bioflasp background - then protective forces in this area are activated, this is a positive sign.
  3. Purple - characterizes its owner as a very spiritual person who has extrasensory abilities. It can be a medium, spiritual guru, preacher. True, if the violet shade in Aure is too dark and muddy - it will go about mental disabilities.
  4. Blue "Such a smart man thinks logically, he has good intuition, and he is also calm and stable. Telepathic abilities are not excluded. It is also monochrome and sociopaths. Dimmed blue will lead about depressive states.
  5. Blue Bioplas have open, sociable and inquisitive people. They are pleased to study and work in the team, they love to solve common tasks. Have a sharp mind, reliable and calm, similar to "blue". Only to communicate with them is much easier. But they are also subject to depression, differ in high sensitivity.
  6. Green tint Biopole speaks of the ability to feel other people. Such personalities are kind, sympathizing and loving. May become doctors from God. Emerald green shade along with the color of the sea wave will tell about honesty, loyalty and reliability. But if the color has become a muddy or "poisonous" means, the owner of the aura of the sly, a sneaky, envious and jealous man.
  7. Yellow - describe your owner as a big child. He is so straightforward in communicating, which often is offended by his loved ones. He is also active, hardworking and stubborn in achieving goals, has good health developed by imagination. Susceptible to negative habits and someone else's influence. With a muddy yellow aura, you can talk about the dependences or the inclination of the fraudster.
  8. Orange - This is the color of the sociable, active sanguine. But his mood is often changing, just like performance. It can quickly chase, but immediately calm down. When clouding an orange or brick shade, we learn that the man proudly, aggressive, he is hard to have a concentration on something.
  9. Red Colour Bioplas - inherent in strong personalities, real leaders and organizers who always go at the head of the columns. They have a lot of energy, so the difficulties do not suffer. But they are terrible stubborn, ambitious, selfish. When clouding red, you can talk about balloon, aggression. If red spots were added in the biofield - there is an inflammatory process (often accompanied by pain).

Interesting! If color sprains, breaks, dark spots, luminescence changes and colors are clearly visible on the biofield, can be about the appearance of various ailments.

Aura man colors

Why do you need to see aura?

In addition to banal interest, these advantages of this skill can be distinguished:
  • Learn to understand the people: the color and intensity of the biofield will tell a lot about the nature of the individual, in which mood it is;
  • Learn when you lie - the rapidly changed color of the aura will tell about it;
  • You can see and diagnose physical and / or psychological problems in the early stages: manifest themselves with holes in aura, holes, dark spots;
  • And with sufficient experience and the availability of special knowledge to really even interact with the aura of other people, cleaning and improving its condition.

But, of course, it is naive to believe that you will master all the abilities at once - first learn to see the biofield itself, and then gradually be able to distinguish its color and state.

Interesting! It is believed that small children (up to 4 years) distinguish the aura of people. If she does not like it - they start crying, they do not go to such a person in their hands or, on the contrary, they smile, express their location. In the process of growing, these skills are lost, but can be restored.

How to see aura at home: exercises

Some lucky with birth has a gift to see someone else's biofield. You do not feel about their number? Do not be discouraged, because there are special workouts for its development.

When you do - adhere to certain conditions:

  • You are in the room alone with you;
  • Eliminate any distracting factors;
  • Organize the most relaxed atmosphere;
  • Include muffled lighting: in darkness you will not be able to distinguish the outlines, and too bright light will prevent the vision of energy fields. If you go to the day, close the curtains on the windows, and if everything happens at night - turn on the night light or burn the candle.

Now let's go directly to the review of exercises, how to see your aura at home.

Exercise 1. Learn to see aura hand

The most simple technique. Prepare for its execution background white, gray or black (it can be a sheet of paper or a piece of fabric). Then place your hand over the chosen background, fingers spread. Start peering through them, focusing your eye on the background. Your task is not to look at hand, but on the background, try not to blink.

After some time, you will begin to distinguish the easiest energy outline of your brush. Congratulations - you learned to see aura hand! But it was only the first step.

Aura Hands

Exercise 2. Learn to see the aura of your body

Practice with the first exercise several times to secure the effect. And then go to the second practice, trying to see your own biofield. Prepare a mirror in full growth and background, which in contrast. It is advisable to divide Donag.

The task remains the same as in the first exercise - the focus of vision to transfer to the background, and not on the body, peeled, as if through ourselves. After time, you will mark the appearance of a luminous contour around the body, the same that surrounded your hand.

At first, the picture will be funeral - the outlines will float, then arise, then disappear. But learning to look at yourself with a scattered look, gradually you will fix a clear image.

Exercise 3. Learning to see the aura of other people

Having understood with you, you most likely, there will be a desire to see the biofield of your loved ones and friends. Try to do it only when you learn to see your aura without using the back of the back.

Now your task will be a visual concentration on the body of another person (at first it is advisable to look at his head). Paint it through it already familiar to you with a scattered look. After time, you will see a human energy membrane. And after long-term classes, learn how to distinguish its shades and intensity.

Be stubborn in your workouts, do not give up after the first failure and you will reveal the ability to see your and someone else's aura!

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