Compatibility of cancer and twins - causes of conflicts


Compatibility of cancer and twins is considered unfavorable. The motto of their relationship is envy under the mask of love. Water and air elements are poorly combined with each other, and in the zodiac table at the signs of different parity. Let's try to figure it out if there is a chance to stay together.

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Compatibility in Love

Despite adverse compatibility, cancer and twins can build a happy relationship. But only with time and in more mature age, when both are typed wisdom and experience.

Astrological compatibility Cancer Gemini

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Features of relationships in this pair:

  1. Well-being in this relationship, despite good compatibility, does not come immediately. Partners need to get used to each other, find out the identities of each other thoroughly, then stability and love will appear. Therefore, the most favorable is the relationship between people of mature age, which have already accumulated experience and wisdom.
  2. If it is a union of two young people, then they will begin to wait more from a partner more than he is able to give, because of this, misunderstanding is possible. They both paint in their imagination chosen as an ideal person that over time can lead to disappointment.
  3. They have good intellectual compatibility. The point of view on many issues coincide, they can talk for hours and discuss, without quarreling.
  4. Both developed creative potential, which is also a point of contact.
  5. At the beginning of the relationship, they seek to recognize each other exactly. Open all new, interesting parties in the partner, fall in love with the mind and soul. And the physical attraction comes it later, so often love occurs after the period of long friendship.
  6. Cancer is vividly interested in the deep inner world of twins, and they, in turn, feel that they can trust him, although it is quite difficult for him to trust a person.
  7. Twins constantly admire sensuality, emotionality and creative spirit of cancer. They consider partner romantic-sublime. But it can spoil relationships, because in fact, cancers are more oriented on material comfort, rationalism and confidence in the future.
  8. Gemini are people who need a permanent setting. These are people of freedom that will not tolerate borders, control and conventions. In this, they disagree with cancers.
  9. At the beginning of the relationship and first, they will be completely absorbed by each other, but when the passion will dull and pink glasses will fall, the long period of lapping will begin. It is not easy, but if the couple will endure a difficult period and learn how to search for compromises, they will all work out just great.

Unfortunately, most often at this stage, people still part. Gemini do not agree to obey the authority partner. And cancers begin to envy the ease and success of the twins, which they are not typical.

Causes of conflict

It is worth paying attention to the possible causes of conflicts in a pair to be able to avoid them and try to build happy and harmonious relationships, despite bad zodiac compatibility.

Love Compatibility Cancer Gemini

What can be the source of quarrels and disagreements:

  1. Cancer - a person is incredibly deeply feeling, emotional, wounded. Gemini belong to feelings easier, trying to analyze everything that happens to logic, and not by emotions. In this lies their fundamental difference, which may cause trapping.
  2. Cancer will definitely become striving to control his non-permanent satellite, from which the first quarrels happen. Twins hate restrictions and penetration through their personal boundaries, so it will begin to rebel sooner or later.
  3. If the cancer informs his desire to control, and the twins will become more loyal to treat attempts to limit them, they will not quarrel, but will try to explain how freedom is important for them, relationships will come to a new qualitative level, will become more relaxed and stable.
  4. Gemini consider themselves smarter than everyone in the world, which is why the partner's intelligence is underestimated. Cancer offends what the chosen one does not give him to speak, but often silent about his insult, which is why the claims are wing and growing discontent.
  5. Cancer annoying irresponsibility and frivolity of twins. He is more practical and soberly looks at the world, rarely twisted in romantic Gresses. He need to understand that a strong nature, which simply needs new emotions for seemingly frivolousness, is constantly.
  6. The financial question will always stand very acute. Transjoyat Money Gemini, plan expenses and try to make the life of stable cancer. Due to the inconsistency of the views on the handling of money, they can even part.

We summarize: despite the differences and different views on life, this couple can exist together. But only if they learn to hear each other and find compromises in fundamentally important things for both things.

Check out the video with the zodiac forecast for this pair:

Woman Cancer and Gemini Male

A woman in this pair opens its satellite new world - emotions, creativity, feelings, which was previously unavailable for him.

At first it makes it happy and inspires, he falls in love with the loss of the pulse. But over time, the vulnerability and emotionality of the partner begins to tire and annoy. Zlit twins The constant desire of his companion to limit him in communicating with other people and permanent jealousy.

Compatibility Cancer Gemini

To preserve the relationship, a man needs to allow a woman to feel the main thing, even if in fact the solution will always stay beyond him. And the woman should inform his jealousy, otherwise it is sooner or later it will remain alone.

Man-cancer and twin female

These are very complex relationships, first of all, for a man. In the companion he will always miss emotions. He will feel her coldness, which will suffer.

She will be annoyed because there is no inner rod in a man, and because of his huge emotionality.

Everything is fine with this pair only in intimate relationships. But due to the lack of spiritual proximity, long together they can hardly be able to exist.

All compatibility ♋

♈One 91% ♌lev 57% ♐Leslets 82%
♉Telts 93% ♍Deva 83% ♑Kozerog 96%
♊ Blizzards 77% ♎veps 94% Apartments 84%
♋рос 83% ♏Scorpion 91% 100% ♓

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