Compatibility of Sagittarius and Leo - Causes of Conflict


The compatibility of Sagittarius and Leo is very harmonious. Both fiery, temperamental. They are very similar, so they understand perfectly well and complement each other. But there are also problem points that it is important to know. Let's try to figure out.

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Compatibility in Love

The main quality of the lion is the desire for power and dominance. Sagittarius is love for freedom and hatred for any kind of restrictions. Therefore, at the initial stage of relationships together, it is quite difficult for them. But when they learn to interact, and not compete, they will be able to accept a partner as it is, and correctly distribute roles in a pair, everything will go to the way.

Compatibility Sagittarius Lion in love

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What is characteristic of the relationship of this zodiacal couple:

  1. It is very important to dominate, directed and solved the lion in this pair. He must become a wise teacher and a mentor for a capricious, non-permanent and unpredictable Sagittarius. If the latter arranges such a role and he will not fight for leadership, the relationship will become extremely harmonious.
  2. Both individuals are interesting, bright, temperamental. In their relationship, the passion will always be buried: the stormy conflicts end in no less emotional reconciliation. The surrounding it seems that for a long time this couple will not last together, precisely because of the huge heat of feelings. But the partners do not care about the opinion of people - they are happy and continue to build their love. The contrast of emotions is even necessary for them.
  3. For lion, these relationships seem to be a real challenge. He loves to control everyone and everything, so the meeting with an independent and freedom-loving order becomes a complete surprise. Selected refuses to limit himself and obey, it is useless to resist this. Therefore, the lion will first be angry, then coming down and feel that the case is not so bad.
  4. It is important for him to learn how to direct the irrepressible energy of the satellite into the right direction, without wasteing on trifles. Then together they are able to conquer huge heights, achieve great success in life, complementing and supporting each other.
  5. The attraction between them is incredibly strong and arises from the first minutes of dating. They want to constantly spend time together, and actively. Travel, explore new countries, engage in active holiday, participate in unthinkable adventures.
  6. After both growled, get up and become materially secured, in relationships and completely complete harmony comes. This union is very strong, stable, full of love. No one can destroy their feelings, although there will definitely be unreleased.

We summarize: these people will definitely be happy together. The main thing is to withstand the difficult period of trigger and addiction. Ideally, if they become some common cause, joint efforts will implement goals. This is a couple of bright, strong personalities, which causes admiration and envy of others.

Causes of conflict

The quarrels and scandals of this couple are always a lot. It is impossible to say that it is bad - the contrast of positive and negative emotions is necessary both, and it makes a perch in their relationship.

Sagittarius lion compatibility in relationships

But it is worth it to learn more loyal to the disadvantages of the partner, so as not to overstate these emotions and do not part, find out once again.

What can lead to quarrels in this pair:

  1. Both idealists who want to see a person next to them without flaws. In this and the problem, because all the disadvantages have. It is important for them to understand that it is impossible to idealize the partner in order not to be disappointed in the future, finding some unpleasant moments.
  2. Lion is the faithful and devoted nature. It will never change, will be faithful and will not force a partner in it doubt it. Sagittarius refers to treason more easily. He does not consider his intrinsic on the side, it is only a reason to get new emotions. If the secret becomes clear, the relationship will stop instantly at the initiative of the proud lion. It will not endure the adventure of the second half.
  3. Sagittarius stands more often to demonstrate their feelings, admire the partner, to arrange pleasant surprises. Otherwise, Lev may seem that they are neglected, it is underestimated because of this, he can take his disappointment, arranging scandals of trifles.

In principle, the compatibility of this pair is so great that even serious problems in relations will not be forced to part. But to preserve harmony, it is important to be more generous, tolerant, learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness. And every time you want to quarrel, first cool, and then quietly express your discontent.

Check the video on the topic:

Woman Lion and Male-Sagittarius

Relationships in this pair may initially fold quite not easy. The girl wants to become a "neck", which will guide a man holding it from spontaneous solutions and rapid deeds. That's right - it should play the role of a mentor and teacher in the Union.

But a man does not always agree to become an instruction object, because of this, harmony is violated, and the Union ceases to seem so compatible.

When you meet them almost immediately starts pulling together with terrible force. The girl is delighted with a living character, unpredictability and temperament of his cavalor. It is completely fascinated by its external attractiveness, exquisite manners and a strong character.

Compatibility Sagittarius Lev.

In the future, disappointment comes. The lioness is angry with permanent sarcasm in her address. A man does not receive admiration and gratitude in the quantity, in which he would like to receive.

The easiest way to get used to each other, change together and learn to interact will be young partners. Then they will easily overcome the period of arrogant and you will be able to preserve love.

But mature and experienced people their habits and views on life change much more difficult. To save relations, it will be necessary to attach an incredibly huge amount of joint effort.

Lion and Sagittarius Woman

It is a man becomes the initiator of dating and relationships. The girl is quite suitable - she believes that then responsibility for everything that happens will be on her partner.

Their couple is eternal life on a powder barrel. It is not clear when a stormy quarrel happens once again, and when they become cute to recover with each other. But what is characteristic of such a union, the main thing is to survive a difficult period. Learn to talk and hear each other. Then the stage of the PR will be replaced by the stage of complete harmony.

All compatibility ♐

♈One 84% ♌lev 98% ♐Leslets 98%
♉Terets 55% ♍Deva 72% ♑Kozerog 71%
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♋рос 71% ♏Scorpion 82% ♓RUB 71%

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