Compatibility: Taurus with other zodiac signs


Taurus, together with a tin, represent the tandem of the most stubborn signs in the zodiac, but the Taurus is also different and pragmatic with an exacerbid sense of justice. It is very easy to offend the calf, as it has a high sensitivity - the gift of the goddess Venus. Consider the compatibility of the Taurus with other signs of the zodiac circle. How to bring with the most stubborn and practical representative of the Earth Element?

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♉ Taurus ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish
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Total characteristic of Taurus

Compatibility: Taurus with other signs

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By nature, Taurus is balanced and calm. However, do not forget about the dormant volcano, which may be at the most unexpected moment to spew the hot lava from the bowels of the earth. Therefore, the Taurus is terrible in anger. But here to bring it to the earthquake and volcanic eruption is not so simple - it is slow and often bad.

The positive qualities of calves can be attributed:

  • reliability;
  • persistence;
  • shutter speed;
  • long-suffering;
  • The ability to store secrets;
  • Developed sense of beautiful.

Earth can get along with all the elements, but under certain conditions - mutual concessions. The calves with the earth's signs are well felt well, as well as with watermarks - fish, crayfish and scorpions. Water can adapt, contend and occupy the most favorable position in the ground. Both elements feel comfortable and mutually complement each other.

It is much more difficult to develop relationships with the elements of fire - here you need to be able to make compromises. In case of unsuccessful relationships, the fire may smell the ground of the ground, and the Earth is to fully extinguish the fire.

With representatives of air signs, it is still more difficult - there are no common points of contact. When air is in a state of immobility, both are well and comfortable. But when the air enters the state of the hurricane, nothing good to expect the Earth. And the air is not easier.

In relations, the Taurus shows prudency and calculates all the moves in advance. However, it can be tested by a sharpened sense of purpose: if the relationship is not tied, this stubborn begins to storm the object of his attention, without taking care of his feelings.

The original combination of practicality and romance distinguishes the Taurus from everyone and is sometimes perceived as killing. But the Taurus exactly feels the world, because its character is formed by the elements of the earth and goddess of love by Venus. If representatives of other signs of the zodiac will be able to appreciate the Taurus, he will be selflessly take care of their well-being: this is the Earth's child will create all the conditions for a comfortable existence.


With all his positive beginning, the calf has a bunch of flaws. These include the following qualities that can simply bring people out of themselves:

  • In order for the Taurus finally decided, it is necessary to wait a long time - as a result, he may never accept him;
  • Instead of active actions, the Taurus will argue long and persistently;
  • Taurus is difficult to convince something and difficult to resist his opinion imposed on them;
  • Thanks to Taurus is always silent;
  • The mask of indifference and composure is hiding very vulnerable vulnerable and waters of the soul;
  • The extreme expression of the Taurus egoism makes it deaf to the problems of others.

However, with age, the Taurus becomes more good, as learns to see people around him. Therefore, the older than the representative of this sign of the zodiac, the easier it is to find mutual understanding with him.

Taurus character and compatibility

Earth signs

With representatives of their element - Capricorn and the Virgo - Taurus feels comfort. All the children of the earth are striving for equilibrium and peace, put specific goals in life and are not inclined to sharp changes. They will always understand each other and support. However, this concerns the overall characteristics. In life circumstances, representatives of the earthly element can be enjoyed if persistence and purposefulness in an unnecessary direction will appear.

For harmonious coexistence, they need to send their efforts to achieve goals, and not on hostility with each other. For example, if a pair of calves starts a crossbreak, this feud will last infinitely for a long time - both will not leave their positions. With the Capricorn and Devs, the relationships will never reach such an extent, since the patronage of the planets are different, and it imposes an imprint. If Capricorn is stubborn, then not to such an extent as the calf, it is possible to negotiate. The same applies to the virgin.

The most prosperous are the unions of a woman with a man-Capricorn and Men-Taurus with a woman-Virgin.

In love relationships between earth signs will never be an ardent passion, but they are quite satisfied. If the stars create them the conditions for financial well-being, then greater happiness earthly signs and do not need.

When creating a union with a muster, it is necessary to take into account that it considers the relationship from its point of view. That is, for the Taurus, love is expressed not only in romantic feelings, but also in mutual support and round-the-clock care.

Water signs

Some calves can borrow endless stability and irrevomination in attachment to traditions, in this case, water marks will help to brighten their lives. Fishes are able to make a variety of emotional life, scorpions will add sharpness of sensations, and eternally unsure of themselves crayfish always need the patronage of Tales.

Of course, the relationship will not immediately be afraid of a safe: for this, the Taurus needs to constantly improve its qualities. In addition, all earth problems should have to take over.

Unions are considered to be unions of a woman-woman with a man-fish, and a man's Taurus with a woman-cancer. In a pair, Taurus-Scorpio floor has no importance.

With fishes, a productive and harmonious union is possible, despite the opposite of the views on life. If the partners agree to make compromises, the fish will learn from the Taurus practicality, and the Tales will be able to learn to relax from everyday worries. The Taurus is so responsible that in the heat of work and care may even forget about lunch. Fish will be able to provide an experienced leisure, and the Tales in gratitude to the fish will surround them with comfort and care.

In relations with cancer, everything is more complicated, since the indecisive signs of water are striving to constantly dive deeper and hide from all the dangers of the world under some kind of snag in the still waters. Tales will teach craypieces to soberly assess the situation, and those in response will dismiss them patronizing feelings. The harmoniousness of the relationship will contribute to the natural softness of the Taurus - he will never be offended.

With scorpion - thunder and lightning in the relationship. However, scorpions will always appreciate the purposefulness of the Taurus and the ability to stand tightly on the legs and be financially independent: we just destroy weak. Aggressive and cynical scorpions will not allow anyone to sit on their neck, and the calves do not differ in this quality. Nevertheless, harmonious relationships are possible only if there are benefits from one or both sides.

Fire signs

These relationships are full of contradictions, sometimes become the test of tights for strength. Pragmatic and prudent taurus cannot understand the constant changeability of the partners, which seems to him unacceptable frivolity. The Taurus will never shift the initiative to create such relationships, but the will of the fate can be drawn into an adventurous, from his point of view, marriage.

With the signs of the fire, the most favorable relationship with authentication can be: they are combined by the feeling of purpose. Under certain circumstances, this union can become very harmonious if the partners join efforts to achieve a common goal. Otherwise there will be a permanent enmity and roding by horns. Tales and hairdies are better not to be enjoyed.

Aries will always be covered in tandem with a taurus. This union can enrich both stalls, supplement and make a variety. Love relationships will be full of dustless passion, because Aries is able to ignore the reasonable calf and captivate his romantic relationship.

In relations with Lvir, harmony is possible only in business relationships, because the Taurus does not claim the palm of championship. Lerl flatters such a state of affairs, besides, the Taurus is an excellent assistant and a reliable partner.

It is difficult to staretime with a shooter, because the overwhelming power of the fiery sign can hurt the sensitive and gentle caller. In friendly and partnerships, the Union can be quite successful and harmonious, but in love relationships mutually understanding is practically excluded. Romantic from a large road is perceived by the Taurus as something unreliable and dangerous, although the unions are found. Course can be formed to solve karmic tasks.

Bad Taurus Compatibility with Signs

Air signs

Taurus is distinguished by an exacerbid sense of justice, honesty and decency. They also expect such behavior from their partners. But in the case of air signs, there can be no talk about any justice - they perceive their own change of looks as the only possible in life. But calves regard the change of change as unreliability and even falsehood.

Only friendly relationships are possible with Gemini, despite the difference in worldviews. If you do not take twins close to heart, you can save a warm friendly atmosphere. This sign has seven Fridays in the week, which causes a sharp misunderstanding. In love of harmony will not be due to the peculiarities of the twins fall in love in all in a row without parsing.

With the weights, mutual understanding is difficult to find, although both sign are under the control of Venus. The feeling of excellent is the only thing that can merge them for a while. The element of air constantly affects the scales that are in a state of uncertainty. The first flash of passion between signs will inevitably end either hatred or tragedy. For some reason, the organizing calves and scales try to cause each other as much as possible damage.

With a water union is less problematic than with weights. The genius of the Aquarius conquers the Taurus, they are for him a sip of fresh air. Friendship and cooperation between signs will be very fruitful and durable, while signs have something to "get used" from each other. But love is unpromising, the marriage union is doomed to failure.

All compatibility ♉

♈ove 63% ♌lev 96% ♐Leslets 81%
♉Telts 93% ♍deva 92% ♑Kozerog 98%
♊ Blizzards 73% ♎veps 92% Apartments 83%
♋рос 83% ♏Scorpion 100% 91%

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