Compatibility of Virgin and Cancer - Causes of Conflict


The compatibility of the Virgin and Cancer is considered favorable. Both sign are even in the zodiac table, and their elements are water and earth perfectly harmonize with each other. These relationships promise to be happy, long and filled with love.

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Compatibility in Love

Couples that are created by earth and watermarks, astrologers are considered the most strong. And notably, because partners perfectly understand each other, easily find compromises and are always ready for support.

Money Compatibility Cancer in Love

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What is characteristic of the Union of Cancer and the Virgin:

  1. Both sign are endowed with romanticity, soft character and loyalty to their partner. This attracts them to each other. Almost immediately after dating, they understand that a person is nearby - almost the perfect second half. On the same wave and their emotional background, which is important.
  2. Cancer in the sensual sphere is a more mature person, therefore, in relations with the Virgin, he becomes a wise mentor, a patron and defender. He is ready to maintain it, help solve problems, instruct and patronize. It is amazing, because in relations with other signs, he usually takes up the opposite position.
  3. Virgin and cancer in relationships to learn a lot together. Communicating with each other, they themselves are better revealed as a person. This couple progresses, being near. Therefore, they have a big future.
  4. Virgo will take a skillful ability to finely feel the emotions of people, learned to empathize and maintain. And its unstable usually emotional background will come to normal.
  5. Cancer, in turn, takes from a partner the ability to rationally think, practicality and ability to plan their steps to several moves forward.
  6. Together they can earn a lot of money, directing and supporting each other. They are not only lovers, but also beautiful friends, partners who seek productively interact and cooperate among themselves.
  7. They almost equally look at the world: converge in views on life, family, work and distribution of roles in relationships. It helps their union gradually, step by step becomes more and more happy, harmonious and beautiful.
  8. They never compete with each other, and seek to negotiate, search and find compromises. Therefore, quarrels rarely happen, and problematic situations are quickly and easily solved by a peaceful way.

This is the union of two loving, romantic, infinitely devoted to each other people. From the side of the pair, it seems sometimes too calm, devoid of emotions. But in fact, there is enough feelings here, they simply do not demonstrate them too bright.

Causes of conflict

Despite harmonious relationships and excellent compatibility, in this union periodically and problem situations may occur.

Compatibility Virgo Cancer in relationships

What is worth working in the relationship of the Virgin and Cancer to keep love and quarrel as less as possible:

  1. Cancer - Nature emotional, wounded, thinly feeling. He often happens the mood differences on trifles, which can be stable and sustainable in the emotional ladies to force wondering. She needs to understand that such a cancer is from nature, and do not try to change it, but simply take this feature of the character of the chosen.
  2. Cancer Calm Deva can sometimes seem too cold, practically uncomfortable. It rarely sympathizes and compets, preferring to show their care to actions, and not in words. It is advisable for her to learn how to find the words of support for the chief of minutes.
  3. Also, Virgo never picks up words. She is straightforward, loves to criticize and talk about what she does not like, straight and sharply, without choosing expressions. It can offend cancer and shock. He needs to become more patient and understand that the scorching (in his understanding) of the statements is not from the desire to offend or film. Just there is such such, and this is not changed.
  4. Another reason for a quarrel can be the jealousy of the Virgin, because her satellite loves to smell and pokletnit with the opposite sex. But he will never change, but only pulls his pride, therefore it is not worth an innocent flirting.

To quarrel less and save the relationship for a long time, it is enough to work together the listed moments together, and everything will be fine.

Woman Virgo and Cancer

From nature Analyst, critic and skeptic, Virgo at the same time, is a wonderful wise woman who can be in relationships with cancer a real custodian of a homely hearth. She will create a home uniquely cozy atmosphere in which he wants to return.

Ideally established life, a well-distributed family budget, obedient and smart children - all this will definitely be in such a pair.

The man favorably takes the elect with all its advantages. He is truly grateful to her for the role she plays in his life. But it is important for him to remember that Virgo is a rational and pragmatic nature. She needs a partner to satisfy her financial needs, was able to contain a family.

Compatibility of Deva Cancer

If they break out, then only because of the problems with money. The girl is important to inspire and support his chosen one that there are never these problems. Painted with love for her, he is capable of real feats. The main thing is to give it the necessary emotions and try to understand.

It is undesirable to be together when both partners are still young and seeking themselves in this life. In his youth, young cancer is not yet able to take over the burden of responsibility for the family, it realizes his potential much later.

Check the video on the topic:

Male Virgo and Woman Cancer

These relationships are less successful than in the previous embodiment. In the Union of Virgin and Cancer, it is the last one should take responsibility and provide a family. It turns out that in such a pair, the role of the miner will take over the woman that it can endure.

But if a man can become more solid, succeed in his career and affairs and will become a real head of the family, there is a chance that the girl will not disappointed and will not find more promising in her understanding of the chosen.

All compatibility ♍

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