Lion and Sagittarius - Causes of Conflict


The compatibility of Leo and Sagittarius does not cause doubt. Both signs are obeying the fiery element, so everyone understands each other, and their relationship is usually very happy and harmonious. Therefore, there should be no problems in a pair. Let's talk more about the characteristics and features of this union.

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Compatibility in Love

When these two signs are found, the inlentibility occurs almost instantly. It is difficult to understand on whose side the initiative in relationships - both stretch towards each other with a terrible force.

Compatibility Lion Sagittarius in love

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What is characteristic of the relationship of this zodiacal couple:

  1. The lion must be a patron and wise mentor for an unpredictable and stubborn satellite. It is behind him the main role in the Union. It will make decisions and choose a general development vector.
  2. Surrounding, looking at this couple, believe that their relationship will last long. But contrary to public opinion, Leo and Sagittarius prove daily that they can be together very and very long.
  3. For Lion, this Union is a real challenge. He is used to a little to another format of relations - when he is seduced, they are admired and try to achieve him. The independent shooter does not suit this rule. He will have to seek to win the location.
  4. Both adore new impressions, bright emotions, travel and adventures. It is the similarity of interests that attracts them in each other. If you manage to accept the recalcitable characters and the buoy temperament, the relationships can last long.

Lion and Sagittarius are perfectly compatible and in affairs. They can create a successful business and withdraw it to the global level. The general case will only benefit. In the work they will spend all their fiery energy, so only calm and stability will remain for the family.

Causes of conflict

Both partners are all their lives in search of a "light ideal". They are crazy maximalists. Therefore, at the very beginning of relations to attribute non-existent wonderful qualities to a partner. Of course, then they will be disappointed, because the ideal people do not happen and the second half is full of flaws.

Compatibility Lion Sagittarius in relations

What are necessary to work in the relationship of the couple:

  1. Sagittarius - not the surest sign of the zodiac. No matter how good and happy relationship may be, sooner or later he will start to keep an eye on the side. For a perfectly faithful lion is simply boggles the mind, so it will start to be jealous with all the strength of his fiery nature.
  2. Sagittarius is important to make it clear to Leo that he does not neglect them. Giving adulation, admiration, compliment and every day to convince that he is not the best for themselves in life.
  3. Leo also should always substitute their strong arm is the encouragement and support.
  4. Relations between them are harmonious and happy, if Leo will prove to be generous, tolerant and just. A Sagittarius will stop to flirt with everyone, except the elect.

they should also during reconciliations always pronounce that, despite the conflicts and differences, cherish each other, and love wholeheartedly.

Male lion and a female Sagittarius

He begins a relationship in this pair is a man. the initiative will come from him. A woman is quite happy, because she was used to choose and not to "hunt" for potential partners itself.

The problem in this pair would be irresponsible woman. She never acknowledges that something is not right. Her main argument - do not want to be with me, go away. Therefore, for such a relationship of Leo are extremely unstable. He feels that he is living on a powder keg, and can not rely on his chosen one.

She Sagittarius - very headstrong, selfish, freedom-loving nature. She used to think only of themselves, so they often do not pay attention to the wishes and interests of the partner. She wants everything that happens is subject only to its whims.

If a man does not want to tolerate her whims and willfulness, it becomes a child who will roll their tantrums and run away from home at the first quarrel. But there may come a moment in which she realizes that is so loving and patient elect to find after parting will not be easy.

At this point, it finally appreciate all the efforts of man, make out his entrepreneurial spirit and dedication. And can love his companion. Then she will stop harassing him with their tantrums and whims from scratch.

The most important thing for a couple - to live up to that point and not leave early.

Check the video on the topic:

Sagittarius man and woman Leo

A very difficult variant of relations in which it is the woman may suffer. Despite the strong and purposeful character, it will not be able to control and manipulate the chosen one. She never subordinate his own desires, that for her, accustomed to control everything, very painful.

But at the very beginning everything will happen easily. They will fall in love with each other almost immediately. A man will be fascinated by manners and the sophistication of his chosen. And the girl will sincerely admire his outstanding mind, raging vital energy and a sense of humor.

As partners become learn each other, they will manifest the negative moments of their relationship in all its glory. A woman will seem unbearable satellite irony, which "includes" sarcasm in the most inappropriate moments. And the man will miss gratitude and admiration, which is why he will be glanced in the direction of other girls.

Compatibility Lion Sagittarius

If the couple agreed at a young age, it is easier for them to stay together. They will survive a lot, learn to put up with the lack of each other and will safely overcome the stage of the pritigrist.

But for mature, already established personalities, it is incredibly difficult to look for compromises. Egoistic and proud temper of both forced them to conflict again and again, not even trying to find compromises.

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