Compatibility: Capricorn with other zodiac signs


Capricorn is a typical representative of the earthly element, serious and solid. Planet Saturn gives its exposure, purposefulness and some dimplex. Periods of the oppressed state can last long, if not distracting the attention of Capricorn from the contrived problems. Consider the compatibility of the Capricorn with other signs of the zodiac constellations. How to achieve harmony and mutual understanding?

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♑ Capricorn ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish
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Compatibility: Capricorn with other signs

Gloomy Saturn and Capricorn character

A closed and serious Capricorn can make an unfavorable impression at the first meeting, but not at its earthly landmark signs of the Earth. These guys immediately recognize the relative soul. For example, the Taurus will immediately notice the foundation and a few of the Capricorn - this is the most acceptable qualities for it. The Virgin is not for what will fall over - Capricorn looks like an impregnable rock.

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Other signs of the zodiac will not be favorable to the pets of a strange Saturn, silent and closed. Therefore, young Capricorns are unlucky in love. Confidence for them will come only after gaining life experience and together with the social and material situation. Together with the consistency, security comes to them, and the Capricornians may already seduce potential partners with purely earthly qualities - expensive things, good-quality clothing and prospects of social status. And also trumps stability and reliability.

Capricorns are often mistaken when choosing a partner, because they are approaching the question from the point of view of common sense and practicality. For example, if Capricorn has achieved material goods, it seems to him that everyone strives for it. Capricorn female trumps sensible and a serious approach to family life. But not all the signs of the zodiac, these positions are understandable and desirable, the more marriage for the calculation. Capricorn women are one of those who get married with a calm heart for the sake of prestige of her husband and his high social status. And feel quite comfortable.

In the career staircase, Capricorn is much larger than their brothers on the earthly element to the Tales. This is due to the successfulness, which is given by Planet Saturn. However, luck does not exclude conscientious painstaking labor to which the Capricorns are very responsible.

We can say, work and social status - the main life priorities of Saturn's pets.

For a woman, a career can be a family life if the husband has achieved a high position.

The following features of the Capricorn include the following characteristics:

  • excess ambitiousness;
  • closure and disgusting;
  • excessive misfortune;
  • conservatism and categorical;
  • swelling and pickiness;
  • lack of sensitivity;
  • focality on material;
  • Related.

Among the Capricors are often lonely people, because the lack of faith in feelings and love makes stale crackers. These are people of words and things, but not emotions and feelings.

Capricorns can easily manipulate people to achieve their own purposes.

With the age of Capricorns can be disappointed in material and wish to stand on the path of spiritual development. However, this is possible only after gaining them all material values ​​and not without some inner struggle.

Good compatibility of Capricorn

Earth element

With representatives of their element, the Capricorps feel quite comfortable, since the latter do not require impossible from them - the explosion of feelings, the construction of air locks and sudden changes of opinions. Earth signs seem to Capricorn adequate and sensible people with whom you can deal. Astrologers argue that marriages of the land of land will be quite successful and materially secured. This is an union of like-minded people seeking a common goal.

The most successful are the alliances of the Capricorn men with a woman and a Capricorn woman with a man-Virgin.

Capricorn's Taurus combines a common worldview and general aspirations. The sensuality of the Taurus makes the sloth from it, but it can serve good ideas for a joint action. With the Virgin Capricorn combines the value of family traditions and landiness. Virgo, like the Taurus, diversifies the stingy emotional world of Capricorn feelings and emotions. Also, Virgin is good strategists that may indicate the movement course of the family ship.

But is it so cloudless in the union of the signs of the earth? Their family life can only blunt the struggle for leadership. Finding out who in the house is the main, - a spoon of tar in a barrel of honey. If someone from earthly signs can give way to another place of the leader, then in the family everything will be afraid. However, the emotional sphere will still be in decline, and the stormy feelings between them will never be - this is not reasonable.

Element of water

How do rats have relationships with representatives of the element of water? Astrologers are confident: this is a serious test for both spouses. However, Capricors will always attract mysteriousness of the water element, no matter what. For example, Scorpio may give Capricorn to a storm of emotions that are not available to him.

Capricorn's scorpion can combine dedication and perseverance in achieving the result. However, Capricorn will never understand how to burn at work for an insignificant financial result. Scorpio can act for self-affirmation, and not for the sake of financial gain.

Astrologers consider a successful combination of Capricorn women and scorpion men, as well as a Capricorn Men's Union with a female-fish or cancer.

Very good is a tandem Capricorn with fish. Representatives of the water element gain a reliable partner in life and get rid of spiritual stuff, and the intuitive abilities of fish help Capricorn clarify some incomprehensible things. You can say: they found each other.

With cancers, the relationship does not develop immediately, since the opposite of worldviews gives partners from each other. But if fate favors partners, they will be able to better know each other. Then there may be such a passion between Capricorn and Cancer, which only in films are shown. Partners complement each other so much that no longer thinks apart.

Capricorn adverse relationships with other signs

Element of fire

Earth and fire - opposite substances. The Earth can exacerbate the fire, and he, in turn, soch the land. But this is only in adverse conditions. If the stars favored Capricorn, he will be able to find a reliable partner for life among representatives of the fiery hat.

For example, Capricorn will be fully fascinated by the fiery lion. However, not all Capricorn can withstand the mental superiority of the royal lion, so they simply avoid their society. Harizm and the pressure of Lviv can not be made by a reasonable and pragmatic sign of the Earth.

For the Archers Capricorn, no interest is no interest, because romance is not on the way with a boring conservative. If the Sagittarius and will communicate with the landed Capricorn, then only due to the extraction of some benefit.

Aries first fascinate Capricorn to fervent purposefulness to achieving results and fiery pressure, but later disappoint. Aries can give any promises, but not always perform them. With this approach, Capricorns do not intend to put up. In addition, Aries are not practical.

Element of air

The air element opposes the land, although it is part of the soil - there are air bubbles in it. With the twins, the Cossacks are quite the original relationship - they are completely under their power, that is, under the authority of the twins. This is possible only thanks to the light head of the latter: so only representatives of the air element can fail the head.

Among the aircraft are most benevolently configured by Aquarius. Although both partners perceive each other somewhat unreal - they came up with an image of each other and think that it really is.

Scales look at the Capricors only from the standpoint of mercantility. Earth pet is better to stay from these ungrateful people away.

All compatibility ♑

♈One 82% ♌lev 83% ♐Leslets 93%
♉Telts 85% ♍Deva 85% ♑Kozerog 83%
♊ Blizzards 56% ♎vess 100% Apartments 81%
♋рос 82% ♏Scorpion 95% ♓, 66%

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