Cancer and Taurus compatibility - causes of conflicts


Cancer compatibility and calf is considered very harmonious. Their elements are: water and earthy are perfectly combined with each other. Therefore, the relationship in a pair promise to be happy, filled with love and happiness. We analyze the relationship between these two signs.

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Compatibility in Love

Relationship between these two signs can be described as practical romanticism. Their elements complement and support each other. But there are some points that need to be taken into account.

Astrological Compatibility Cancer Taurus

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For example, an earth truck will always need a water cancer, it needs to be known to avoid conflicts and quarrels.

Consider the main aspects of relations:

  1. Cancer will always come to his practical companion for advice and support. It is not always able to solve the problems independently, because you used to rely more on feelings and your own feelings. Taurus is capable of thinking more rationally and has a strong character.
  2. In matters of finance, the Taurus is always solved - it usually plans costs and is responsible for the material well-being of the family. At the same time, he is completely uncanyten and trusts the partner limitlessly.
  3. Taurus sees in cancer sophisticated, creative and romantic nature. It inspires him, forcing real feats and successfully achieve ambitious goals. He will always be aware of this and appreciate the partner.
  4. In cancer, intuition is well developed that the Taurus also sees well and notices. When rationalism brings him, he will rely on the inner flair of his companion in search of a right solution to the problem.
  5. This pair will never be psychological pressure and emotional violence. Partners are infinitely appreciated and respect each other, trust a partner, like themselves. Understanding almost at the highest level.
  6. Relationships usually begin with friendship. They are almost immediately beginning to interact and over time they understand what they are created for each other. This couple has a big chance to build a strong and happy family.
  7. Even if love does not work, they can create strong partnerships, to achieve great success in career, affairs or business. Cooperation is perfectly well.
  8. Cancer is attracted in the quality body, which he himself is deprived. His persistence leads, purposefulness, rationalism and ambitious partner. In return, he is ready to exercise his sensuality and give a strong inspiration.
  9. Big plus and the fact that the Taurus will never dig in the soul of a partner that cancer in relations with other signs is usually erected. He protects his inner world and does not allow even close people into him.

We summarize: the Union of these two characters is practically doomed to success. They successfully complement each other, are ready to work on relationships, so they are becoming increasingly happy and harmonious every day.

Causes of conflict

Even in the most ideal pairs there are quarrels. This is not bad, you just need to know what to work in a relationship.

Love Compatibility Cancer Taurus

What should be paid to the attention of cancer and calf, when they combine a couple and build love:

  1. Cancer will get in the relationship what he wants is calm, peace and energy to achieve personal goals. But at the same time, he needed to accept the fact that the Taurus will control it and limit the personal space, seeking to become the center of the Universe for his partner.
  2. Also have to come to terms with the jealousy of the Taurus and so that he often does not pick up words, it happens sharp and hot-tempered. Taurus should learn to speak more softly, so as not to hurt a thinly sensitive partner.
  3. Taurus usually swings for a very long time before making some specific actions. Cancer It is sometimes annoying, because he is used to a faster tempo. He need to understand that long decision making is sometimes good - it helps to rely not only for feelings, but also guided by the arguments of reason.
  4. The stubborn and stroke character of both signs can be the main cause of conflicts. But if both lean yourself to restrain, hear and listen to the partner, get together sympathy and attentiveness, everything will be fine. They are important to talk to each other, not impairing anything.
  5. Both signs want financial stability, but their views on family budget spending can diverge. Therefore, you need to learn how to search for compromises and in this area of ​​their lives.

We summarize: conflicts in the Union of Cancer and Taurus are possible, but they can be easily bypass if both learn to be more flexible, wise and make compromises.

Check the video on the topic:

Woman Cancer and Male Taurus

In relations with the Taurus, a woman can radically change his views on family relationships, to which she usually does not seek. But this particular satellite is able to convince her and receive consent to the official marriage.

Together they are always interested. They will be measured to build life, plan children and achieve financial goals. Support each other will be a powerful catalyst for all these actions.

Compatibility Cancer Telz

They are good and calm with each other, because everyone can afford to be real. They are not trying to like - just love each other and give everything that they are capable of.

If at the very beginning of relationships develop very calmly, without special emotions, over time, both fall in love with the ears and do not want to change the partner to anyone else.

Male Cancer and Woman Taurus

Relationships in such a pair usually begin with friendship and never develop quickly. Both look at each other, love arises slowly and gradually. Sooner or later, in the process of friendly communication, they come to the conclusion - either this person will be with me nearby, or no one.

A man will be difficult to take the first step, he will be at the beginning of the relationship to shy his sympathy and can play the one who is not. A woman is quickly shaken, but thanks to natural wisdom will not make fun, and provoke a man to show himself a real.

They rarely quarrel, never satisfy public quarrels. But if the conflict happens, it is difficult for both. No one wants to take the first step. Because of this, they can even part.

But if someone manifests wisdom and will be ready to go to reconciliation, the relationship will be happy and promising future.

All compatibility ♋

♈One 91% ♌lev 57% ♐Leslets 82%
♉Telts 93% ♍Deva 83% ♑Kozerog 96%
♊ Blizzards 77% ♎veps 94% Apartments 84%
♋рос 83% ♏Scorpion 91% 100% ♓

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