Compatibility of lion and lion in relationships, love, marriage


Two lions. Two leaders. Two winners. This graceful couple attracts the views of others. This zodiac constellation has special manners that allocate it among the others. The main personal characteristics of Lviv:

  • dedication;
  • determination;
  • the desire for leadership;
  • resistance;
  • brightness;
  • optimism;
  • majesty;
  • vitality;
  • stubbornness;
  • incontinence.

A couple of lions, consisting of two lions, are jealous, trying to imitate. They are discussed, they do not remain unnoticed in any event. But how can I describe the compatibility of a lion-man and a lion-woman? Are they suitable for each other in relationships, love and marriage? Will their union be long and indispensable?

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Compatibility of lion and lion in relationships, love, marriage 1330_1

Lion-Lion compatibility in relationships

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One lion is shocking, majesty, a bright person. A pair of Lev-Lion is shocking, majesty and brightness in a square. They stand out among the other signs of the zodiac by their vitality, elegance and the desire for permanent superiority over others.

However, the compatibility of the Lev-Lion in the relationship is difficult to call the perfect. The man and the woman of this zodiac constellation are accustomed to being leaders. Therefore, in their relationship there is a constant struggle for the title "Main in the Family".

The relations of two lions promise to be:

  • bright;
  • interesting;
  • saturated;
  • non-standard;
  • intriguing;
  • short-term;
  • memorable.

Neither the man-lion, nor the woman-lion is not ready to give the palm of the championship in his relationship to the partner. They constantly argue with each other, fully defending their point of view, even understanding that absolutely wrong. But this zodiac constellation is not able to recognize their mistakes and defeats in the verbal battle.

The woman-lion is distinguished by excessive whims and hysteries about and without. Male-Lero to prevent conflicts and quarrels in relationships do not need to be angry with a sharp change of the mood of your chosen. The representative of this sign of the zodiac should be noted and be calm to the outbreaks of anger of the beloved.

The relations of two lions can not be called quiet and peaceful. In their family, there will be ups and downs, conflicts with beating dishes and subsequent reconciliations, intrigues and unjustified jealousy.

In financial matters, sometimes this pair may have significant problems. Majestic tsarist nature are not accustomed to save and limit themselves in something. If something wanted to buy something, they will definitely buy it. If they lack money, they will take them from friends or even make a loan.

Lions - the soul of the company. Therefore, this couple have many friends who can rely on a difficult life situation. Balaguars and clatters themselves are ready to provide any help and support to their loved ones.

The relationship of Men Lion and Women Lion is doomed to failure. It will be a bright, but short-term novel with a buzz of emotions. Lions - leaders. They should worship everything around, they must appreciate and worship. They are a center of attention and an object for discussion. The lion man and the lion female require unconditional worship.

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But they are not able to share power and influence in their relationship. They do not tolerate competition, so unhappy, but proud lions diverge after another quarrel. Often, representatives of this zodiacal constellation want to restore relationships, but pride does not allow them to take the first step towards the beloved.

Compatibility Lion and the Lion can be successful only in the presence of common interests or sharing, which is ralling them. Only this must be an important and worthwriter. A joint pastime for the benefit of a common goal is able to push the thoughts on rivalry into the background.

Forgetting about competition and desire to be the best, the man-lion and the woman-lion can create a reliable union and find each other's perfect companion in the face of each other for a lifetime, which will not betray and do not deceive in a difficult situation.

Lion-Lion compatibility in love

Lions love freedom and love. Representatives of this zodiacal constellation do not tolerate rivals, they are owners. Compatibility Lev-Lion in love is extremely successful. If a man and the woman of this sign of the zodiac met and attracted each other, their relationship will begin to develop rapidly and successfully.

The love of two lions is very bright, their feeling is mutual and strong, they are so pulling together. However, in their relationship there is one significant problem. The man-lion wishes with all their might to adopt the plump lioness, for him the best option is a woman-housewife, which remains in his shadow and admires his merits and victories.

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But a woman-lion is not suitable for the development of events. Because of this, numerous conflicts, quarrels and scandals arise in their pair. No one wants to give up. And the man-lion, and the lion's woman is striving for leadership in relationships.

The main reason for the separation of representatives of this zodiacal constellation is a pathological jealousy. Two lions need to learn to trust each other. If they cope with this extremely difficult task for them, their love relations will become strong, sincere and sensual.

Compatibility Lev-Lion in marriage

Despite difficulties and obstacles, a man-lion and a woman-lion can create a strong and happy family. Optimistic representatives of this zodiac constellation are ready to inspire each other to new accomplishments and victories.

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At the initial stage of family life, two lions are important to learn to hear a partner and trust him. They must maintain their soul mate, to experience problems and difficulties together. Joint interests and hobbies are able to rally the family union of representatives of this majestic zodiac sign.

Wisdom and the resourcefulness of a woman-lion will help avoid serious conflicts and marriage quarrels. The lioness should be a soft and sensitive, sometimes allowing a man-lion to feel like a head of the family, from whose opinion all the households depend.


A pair of Lev-Lion is created to shine. They are alien routine affairs and homemade troubles. The relationship of the Men Lion and Women Lion is a permanent rivalry. It is important for representatives of this zodiacal constellation to learn how to unconditionally trust each other and give up. Only in this case their union will be strong, durable and successful.

A couple of two lions can be not only bright, memorable, but also happy. The main thing, representatives of this sign of the zodiac not to turn their relations to the circus, whose audience will be all surrounding. Majestic and stubborn personalities should live for themselves, sharing intruders and overwhelming emotions with their chosen one's pair.

All compatibility ♌

$ 100% ♌lev 91% ♐Leslets 93%
♉Terets 91% ♍Deva 86% ♑Kozerog 92%
♊Libers 68% ♎veps 91% Apartments 97%
♋рос 71% ♏Scorpion 99% Barbs 83%

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