Compatibility of scorpion and lion - causes of conflicts and disagreements


Compatibility of scorpion and lion is considered unfavorable. They can become good friends, but in relationship everything will never be well. It's all about the difference of elements that are poorly combined with each other. Let's try to figure it out if this couple have a chance.

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Compatibility in Love

These signs can interact perfectly in work or business, but in relations between them there will always be contradictions and disagreements. Water and fiery elements of partners are poorly combined with each other, from here and all problems.

Compatibility Scorpio Lion in love

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What is characteristic of the relationship of Leo and Scorpion:

  1. The lion wants to receive only positive emotions from relationships. He is waiting for them to admire, make compliments. But scorpion is capable of criticizing and sarcasm instantly cool the dust of the temperamental chosen one.
  2. For Lev, such relationships are a true challenge. He will have to constantly fight for leadership and defend his rights. In disputes, its coarse force most often loses the subtle irony and non-standard approaches of Scorpio. Hence the anger, disappointment and incessant irritation.
  3. Scorpio - Cooked Nature. He sees the chosen one and skillfully manipulates them. It is capable of bringing a lion to white casing with its coldness and tranquility in response to the stormy outbreaks of the chosen one.

Sooner or later, the lion will turn out to be defeated. These relationships will kill his self-esteem and deprive the vitality. After parting, he will heal the wounds for a long time and come to himself. Scorpio to the rupture applies more easily, it instantly forgets about the former love and finds a new second half.

Causes of conflicts and disagreements

The source of conflicts is most often the scorpion. The lion is not distinguished by a chill. If he is offended, it easily moves and forgets that he spent his partner in the hearts.

Compatibility Scorpio Lion in relations

Scorpio is extremely evil. He keeps memories of the reaches caused by him and shelters cunning plans for revenge.

Why they quarrel:

  1. Both personalities are targeted, ambitious and strive for leadership. Because of this, their relations turn into a constant struggle of characters. None wants to give up, defending his opinion and interests. Their union is the eternal war of two opposites.
  2. Parenting partners play a big role. If it is chromas, they can even arrange fights due to natural hot-temperedness and inability to control themselves. If everything is in order with the upbringing, a more subtle weapon will go to the move - sarcasm and stroke words addressed to each other.
  3. It was Scorpio that most often comes out the winner in these fights. Unlike a noisy lion, which says what he thinks, scorpion skillfully manipulates, granting the most sore partner places.
  4. If both want to change anything and will not work on relationships, the proud lion is sooner or later slamming the door and leave. Then he will remember for a long time how the relationship began to be beautiful and how ugly ended.

After gap, the scorpion will easily find a new partner. And the lion will be afraid to be afraid to start a new relationship so as not to adopt the old rake.

Check the video on the topic:

Woman Lion and Scorpio Male

Most of all in men, this girl respects and appreciates power. It is strong that she wants to see in her chosen one to become glad to become, finally, weak, and free from the cargo of worries.

It is she who manifests the initiative when he meets the Scorpio Men. He seems to her a strong person with an inflexible character. Therefore, she has an instinct of the hunter, and she applies every effort to get it to himself.

Compatibility Scorpio Lev.

She likes the dedication, passionate temperament and the complex character of the chosen one. But, unfortunately, she does not have experience and wisdom to understand - these relations have no future. They will constantly fight for leadership, which will eventually lead to huge scandals and parting.

But at the very beginning, this novel is tightened quickly enough. A man is not averse to adding this girl to a big list of his victories. And she flatters that such a popular cavalier drew his attention to her. With all the might, she will try to preserve his interest.

But the relationship ended sadly for a woman. When the scorpion is played out, he will leave it and go to search for the next chosen.

Man-lion and scorpion woman

Between them instantly arises a huge sensual attraction. A man can notice this girl among the crowd of others and immediately pay his attention to it. They quickly become like-minded people, enter the relationship, and at first everything is perfect.

They can easily find the key to the heart of each other, they fall in love and become ready to build relationships. But first love quickly passes, and the first problems begin.

The woman confuses the fact that her love is directed, first of all, on him. And she will always be for him on the second roles. He will be able to demand unquestioned subordination. He believes that she must constantly admire them, worship and do everything he says.

But the girl does not want to do this. Over time, it will take out all the flaws of the lion, which in this relationship manifests themselves especially strongly. Because of this, both have a feeling of non-coming irritation. They start nervous and quarrel in trifles.

If at first lion attracts the mystery and mysteriousness of the girl, then he subsequently infuriates that she seeks to fill the whole of his life, controls and requires very much.

It is very bad if the child will quickly appear. They will be forced to stay together, although love has long been over. Most often there is a divorce, after which the woman will try to take away with all the forces from the chosen part of the joint property.

All compatibility ♏

♈One 91% ♌lev 92% ♐Leslets 92%
♉Telts 93% ♍deva 91% ♑Kozerog 93%
♊ Blizzards 99% ♎veps 99% Expand 68%
♋рад 91% ♏Scorpion 100% 97%

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