Aries and cancer compatibility - causes of conflicts


Compatibility of Aries and Cancer, from the point of view of astrology, you will not call a prosperous. They have incompatible elements, and they are best interacting in affairs, and not in love. We will understand with the peculiarities of their relationship more.

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Compatibility in Love

Aries and cancers often sympathize with each other, despite the absence of astrological compatibility. Energy, positive and colossal self-confidence, characteristic of the fiery element of Aries, very attracts doubting, unsure and sometimes weak cancer, which in the partner sees the best quality in it.

Astrological Compatibility Aries Cancer

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But in relations there is an energy imbalance, the temperament of partners varies too much. It is desirable that the exchange of energies between them occur in a friendly or business relationship, occasionally, and not constantly.

Friendly relationships between signs will also develop safely by the type "Patron and Advisor". But love relationships are often destructive, because two completely incompatible elements converge. Partners will not be able to productively interact and be happy. They will constantly struggle with each other, which in the end does not lead to anything good.

What is still characteristic of this type of union:

  1. In real life, a pair of Aries and cancers are rare. Much more often they are associated with business or friendly relations. Interacting in affairs, they are able to achieve a lot, their goals are achieved easily, charging the energy and ideas of both.
  2. If partners are compatible intellectually and have common goals, there are no obstacles for them. Cancer in such a union is a strategist and tactic, it is very careful and manages common resources. Aries, rather, the performer who prefers to act, and not think.
  3. And at the very point when business relationships become successful, cancer and Aries can illudit the thought: why not try to build relationships? This idea, unfortunately, failed.
  4. If they decide to be together, they begin relationships or, worse, marry, they will only be associated with physical thrust to each other. The sexual side of their life is above all silence, but everything else is not so smooth.
  5. When the sensual attraction after the first months is fading, they may find that there are no other points of contact. The quarrels begin, because none can become a source of positive energy for a partner.
  6. Water and fire are starting fierce opposition. Aries will try to spread in the depths of the soul of cancer something new, but will not find. And cancer, not tolerant intrusions in the soul, closes in itself and closes, will be completely fighting.
  7. If Aries act rudely and straightly, then cancer is a cheek. He is able to strengthen his companion of life in the most sore places, which is why he just curses. This is true psychological violence that the Aries extinguishes and makes the relationship sharply.
  8. To make relations harmonious and happy, both will have to try. And it is necessary to work every exclusively on yourself.
  9. The perfect option for them is to live together for a while before marriage to make sure the household compatibility and understand how much they are able to get along together.

The most successful option of relationships is when Aries builds a career, and cancer takes care of children and stores family hearth. Then the fiery energy will completely go to achieve, without burning everything around in the family, and the water will concentrate on the world and harmony within the relationship.

Causes of conflict

Now let's talk about what reasons in a pair there are disagreements. It is important to know to understand how to solve constantly emerging problems.

Love Compatibility Aries Cancer

The most likely causes of conflicts in a pair of Aries and cancer are as follows:

  1. There is a constant struggle for power and leadership. No one wants to give up. Won the one who will be capable of it.
  2. During the quarrel, everyone acts decisively, defending their opinion and completely without listening to the interlocutor. The quickness of the Aries is wound off the cancer, which cries, closes in itself. A chosen one does not understand such hysterics, which is why it can freeze even more.
  3. The jealousy of cancer does not know borders. For this reason, the majority of the quarrel happens. But if he is jealous from scratch, the Aries subconsciously feels that it is not suitable for a partner, and will save this confidence in the coming treasures that sooner or later breaks out.
  4. Initiative in parting usually belongs to cancer. This thin nature is very sensitive, the inclined to attach too much importance to small problems, which simply does not notice or does not give them values.

Both partners are usually true to each other, but for the time being. Sooner or later, they realize that they are not suitable for the relationship and are looking for a replacement for the current satellite on the side.

Check out the video about the Union of Aries and Cancer from the point of view of astrology:

Woman Cancer and Man-Aries

In these relations, Aries fell in love. A man will try on the limit of its capabilities to provide a decent standard of living. At the beginning of communication, he will show himself only with a good side, wanting to make a good impression with all their might.

But he will not be enough admiration and respect from the second half. He is also not able to constantly listen to long monologues about feelings and experiences of the chosen.

Both in a pair are trying to limit each other's freedom, which inevitably leads to parting.

Man-Cancer and Woman Aries

Such a feeling that these two will never learn to negotiate. Their relationship is constant disputes, scandals, stormy quarrels with broken plates, cries and tears.

Compatibility Aries Cancer

But the innate romance of both can save the situation if they learn at least give up a little and hear each other, sometimes to make concessions and put up with the lack of partner, which cannot be corrected.

The Union has a chance to become happy if the woman learns to be softer, rational and tolerant. And a man is more solid, less doubting. The missing quality they need to look for each other, then they perfectly complement their tireless character with correct features.

Other compatibility

Compatibility ♈ Aries With other signs:

♈One 91% ♌lev 100% ♐Leslets 92%
♉Telts 81% ♍Deva 84% ♑Kozerog 82%
♊Libers 65% ♎veps 83% Expand 82%
♋RAK 81% ♏Scorpion 97% 87%

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