Compatibility of scales and fish - causes of conflicts


Compatibility of scales and fish is one of the most unfavorable in the zodiac table. The elements of water and air constantly conflict with each other, and compromise is difficult to find. Let's talk about what is the danger of such relationships.

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Compatibility in Love

Usually, fish from nature is well developed intuition. But when they get acquainted with weights, premonitions are cheating. It seems to them that this is the perfect partner and satellite of life, the same one half. It is a fish fall in love with completely, not noticing a single lack of a partner.

Compatibility Fish Libra in Love

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What is characteristic of the relationship of scales and fish:

  1. Fish fall in love at first sight. Scales may not experience romantic feelings at all, but will agree to start a relationship if they seem profitable them.
  2. Pisces immediately understand that the chosen one is unavailable. But, being in the power of the senses, they put a lot of effort to draw attention to themselves.
  3. Dominant in a pair will be the air sign. Scales will make decisions, not particularly taking into account the opinion of the partner. Gradually, this particular fact will lead to parting, very painful and difficult.
  4. Fish will be bad in a pair with weights, because the partner is not ready to listen to their clocks about feelings and experiences. The absence of mental and emotional intimacy is another riddle of the signs of signs.
  5. Surprisingly, but the stormy quarrels between them does not happen. Both patriomatic, soft. Prefer to give up, and not argue, with foam in the mouth upholding their opinion.

Here are the only scales, feeling their undivided power, over time they will start and sit on the neck. They understand that everything is allowed to them, and often do ugly. It is in relationships with fish they show their worst qualities.

But the relationship in the work between them always develop safely. Provided that the performer will be fish, and a strategist and a generator of ideas - scales.

Causes of conflict

This pair compatibility is almost minimal, so conflicts are inevitable. If you are already in such respects, it is important to learn how to bypass sharp corners and solve problems competently.

Compatibility Fish Libra in Relations

What can cause conflicts in such a pair:

  1. Libra Pisces seem very cold. They should learn to show their feelings more clearly, allow partners to share their experiences. Listen to it, to sympathize, when necessary. It is difficult, but it is necessary to try.
  2. Libra hate homework. They think that made for a nice and everyday problems decides to let a partner. Pisces can only accept and pull life for yourself, because the force of Libra to do something around the house is almost impossible.
  3. Pisces needs to learn to defend their borders, or partner just sit them on the neck. So sometimes forget about their pliability and softness, not to turn elect a real tyrant who thinks he can do anything.

All of the above is given by the two signs toil. Only if both are willing to focus on the positive qualities of the partner and to put up with its shortcomings, in relationships have a chance.

Pisces is especially dangerous to do nothing. It is their gentle nature becomes the source of all evil.

Check the video on the topic:

Woman Pisces and Libra man

At first they are very comfortable and fun together. They can talk for hours, sincerely and with great interest listening to each other. She admires wit and erudition of the elect, and he is flattered. But only the first time.

Over time, the excitement will change complete disappointment. The woman realizes that her partner of sociability lies a frivolous nature. She sees that he gives his attention to the left and to the right to all the girls around.

The man in this pair turns into a severe criticism that will wear down the nerves of the second half of the constant comments and complaints. Darling self-esteem because of this will go to a complete zero, she feels inadequate, unloved and unwanted.

Compatibility of fish scales

Girl wants to partner was ready to listen to long monologues about her feelings and experiences. But he does not want to do this, because such talk his great tire. As a result, she was suffering, he misses, and the relationship reach its logical conclusion.

No common traits and bygone romance will not save the relationship. Parting is inevitable, and it happens more often than it was at the initiative of the windy male Libra. The girl is going through a gap extremely painful for a long time it is not able to trust men.

Man-Fish and a female Libra

When a man meets the woman he falls in love almost immediately enchanted by her beauty. Even if you meet and establish contact at once did not work, he will do everything possible to find her phone number and a date.

But it acts in the future, it is not too strong, afraid to snew his impregnable beauty. He will manifest itself very carefully, realizing that the usual methods of seduction in this case do not affect.

She seems to him quite special, not like all women whom he met before. Therefore, it will make every effort to get it.

The woman at first refers to attempts to win it condescendingly. Male fish seems to her too soft, emotional, she is not interested in perfectly. But if there are no other, more successful options nearby, it may agree to the relationship for the sake of the experiment.

She will constantly feel his power, understanding how much in love with her chosen one. And sooner or later, it will become abused by his feelings, increasingly over time. Fish becomes absolutely dependent, forgetting about self-esteem and dreaming only about one thing - not to lose this woman.

Relationships will continue exactly until the scales get tired of playing partner's feelings. Then she can meet someone more suitable for himself and will decide to part.

All compatibility ♎

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