Compatibility Taurus Scorpio: Friendship and Partnership, Marriage Relationship


Taurus and Scorpio are antagonists in the horoscope. These are two opposites that are very difficult to get along and find mutual understanding. However, such marriages are found. Consider compatibility Taurus-Scorpio in detail. What is needed to create a steady union?

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Compatibility Taurus Scorpio


The union of antagonist signs is possible only during the coincidence of the most favorable circumstances and subject to sexual attraction. A more characteristic is an irreconcilable female between the Taurus and Scorpio, as both are not accustomed to give up and defend their views to the last.

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On the other hand, the opposites perfectly complement each other, so they are attracted. However, these signs have both general persistence in achieving the goal. If they can combine efforts, they will not be equal on the results. To do this, there should be favorable circumstances and a common goal should appear.

If both signs give up attempts to remake each other, their tandem will be just great.

Male Taurus and Scorpio

This union can be successful if both partners leave the idea to remake each other and will not dismantle the right of leadership in relationships. In the presence of sympathy and striving to be together the couple will be able to be happy. If this is added to this together, then the chances of success increase. Of course, scorpion puzzles the slowness of the Taurus, but he is ready to accept it. Taurus can output a sharp manner to speak, but also to this can be used to the sake of a common cause.

Taurus and Scorpio exist in a different life rhythm, which is the cause of misunderstanding.

At the beginning of dating a man-tavern is literally fascinated by a scorpion woman. These pink glasses do not give to evaluate the danger of the situation and misleading about the true qualities of the partner. Externally, the scorpion may look calm and balanced, but it is not its character line - it says about the ability to restrain the emotional storm inside. Calm of the Namig will end if the scorpion of something will not arrange.

A scorpion woman puzzles the Taurus's lowestoreness, so she always takes the initiative to their hands. The union may not take place if the scorpion will take a more suitable fan. In this case, the girl decisively and finally break the connection with the Taurus without any regret.

Marriage buses

If the marriage between the Taurus and Scorpio still took place, the relationship promise to be long. Both partners came to the registry office after a careful analysis of the situation, weighing more than once all "pros and cons". Therefore, thoughts about the break of relationships are excluded.

Joint life they will put up quickly, the strength of the financial basis will be stable. Scorpio is not always able to give home enough time, but the order and cleanliness loves. The Taurus will have to put up with the change in the unshakable leaders of his life, but the scorpion will help him go to the new life rhythm unobtrusively and quite tactfully.

In bed, there may be inconsistencies in temperaments, as the scorpion is needed a variety of sensations that can not provide the Taurus. However, the wisdom of scorpion and then he will come to the aid - she will teach the spouse to a variety of caresses and sensations, for which he will be grateful.

Marriage compatibility - Taurus and Scorpio

Woman Taurus and Scorpio

Harmony between signs is possible with full coincidence of goals and interests. If this is not, the signs will disperse on different parties and will be enjoyed. The principle, multiplied by durability, turns into action to the detriment of their interests. That is, the Taurus and Scorpio will be harmful to themselves, just to prick the enemy.

However, the scorpion man perfectly sees a reliable and solid life companion in Telchikha, which cannot but attract it. She calls things with their own names, not dying and does not try to delve. In addition, the girl-Taurus tries not to give a reason for jealousy, which is very important to scorpion.

Woman taurus attracts the ability to be gallant and beautiful skipio. It is attracted by the energetic activity of Cavalera, his talkativeness and lack of complexes. Charm, of course, will disappear over time, as Telchikha will notice the difference in temperaments.

Scorpio can not change, and any change of any change is perceived as a threat to breaking rest and stability.

Any suggestion of scorpion about visiting the company of friends, leaving for nature and other events is unlikely to find support from Taurus. Scorpio is constantly needed new impressions and events, it is not suitable for home. Over time, conflicts will begin on this soil, which will most likely lead to a breaking of relationships.

Marriage relationship

A successful marriage between tales and scorpion is possible only at an average age when they typed everyday wisdom and can evaluate each other's advantages. They both need a cozy family nest, stability surrounded by relatives and loved ones. Telchikha perfectly copes with household, and Scorpio is able to earn.

The female Taurus should not prevent the impulse of the scorpion male self-expression. Then the marriage will be successful.

However, there may be misunderstandings here, since the female Taurus perceives the desire of Scorpio to new impressions as dissatisfaction with family life. If the Taurus is aware that the thrust for the impressions is an integral part of the scorpion character, it will be able to adequately evaluate its actions. In this case, the misunderstandings in the family will not be, and Scorpio will be a smart wife.

Taurus and Scorpio in partnership

Friendship and partnership

In friendship, there are few general points of contact with the Taurus and Scorpio. Taurus seem to scorpions of the bore and look in their eyes boring and uninteresting. The calves are hard to understand the blows of scorpions, they look in their eyes with cranks and adventurers. In addition, scorpions are distinguished by secrecy, which is even more pushing the calves from communicating with them. Relationships are possible only at the level of friends.

This tandem will be gorgeous.

There is an ingenuity of the Scorpio and the practicality of the Taurus. Scorpio is a wonderful warrior of the Spirit, therefore, it may be a head alone to break any competitors. While he beats with the enemies, the Taurus calmly behaves. The debate between them may arise on the soil of discrepancies in terms of the integrity of business: the Taurus will never sign on some adantore, it is a crystal clear player. Finding out the misunderstanding, both new signs with double power will increase the bank accounts - they both know the price of money.

Other compatibility ♉

Compatibility ♉ Tales With other signs:

♈ove 63% ♌lev 96% ♐Leslets 81%
♉Telts 93% ♍deva 92% ♑Kozerog 98%
♊ Blizzards 73% ♎veps 92% Apartments 83%
♋рос 83% ♏Scorpion 100% 91%

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