Compatibility of Virgin and Aries - Causes of Conflict


The compatibility of the Virgin and Aries is considered unfavorable. Their elements are not simply not combined, but also conflict among themselves. Most often it is painful for a virgin, co-dependent relationships in which no one is happy.

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Compatibility in Love

This zodiacal union is probably the worst compatibility option. Together they be incredibly difficult, and parting passes extremely painful, especially for the Virgin.

Compatibility of Deva Aries in Love

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First they can be just friends. It would be better in this status and stay, but often the friendship should be a romantic continuation.

What is characteristic of their relationship:

  1. Deva unconsciously feels how dangerous for her vaniarity of the soul of Aries, so often avoids him, without understanding why. But if he decided to get it, there is no chance of being saved. Virgo falls in love instantly and just as quickly begins to consider his chosen one ideal, not noticing his flaws.
  2. Virgo attracts Aries with its calm character, sincerity, impeccable manners and intelligence. At first it seems to him that they are created for each other, and he begins to win with all their might, it's beautiful to care and make romantic acts.

But over time, they understand that it is almost impossible to negotiate with each other. They look at the world in different ways, family, life. Because of this, painful and tedious quarrels often happen.

Causes of conflict

In order to try to build harmonious and happy relationships in an incompatible pair, you will have to try pretty. Both must understand the character of the chosen one and try to adapt to each other.

Compatibility of Deva Aries in Relations

What is worth working in relations to this couple, what are the main causes of conflicts between them:

  1. Virgo is inclined to idealize a partner. For a long time, she can absolutely not notice his flaws, ignoring selfishness, quick-temperedness and the inventivity of the chosen one. And he is glad - she takes the last place in the sphere of his interests and recalls her at the moments of boredom or acute necessity.
  2. It is unlikely that this couple will be able to build true love. An indifferent will be Aries, and for some reason he will decide that his coldness is something of granted.
  3. Virgo appreciates home comfort. It is important for her that the house is a reliable rear, where it will come back with joy and pleasure. People of this sign adore "to have nests". She will try to ensure consumer comfort. Aries the whole of all this household robes - he needs an active social life outside the house in which he appears only to sleep.
  4. Therefore, it is very important that for the distribution of the family budget and the arrangement of life, it is Virgo, and the Aries let them become a getter and defender. Such a distribution of roles is more favorable if Aries in a pair - a man.
  5. The Aries have a very domineering, inclined to tyranny, hot-tempered and selfish. And in relations it is with the Virgin that he shows these his qualities in all its glory. Therefore, the partner will definitely suffer: for the Virgin, this is a co-dependent relationship in which she loves, but instead only moral violence is obtained.
  6. Sooner or later, Virgo will understand that it does not like it, but simply use as a convenient object for life and economy. Of course, it does not suit her. And then she can leave.

We summarize: the chances of this couple to build a happy relationship is not enough. The Virgin would be better to look for a more loving and sincere partner, and the Avenue of the One who will be able to pacify and make him difficult.

Woman Virgo and Man-Aries

These relationships may be harmonious if they start at work. Moreover, a man must be a leader, and a woman - to occupy an average position, be in his submission, because he does not tolerate women who are surpassed in something.

Compatibility of Deva Aries

Male-Aries is a real fighter. He never searches for the door to enter, but breaks the walls of the wall. Its energy and tirelessness will help the girl feel in complete safety. He will give her a sense of security, will help solve all the problems.

These relationships may well be harmonious. Virgo is perfectly able to unobtrusively and very gently convey to the chosen one's position, on time to cool his bright temper and find compromises in conflict situations.

But whether she will receive enough love from him - a big question. It is likely that the girl will decide on treason from lack of emotions. If the fact of Ajulter opens, Aries ruthlessly spreads with its companion, which, in principle, is not surprising.

Check the video on the topic:

Male Virgo and Woman Aries

Most often, the initiative to start relationships in this pair remains for the woman. Her decisive character makes act when she notices an attractive man.

In it, it is attracted by business qualities and a high level of intelligence. She quickly causals friendship with him, and then carefully and gradually try to seduce. Most often rapprochement occurs in noisy parties or corporate parties.

At the same time, the man is unlikely to be treated for her seriously: most likely, he will offer the lungs, who do not bind, free relationships. She will agree, hoping that in the future he will change his mind and seeing all her wonderful advantages.

A man really can be attached to the girl-Aries, but it is extremely dangerous for him. He will have to spend not only a bunch of nervous cells, trying to calm the hot-tempered character of the chosen, but also money, because the girl is extremely demanding.

This will become a stumbling block in relationships. Because the male Virgo loves to save, but hates thoughtlessly. Sooner or later he will get tired of satisfying the high demands of his chosen, and he will decide to part.

All compatibility ♍

Aries 71% ♌lev 73% ♐Leslets 72%
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