Compatibility of weights with weights - causes of conflicts


Compatibility Pair Scales - Scales are very ambiguous. On the one hand, these are related souls that mirrors each other. But can everything be safely and happily? Let's try to figure out.

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Compatibility in Love

In this union, partners are constantly in search of harmony and balance. But this eternal search may never end. They will try to keep relations with all their might, make them happy, but not to become a harmonious pair.

Compatibility Scales Scales Astroprognosis

Features of relations between two scales are as follows:

  1. Scales all their lives are in finding a bright ideal, strive for harmony and aesthetics, to the balance in everything. This can combine them at the initial stage of the relationship.
  2. Each of them dwells in eternal doubts, seeks to equilibrium, which is almost unattainable for this air sign. And if no one is able to balance yourself, what to talk about a partner?
  3. The relations of two scales are rarely long-term, although at the very beginning they seem pretty happy and stable pair. But they are better to be friends, and not to create a love relationship.
  4. In friendship, work, business is ideal partners. They at the same level developed creative potential, both freedom-loving, diplomatic, respect each other and understand perfectly. Never impose on the interlocutor his point of view, on the contrary, always try to listen and put themselves in his place.
  5. Both Natures are communicable, like themselves, to each other and practically everyone around them, do not like conflicts. Therefore, it is easy. A strong love feelings rarely arise between them, and a friendly sympathy and sincere human interest is quite.
  6. The favorable feature of such a union - in the non-conflict of both. They are easy to compromise, inferior. The scales are difficult to imagine as an aggressor if they "produce claws", then only in response to other people's provocations, aggression.
  7. Together with them quite comfortable. There is excellent creative compatibility between them. They easily generate a lot of ideas, they immediately discuss them and try to bring to life.
  8. Very often, love occurs between the two weighs after a long friendship. But even if love happens, it does not last long, and the relationship is returned again to the Friendship Stage.
  9. This is exactly the case when "former" continue to communicate easily and easily. The separation of two scales does not happen painful, no one suffers and does not suffer.

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The problem in the pair is that the scales are inclined to appear, and not to be. They seek to make the most positive impression on the partner, often give out themselves for a completely different person, which are not. In the future, it will definitely be ahead, because it is not possible to play someone else's role for a long time.

Therefore, when they suddenly understand that the person whom they saw at the very beginning are near, the stage of disappointment comes, the final of which is parting. It is almost inevitable in such a kind of calm and stable alliance.

Compatibility Scales Scales in astrology

The forecast of the relationship of two scales is not always so disappointing. There are chances to build a long and happy relationship. But only if partners connect some common cause, they will look at the vector of motion, according to which they will go together in life.

Despite the similarity of signs, people in a pair may be different: in character, temperament. Then they can meet for a long time. But if they are in many ways the same, the relationship both will quickly get bored.

Interestingly, scales often fall into the same situations. But none of them knows how to solve problems as it should, so the relations turn into a stagnant swamp, from which no one knows how to get out.

Both will appreciate freedom and respect the personal borders of the partner, they love and want children, democratic in views, strive to decorate, improve and transform the surrounding space for the better. On this basis can grow good fruits. Therefore, try to save the relationship.

Check video about astrological compatibility Couple of two scales:

Causes of conflict

Despite natural softness and goodwill, in a pair of two scales there are conflicts. They are rare, quite calm, but still you need to know how to solve problem situations.

Compatibility Scales Weighs

What is worth working as weights in relationships:

  1. The type of their union is not in vain called astrologers "I and my mirror". They coincide lovers not only in good qualities, but also in negative. This is the main pain of their relationship. I noticate your own flaws in the partner, the scales may be shocked. They go to the stage of denial, when all the world becomes not MIL, and especially the person who turned out to be near and stressed their negative qualities.
  2. For weights, the opinion of society is very important. If the surrounding will condemn their partner, it is for the weights of the colossal blow and the reason to think: whether a person is next to them. And none of the pair is able to defend, protect. Disappointment and disorder they are not transferred to an external environment, but in a relationship, which often turns out to be destructive for a pair.
  3. Scales - not the surest sign. Despite mutual respect, they possess a rather windy and frivolous character, which sooner or later can lead to treason, especially if there are not enough emotions.
  4. To make an official marriage, to become a family man for weights loving freedom, incredibly difficult. They can be true, but at the same time they do not want to drive attitudes into some familiar community of the frame.
  5. People of this sign, words often disagree with the case. Both promise a lot of partner, but do not fulfill this word. This is also a source of permanent quarrels and grinding.
  6. Woman's scales in difficult periods of life will be in need of a strong defender and patron, which the man-scales give not capable - he aims to solve problems together and never takes full responsibility for himself.

The relationship of two scales is a soft and non-permanent air castle that can crumble from the slightest blow of the wind. Nevertheless, the Union may turn out to be strong with a joint desire to work on the weak parties of relations.

All compatibility ♎

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