Compatibility and character: Virgo with other signs


Earth elementary element sign is distinguished by common sense and deep soulfulness. Dreamhood and romanticism connected to pragmaticity creates a special character. Some detachment and appearance of the "unearthly creature" is deceptive - Virgo firmly stands with both legs on Earth and has prudence and intellectuality. Consider the compatibility of Devil with other zodiac signs. Under what conditions can the union become prosperous?

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Learn the compatibility of the Virgin with other signs online:

Your sign Partner sign
Virgo "> ♍ Virgo ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish
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Compatibility: Virgo with other signs

Mystery Mercury and the nature of the Virgin

Oddly enough, but Mercury was never able to put the virginity and the clarity of the circus as twins. But generously awarded the analytical qualities of the thinker. Among all the signs of Earth, the Virgin is readily readiness for the adoption of a new way, initiatives and creative approach to everything proceed from it.

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Among the virgins can be found a lot of bachelors, because the creation of a family is not the main priority in their lives. If Virgo still married, it devotes entirely to concerns about well-being in the house. The choice of partner is suitable with all thoroughness and never make rapid decisions. Virgo can long care for his chosen, and the girl Virgo will think for a long time before making a decision to marry.

However, girls' girls can be insidious and imitate passion if marriage promises them material perspectives. It can concern men. However, it is impossible to consider the deed of the Virgochester, since they are quite sincerely interested in man and his material situation. So marriages for calculations among the virgins is a frequent phenomenon.

Virgo knows how to listen to the voice of the mind and at the same time act on the behest of the heart.


What shortcomings can be found in cold and at the same time caring maids? These include:

  • excessive thrift towards cash spending;
  • Inability to adequately cope with life adversities - fell into a stupor;
  • Fear fall dependent on anyone;
  • constant criticism of others;
  • Inability to see the perspective - only small details;
  • constant pickiness to everything;
  • Pathological desire for cleanliness and order.

The knowledge of the virgins has become a visiting card of this sign of the zodiac. At the same time, the Virgines do not see their flaws and do not want to hear about them. The ability to turn the love of purity into pathological dependence is a feature of this sign. Virgo can see the dust in the far corner of the room even without a microscope.

Earth element

It is best to get along with devices representatives of the earth and water element. However, marriages between the two devices will not lead to good: the struggle for the right to vote and mutual quarrys will begin. Therefore, the devies are preferably not to meet with each other. Also, the union will miss the emotional warmth, in which they both need, but can not know each other's warmth of each other. Friendship between virgin is unlikely possible: die from boredom. But this tandem will benefit in business cooperation.

But with Taurus or Capricorn, it will be quite a good union. Taurus is also a pragmatist to the bone's brain, loves comfort and prone to the household. It will be good together if Virgo does not begin to choose trifles. Although artistic calves will find in the face of Virgin of grateful viewer and the listener - they just give them the opportunity to criticize whose behavior. In general, the Union is very prosperous. Virgo sees a reliable partner in the Taurus, Taurus fully suits the manifestation of the Virgin Care of Him. The rest can be agreed.

Capricorn is suitable for the Virgin, like no other sign. This is the union of pragmatic and serious people: both do not know how to enjoy life. However, this marriage will have such a shortage of emotions that partners will have to look for them on the side. Therefore, among the spouses of the earthly element, treason is a common thing. Friendship and partnership in business will bring tangible results - here are complete harmony and mutual understanding.

Maiden's compatibility with other signs

Element of water

The harmonious union may turn out to be a virgin with cancers. Both have the same values ​​and views on family life. If it were not for the inclination of the virgins to constantly comments, this tandem could be wonderful. Also, cancer lack emotions in the relationship, because Virgo simply does not know how to give them. But friendship and business cooperation between them will benefit both.

Very unusual relationships add up of virgins with scorpions. The latter accept the emotional coldness of the virgins as a challenge and rushing into the attack. This union can be durable and successful if Scorpio does not overload the stick. But the insightful scorpion feels perfectly that independent Virgo can leave him without regret, so appreciates and protects relationships. Scorpions can not tolerate obsessive partners. Also, this tandem is successful in friendship and business cooperation.

Fish harmoniously get along with the devies. They are so merciful and caring that they constantly seek to fill the unrelated wonderfully positive emotions. For fish, the maidy of the Virgin becomes a symbol of purity and decency - this ideal they will be a fellow. Although the Virgin can inflict the fishes of the wounds with their pickyness, the Union will develop in the right direction. Friendship between them is not long, and in the partnership Tandem will bring a fruitful result.

Element of fire

An interesting union may turn out if the Virgo comes with a haired: both love to speak the whole truth in the forehead. Virgo was used to expressing his discontent for each occasion, especially will find fault in the desire of Aries often to be in society. Astrologers believe that love relationships between signs are possible, but friendship and cooperation - no. Both signs do not know how to make compromises, always remain in their opinion.

With Lvom, there can be a harmonious union, if Virgo will voluntarily give the reign of the reign fire. The lion always wants to feel his superiority, so leadership should remain behind him. However, the character of the Virgin and everything can spoil everything here - they cannot be worn to catch people. Since the lion likes to turn on the public, the scandals on the soil of jealousy can not be avoided: Virgo and here saddles his beloved skate and starts his bore. Friendship between signs is possible if there is a common goal or some benefit.

With Sagittarius Virgo hardly seized: they have too different approach to everything. The combination of generosity and freeness, characteristic of the Sagittarius, is too opposite to the vital life position. The Sagittarius will not endure the teachings and the pick-up - it suppresses the freedom-loving and independent person. Friendship between signs is also undesirable, and cooperation is simply contraindicated. Virgo knows how to bring people to white casing with their infinite bore and soldiers.

Combination of Virgo with other signs

Element of air

The Virgin is categorically contraindicated with the twins: this union will bring great tests and disappointments. The frivolity of the twins is unbearable for the Virgin, and constant treason can break the heart. Gemini cannot be trusted - they are attracted to all new, including acquaintance with the new girl / guy. The dual nature of the twins does not consider a lie as something unworthy is a way to communicate with people. Friendship between these signs is also impossible.

Aquarius sign is contraindicated to virgin, although both have a highly developed intelligence. Aquarius will not tolerate critics and pick-up, and the Virgin does not like the frank selfishness of Aquarius. Virgo will not make efforts to provide a comfortable life to such an ungrateful person as Aquarius. Tandem is unfavorable and in collaboration: Virgo begins to cut the Aquarius for each protest, which causes his anger. These signs can only become familiar with infrequent meetings.

But with the weights of the virgins, a completely harmonious union may have a completely harmonious union: they will receive the necessary emotions, and the scales know how to notice the pickwick. However, in this tandem, a compromise is needed: Woman Virgo should give the scales to feel their superiority. A small tribute to respect, and the Union will become durable and long. Also in the business sphere, this couple will achieve good practical results.

All compatibility ♍

Aries 71% ♌lev 73% ♐Leslets 72%
♉Telts 69% ♍deva 75% ♑Kozerog 61%
♊ Blizzards 75% ♎veps 74% Apartments 72%
♋RAK 81% ♏Scorpion 98% Blinds 67%

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