Compatibility of Sagittarius and Scorpion - Causes of Conflict


The compatibility of Sagittarius and Scorpion is unfavorable. These partners are very difficult to get along together. Their union astrologers are characterized as envy under the mask of love. The reason in the difference of elements - water and fiery, which are poorly combined with each other. We will understand more.

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Compatibility in Love

This type of relationship is more common in partners of a fairly young age. They are still young enough and inexperienced, so they cannot recognize the partner who is able to turn their lives into a real hell.

Compatibility Sagittarius Scorpio in Love

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What is characteristic of the relationship of Scorpio and Sagittarius:

  1. In relations with other signs, Scorpio always gets more than gives. And in this case, the roles are distributed completely differently. This leads to a huge envy. A water mark does not understand why the partner refuses him to worship, please. He envies the ease with which the Sagittarius goes through life.
  2. Sagittarius - Natura is extremely cheerful. Such a feeling that he absolutely does not notice the problems. It goes in life easily, not straining, achieves everything that he wants. He is lucky almost always. By this, he is attractive for others. But Scorpio instead of inspired by the success of the partner and divide his victories, just wonderingfully.
  3. Sagittarius rarely draws attention to people like Scorpio. Such a choice of partner is not peculiar to him. But sometimes he is solved trying relationships to get a new experience, emotions and feelings that were not previously.
  4. Not everything is so bad, as it seems at first glance. They can build a happy relationship. But only in the presence of general purposes that will unite them when the flames of passion fade and the first love will pass.
  5. There will be many emotions. The difference in temperaments is always interesting. They do something gently with each other, causing lunizing the surrounding, then burglarly quarrel, expressing everything that boiled over for a long time.

After acquaintance, they either immediately diverge, never remember each other, or begin to meet. Relationships develop rapidly, quickly, passionately. But they can also end quickly if both become striving to understand and take a partner as it is.

Causes of conflict

They are so difficult together. Therefore, even minor conflicts may cause parting. And if the partners also do not seek to find a common language, it is not very bad.

Compatibility Sagittarius Scorpio in the relationship

If you are lucky to get to the union with such an incompatible partner, it is important to learn how to commit controversial situations competently. What can be the source of quarrels in this pair:

  1. The difference of elements and, as a result, temperaments are always bad to establish mutual understanding. They often completely refuse to hear and listen to the partner, but with foam in the mouth uphold their own interests.
  2. The period of love and cute romance passes quickly. If during this period the partners did not find other points of contact, it's bad. Not finding common interests and goals, they will quickly part, sick each other and sorry that they spent time on an unpromising relationship.
  3. Scorpions often entails the fifthly physically. They prefer not to think: and whether this partner is suitable for life, do they have common goals, interests, are there any views on life and interaction with each other.
  4. Because of this, in the future, he may be disappointed in the elect, realizing that there is nothing uniting them in the Union. During this period, Scorpiiron will begin to search for all sorts of problems and dwell on them, tiring Sagittarius with busting soldiers, jealousy and scandals.
  5. Sagittarius is hard in these relationships. He does not tolerate when he starts to endure the brain. Therefore, it will try to get rid of the scandalous and controlling partner, which places too many complaints.

Check the video on the topic:

Scorpio Woman and Male-Sagittarius

A man in such a pair quickly tires permanent jealousy and incessant suspicions of the elect. Although all this is not without reason - he really gives many reasons with his flirt with other representatives of the beautiful sex.

Jealousy makes it constantly check the chosen one. She reads his correspondence in the phone and social networks, turning into a manic hysteric. Of course, her companion is such a behavior quickly, and he will start moving away.

Compatibility Sagittarius Scorpion

The decision to part is the freedom-loving striker, who does not tolerate attempts to impose him something and limit.

Male Scorpio and Sagittarius Woman

A man in this union is not just falling in love. It turns his chosen to the object for worship. Idealizes and does not see not a single shortage of it. He likes her sincerity, straightness and strong character that he does not want to see the negative aspects of nature.

He wants to get it by anything. He seeks to possess her and is doing everything possible to achieve location. Beautifully cares, gives dear gifts, surrounds care and attention.

The girl is so accustomed to attention from the opposite sex, which is almost impossible to surprise it. Therefore, all the efforts of scorpion often remain unnoticed and unpleasant. She will agree to a relationship with him only if he suddenly turns out that there is no more suitable candidate for the role of a life satellite.

The forecast of further relations is extremely unfavorable. A man will be jealous, it will try to control everything, wenchant with jealousy and will not give completely no freedom.

It is sooner or later tired by the freedom-loving nature of the Girl-Sagittarius, and she simply escapes, understanding that next to such a chosen one can get all his vitality and will be forever to stay in a bad mood.

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♉Terets 55% ♍Deva 72% ♑Kozerog 71%
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