Compatibility: Scorpio with other signs, character and elements


Bright and unpredictable Scorpion Nature will never be ignored: it is either loved, or hate. And always sincerely. Pluto gives his pets inconsistency and will to victory. Scorpio will go through the corpses to achieve the goal. Song of love on the battlefield is about him. Consider compatibility of scorpion with other zodiac signs. Who can make this uncompromising cynic?

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♏ Scorpio ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Twins ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish
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Compatibility: Scorpio with other signs

Mysterious Pluto and Scorpion Character

Scorpio hates flattery and hypocrisy. This is the most characteristic feature for him. Do not try to spend it and sculpt the fog - he reads the thoughts of man thanks to extraordinary intuition: there are many mystics and predictors among scorpions. Therefore, it can only find contact with scorpion only in their manifestations.

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Among the scorpions, you can find people with opposite worldviews and life positions - from religious fanatics to the most merciless killers and isales, from non-removal in their development of people to the geniuses of thought. Miscellaneous psychopath and stunning actor of the Drama Theater is all scorpion. He lives feelings that lead him in life. At the same time, he is a magnificent thinker, with a mathematical accuracy computing the exit from the labyrinths of life.

The most amazing thing is that in one scorpion, many independent and opposite character traits can be combined. This makes the life of a scorpion partner simply unbearable, and sometimes tragic.

It is impossible to predict in advance the reaction of the scorpion on the same event - it will be different. It is impossible to understand how the same person may be a genius and a stupid at the same time. The cruelty of the actions of Scorpio is on the verge of the impossible, but at the same time he can demonstrate sacrifice for someone.

Life with scorpion is similar to the theater of one actor, whose role is always dramatic.

If Scorpio is sure that there are good reasons for a smile, what else can we talk about? Astrologers consider this sign of the zodiac as the most difficult, unpredictable and amazing. Being in the Union with scorpion, you can never lose vigilance - you need to always be prepared for any manifestations of its complex and incomprehensible nature. If the behavior of water marks is always distinguished by the lack of logic, the behavior of Scorpio is triple.

Cynic and boils, scorpions in the depths of their mysterious world are in dire need of caressing and manifestation of care about them. It is impossible to understand this mind.

Scorpio stood all around - enemies, friends and self itself.

The power of destruction leads non-resonant petty pets in life and can be aimed at anything, including on its own destiny: Scorpio may die for the idea and principles.

Element of water

How do water marks with scorpion get along? All representatives of the water element live with emotions and cannot imagine something else. Life, business communication is always secondary. It is more important to solve sensory issues than to do a sad routine. Water signs understand each other without words - at the level of the subconscious, which greatly facilitates the relationship.

Scorpions are well rolled with racks. This is an almost perfect union in which partners learn from each other to the best. Scorpio eliminates cancer from complexes and uncertainty and receives in return for a reliable and devoted life satellite. In addition, cancers will not qualify for the position of the leader in the family, which is very important for militant scorpion. Friendship between signs will also be fruitful and strong, because their interests completely coincide.

Compatibility with scorpion

Scorpion with fish for scorpions complete coincidence in the emotional plan, they are good together. Both signs strive for spiritual growth, helping each other to overcome their own shortcomings. There is no misunderstanding and conflicts between spouses, as they guess thoughts at a distance - a sense of intuition has so developed. Male Scorpio relates very precisely to the spousers, like a single woman of other elements. A strong friendship may occur between signs, as life interests and goals are completely coincided.

Can two scorpion be seized in the family? Only under the condition: a woman should voluntarily give the position of leadership to her husband. If scorpions start fighting with each other, it will not end with anything good. Especially agitating the situation Financial troubles: Scorpions do not endure infringement in the financial sector.

Earth element

With the Taurus, the Union ends fails, although both partners are distinguished by a large margin of vitality and an inexhaustible source of energy. Just send their aspirations in different directions. Instead of jointly solving life questions, Scorpio and Taurus begin to fight each other and strive to lay a partner in the procrusteo bed of their own values.

With the Virgin Scorpio can get good enough. Scorpio gives Virgin confidence and determination, and that, in turn, teaches scorpion to patience and life wisdom. However, the Scorpio Men must be given to the wife-Virgin the opportunity to develop, and not limit her aspirations by the role of a housewife. Virgo is an intellectual sign, therefore needs permanent activity of mental activity.

With Capricorn, the Union is possible, because both are characterized by purposefulness and energy in achieving goals. Scorpio Like a thorough approach of Capricorn to life, the ability to make money and seek a confident position in society. Strengthening relationships in the family will contribute to the atmosphere of romance, which must be constantly created. But it is not worth practicing a common paire: they begin to pull the blanket each on themselves.

Scorpion character

Element of air

With the twins, the Union is almost impossible. Twins are so easily perceived by life that they can fly from a flower on a flower, like butterflies. This position does not suit jealous and cynical scorpion. Everything will be here: scandals on the soil of jealousy, disassembly at every step. Not life, and hell. It is better not to meet and not torture each other.

Scales irritate scorpion with their indecisiveness and constant oscillation. Woman scales, despite all the difficulties of the relationship with scorpion, seeks to keep the family, because Scorpio gives powerful moral support and strengthens the spirit. Also, there is also good sexual compatibility between weights and scorpions, which helps strengthen family positions.

With an Aquarius Union is impossible. Both are stubborn and are not going to give way to each other in anything. Aquarius does not tolerate restrictions on its freedom, and Scorpio is constantly trying to control it. Woman Scorpio can save a married union in one case: if you create the visibility of consent to the leading position of the Aquarius in the family. However, a couple is little compatible in sex, so the relationship will be extremely difficult.

Element of fire

The combination of water and the fire seems unthinkable, but a lot of scorpion has a lot of common. This is the heat of passions, and powerful energy. Two fighters for justice will never merge the true feelings and intentions from each other. They can arrange promial scandals with each other, but always quickly laugh.

Both are striving for material willing and sexual joy. If at the same time they will not strive to suppress each other, but they will send their ferments in the direction of victories on a social field, the marriage will be harmonious and long. Friendship between them is impossible for one reason - the struggle for leadership in relationships.

With Lvom, scorpions are very complex relationships, as the two leaders in the family are unlikely to be able to get along. There are constant clashes and conflicts only on this soil between spouses. The birth of children can be brightened, and then for a while. Neither the lion nor Scorpio can endure restrictions in freedom, but constantly seek to take it right away from each other.

There are few general points of contact with Saglot, so love nor friendship is impossible. If nevertheless, the marriage took place, Scorpio will have to tang his fervor. Freedom-loving Sagittarius will not tolerate scandals, reproaches and infringement of their rights.

All compatibility ♏

♈One 91% ♌lev 92% ♐Leslets 92%
♉Telts 93% ♍deva 91% ♑Kozerog 93%
♊ Blizzards 99% ♎veps 99% Expand 68%
♋рад 91% ♏Scorpion 100% 97%

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