Taurus-Virgo compatibility: wedding compatibility


Pets of earthly element Taurus and Virgo personify different states of hardening: Taurus symbolizes constancy, and the power of the Virgin shifts the layers of soil from place in place. That is, there is an opposite of expression of the earthly essence in its integrity. What is the compatibility of Taurus Virgo, how can the calm of the mountain ranges with an earthquake can be served? Consider the question in detail.

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Compatibility Taurus Virgo

Character of Tales and Dev

Common in the nature of Tales and Devs is hardworking and purposefulness. Both sign is methodically and consistently moved to the target target, they are not frightened by obstacles and difficulties on the way. Despite the tendency to stubbornness and pessimism, both signs show these qualities at different times, therefore conflict situations do not create. If one is tired, the second will substitute the friendly shoulder and give a hand of help.

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Virgo is so careful and careful that they sometimes need to bempusing from the side of the Taurus - to decide on an important step. Combines these signs the desire to maintain traditions and not change any years in its embodiment. These are two conservatives who are in no satisfaction. Virgo can teach the Taurus to relax and relax in a timely manner. This is useful to the worker to the Taurus, which forgets even dine in the process of painstaking labor.

Astrologers believe that to create a successful and durable union between the Taurus and the Virgin of the Small - they just need to meet.

Regardless of the sphere of relationship, the Taurus connection with the Virgin will always be harmonious and comfortable. Both are polite, calm and withstands - this union has a favorable impression on others.

Taurus compatibility and Virgin marriage

Woman Taurus and Virgo

The initiator of relations in this country is the Taurus. Despite the stubbornness of a male-male, to which nothing cannot be imposed on, under the influence of a charming woman, he will completely relax and trust it with a soft najm. The situation will be so comfortable that the shy Virgin will be suddenly eloquent. Lovers are not needed noisy parties and large harvesting people, they prefer meetings in secluded places and silence.

Both sign characterizes the desire for long-term solid relationships.

If the Taurus girl decides to prevent the girl to visit, it should bring the house in perfect order. Virns are famous for a manic attitude to clean and capable of seeing dust without a microscope in the most hard-to-reach places. However, the beauty of the Ward Venus is able to muffle even such an integral quality of the Virgin, as the desire for absolute sterility - a man will simply lose the gift of speech and thinking.

The harmony of the relationship contributes to the devotion of both each other. Taurus and Virgo never risk flirting on the side, they seek to give each other longer. None of them in a hurry to execute the legality of relationships, but they are also not going to interrupt them. Taurus and Virgo always thoroughly think over every step and leisurely go to the goal.

Wedding compatibility

Astrologers consider the British Union of Taurus and the Virgin ideal. Both signs understand each other with a half-clow, as their worldview completely coincides. Sometimes Virgo may be too scrupulous, but it does not interfere with the reign of common harmony. Male Virgo loves family comfort, so appreciates the care and attention of women Taurus. He considers it an ideal mistress and mother. Taurus like the economic activity of the Virgin, the ability to earn money and wander to spend them.

Male Virgo may seem sometimes too demanding for cleanliness and order, but the calf likes to bother the house and take care of households. The desire of the Virgin to perfect purity can bring a lot of unpleasant moments, but it will have to put up with it either to convert to humor.

Compatibility in friendship between Taurus and Virgo

Pedantic maids do not give a descent in this regard, not only to the calves: from the very birth, all things are in their places and are characterized by perfect purity. However, the Taurus will lead the virgin new quality - enjoyment of a classic disorder, erecting him into the rank of art. And what else to compare the fragrant rose petals scattered on the carpet, how not with art?

In the intimate life, both partners fully coincide on temperament and attitude towards sex. The explosion of emotions in this pair will never be, but both completely satisfied with a calm and measured marital idyll. If the Virgin wants some diversity, you need to delicately warn the Taurus about it in advance.

Can there be disagreements in the idyllic Taurus Union with the Virgin? They are, but always solve peace negotiations. However, here you need to take into account the peculiarity of the Tales and the Virgin to save offense and for a long time to keep them under the lock. At the most inopportune moment, Pandora's drawer can open, and then thunderstorms with the earthquake not to avoid. But more exception than the rule, since both signs are in contradictions extremely rare.

Male Taurus and Virgo

Astrologers are confident that this pair is created for each other. More durable and stable relationships to build is unlikely to succeed. Taurus and Virgo see each other themselves either what they want to see in a partner.

The couple understands each other completely without words and even semi-shafts, so close to the sense of partners.

In the first meeting, Taurus and Virgo understand that they found each other. Male-tolets should not be persevengeous and seek the location of the Virgin - she immediately approves his choice. Virgo feels that I found a reliable partner and trust him completely. Both are able to combine useful with pleasant - feelings do not prevent them from doing business, and things do not interfere with feelings. As a rule, relationships between lovers always end with the wedding.


This is one of the most stable and strong marriage unions, about which legends go. This family always reigns comfort, well-being, mutual understanding and respect. Familiar is observing the fairy tale embodied in reality between the noble knight and the lady of royal blood. Children in this couple are always well brought up and careful, please their parents with their success in learning.

In the bed, the spouses behave at exactly the same, so do not prevent complaints of each other. On the part of the Virgin, the proposals of diversity in intimate life can come to which the spouse-Taurus will answer approvingly. Astrologers believe that over time, partners will learn to feel each other even more. Hot and insatiable taurus will be able to spin some coldness of the Virgin and make a more passionate mistress from her.

Partnership and friendship

The couple is on the same wave, so mutual understanding will be perfect. Both prefer to combine pleasant with useful, so the time will not spend the time. If representatives of the land of different sexes, then friendship almost always ends with marriage relationships.

In business partnership, a couple awaits success, because double persistence in achieving goals always leads to an excellent result. Perseverance, multiplied by excitement, will attract a lot of envious and competitors. But the Taurus with the Virgin will be able to overcome any intersections of competitors and bring their ship to clean and calm waters.

However, the inclination of the landmarks to constant is not always useful in business projects, therefore the team of like-minded people will not prevent the presence of an air sign - they are all distinguished by a creative approach to business and a tendency to innovate.

Other compatibility ♉

Compatibility ♉ Tales With other signs:

♈ove 63% ♌lev 96% ♐Leslets 81%
♉Telts 93% ♍deva 92% ♑Kozerog 98%
♊ Blizzards 73% ♎veps 92% Apartments 83%
♋рос 83% ♏Scorpion 100% 91%

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