Hara - a place where human life is collected


If you are interested in Esoteric, then perhaps already heard about such a thing as "Hara". What kind of beast is this, let's understand the following material.

What is Hara?

Hara is a power center, which is actually a portal to the immortal soul of every person. The area of ​​finding a Hara in the body is the center of the abdomen, next to the sexual chakra. Much information about it we find in all cultures of antiquity.

Hara Center

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You, most likely, heard the expression "not sparing your belly." But not everyone knows that the words "life" and "belly" originate from the same root. Our ancestors were well known about finding a special energy center in the stomach, connecting us with the eternal and immortal soul.

The very word "Hara" came to us from Japan, where the ritual of suicide Harakiri was widely known. Literally, he denotes "cutting soul from the body."

Hara and soul man

The soul is in a special temporal and spatial dimension. It can be compared with the player who is in virtual reality and controls the toy: that is, it has a physical body, lives in the material world, where it is forced to fulfill its goals, vital tasks.

When one round of the game comes to an end, the player's soul starts a new round, and it lasts until the game reaches its highest level.

The soul is an essence of the life experience of an individual accumulated by him during the countless number of earthly incarnations (that is, all rounds of his "Games").

The relationship between soul and body and reason is carried out precisely with Hare.

What gives the developed Hara Center

Many oriental esoteric trends associate Haru with energy of life, force and courage. It is believed that people with severe haray have the following characteristics:

  • solid life position;
  • Clearly see the picture of the world, not falling into illusions;
  • Specifically know what they want to achieve in life.

Starting to develop Haru, you get rid of yourself from the duality of the mind, achieve unity and integrity with you. If practicing enough long, it is possible to achieve even enlightenment and endless wisdom.

In everyday life, people practically do not interact with this energy zone. Exceptions happen only with emergencies when we face a serious danger and there is no time for unnecessary meditation. It is then automatically activated by the unconscious and causes a person to unconsciously make the right actions in order to save it from death.

Perhaps you have experienced this on your own experience. Then your reaction was much faster than mental processes. This is not surprising, because the inclusion of the Hara Center is manifested by real miracles. Then the colossal amount of energy is ejected, allowing a person to perform impressive actions that he would never have done in normal state.

As an example, the situation can be given when the danger threatened the life of the kids and their mothers did the impossible to save the child: for example, with ease raised and turned over the car, weighing 1.5 tons. Scientists will confirm that this is contrary to all the laws of physics, but the facts remain facts. And there are a lot of such stories.

Hara gives inhuman power and energy

Japanese samurai used similar principles. But in their case, the Hara Center developed deliberately at the expense of regular practices and performing special meditations. However, not only they are available to the magic of Hara! A modern man, if desired, can also develop this energy zone in itself, due to which it becomes calmer, will eliminate the duality of his thoughts.

With the development of Hares, Divine Insights may happen (that is, insights). A person aware of the true meaning of his life, begins to act correctly. Some say that this is intuition, the insight, others call such awareness, the main thing is that when you activate the Hara, you will begin to clearly understand the meaning of what is happening, without words.

How to develop your haru

Initially, in the surrounding world, duality is missing. Life is inherent smooth flow and change of one state to others. For example, winter follows after autumn, it replaces the spring, depression is gradually replaced by joy and vice versa ...

But the problem lies in the peculiarities of the human mind, which perceives only one thing, completely ignoring another. This is the main reason for the development of duality. Suppose we are used to that your friend always stays in a good mood, having funny jokes, so it is extremely difficult to take it in a state of anger, aggression or resentment.

Or in love: At the beginning of the relationship, you can experience crazy feelings for your beloved person, and at some point these positive emotions are replaced by extremely negative (remember the saying "from love to hatred one step").

Just think about these two states of extremes and their shift in your life. Recognize and accept these processes, because thanks to this you get rid of many problems and obstacles on your path.

In this case, emotions are accumulated in specific parts of the body, as a rule, in the stomach. When he is overwhelmed by them, the individual loses the ability of the right response to events and begins to behave like a pattern. In this case, there is a lack of vital energy.

What to do to improve the situation? Start developing your Haru using the following recommendations:

  1. Accept the reality as it is.
  2. Always control your emotions, especially negative. Contact inside yourself, feel like emotions move through the body. You can even present their color, shape and sizes.
  3. Over time, you will learn to dissolve the negative, transforming it into new qualities. And this, in turn, contributes to the purification of the internal space of the Hara. Life energy will come to the place of bad feelings, power.
  4. The main thing, in no case try to suppress your emotions! Not pronounced, they will become a real inner poison or a delayed action bomb - call as you want. And such a bomb can explode even from a minor occasion. Therefore, it is important to express feelings and emotions, most importantly, look at them from the inside.
  5. Watch out for the cleanliness of Hara's life center, clean it emotionally and physically. For the implementation of the latter, the practices of pranayama, yoga, dynamic meditation, hardening with cold water, gym has been perfectly suitable.

For the development of Hare, the right breathing is important.

Proper breathing for the development of Hara

Breathing is not just the process of supplying the body with oxygen. It also helps to release accumulated inside negative emotions. You probably heard about the importance of the right breathing. And it is not lifting - it contributes to the cleansing of thin bodies and centers.

There are many special respiratory techniques (for example, a holotropic breathing), which first mixes the contents of the energy bodies (like muddy water in the glass of water), and then pours out it. If you even learn to concentrate on your Hare, it will become more resistant to external influences and stress factors.

To help you with the next exercise for finding your point of Hara.

  • It is necessary to get up, put the legs on the width of the shoulders, the pelvis put forward, and the hands are free to breathe on the sides, lower the chin.
  • The tongue is torn to the alveoli - the area of ​​the upper coat, which is located behind the teeth.
  • Do inhale with the help of the nose, air to direct the abdomen.
  • Exhausted mouth so that the language falls down, and the abdomen wall pressed against the spinal pole.

Make a few approaches of this exercise, relax, feel the inner harmony and move your attention to the Hara region - the abdomen. Then very slowly adjust the knees. When the abdominal cavity moves, the feeling in Hare should appear. Now you know where you have this center.

Meditation will help to awaken Haru

Meditation to Awakening Hara

Can be performed in a sitting or lying position. Hands are also put in the most convenient way - or kneeling, or on the stomach, or one above the other.

  1. Breathe abdomen, breathing must be calm and measured. Visualize that you are an empty vessel in which warm, clean water begins to float.
  2. Water causes a sense of full relaxation of the body. It spreads over the feet, icers, hollows, you feel a complete relaxation of your feet.
  3. Then the flow of clean water gets to the abdomen, chest, shoulders, you feel the maximum relaxation in the body.
  4. Then the water comes to the hands, flows over them, because of which they are also heavy and relax.
  5. At the very end of the water comes to the head. Special attention is paid to the neck, secure all the body full of relaxation and severity.
  6. Then transfer the emphasis on breathing. All also inhale with the help of the abdomen, smoothly and measured. Feel the lifting of the belly on the breath and its lowering on the exhalation. Remove the sensations in the physical body by sending all the attention to insight into the center of Hara.
  7. Scroll to all emotions and expectations, feel complete peace and peace. Sport with thoughts: let them flow themselves. Just watch them removed.
  8. With the help of an internal look, see at the center of the stomach Warm Sunshine - Hara Center. Feel like every breath in you comes the beneficial life of the soul. And each exhale evenly distributes it throughout the physical and energy body.
  9. And every new breath and exhale gives an increasing saturation of an enlightened soul. Now you have found our Haru, worked it, felt a holistic.
  10. You can slowly open your eyes, but do not lose the feeling in Hare. Miscellect several times deeply and exhale, then pull out to feel all the muscles of the body. Return to your usual life, but keep the feeling of Hara and the feeling of harmony and the calm, which she fills you.

Be regular in your practice, and you will see a positive result!

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