Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility


Compatibility of Capricorn and Sagittarius is considered unfavorable. Astrologers characterize such a type of union as "envy under the mask of love." Fire and earthly elements are poorly combined with each other, so mutual understanding in a pair is unlikely to last long. We will understand more.

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Compatibility in Love

These people are very different, they differ in interest, temperaments, characters. But, as they say, the opposites are attracted, so they are sooner or later turn out to be together and fall in love with each other.

Compatibility Capricorn Sagittarius in Love

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What is characteristic of the relationship of such a zodiac couple:

  1. Despite their poor compatibility, their relationships can last for many years. The thing is that over time they become wonderful friends and allies. It holds them next to each other, even if the feelings end.
  2. But if they failed to make friends and become spiritually close people, the gap usually happens quite quickly. The restless Sagittarius, who seeks a variety in everything, can bother next to a stable Capricorn. The latter prefers a calm measured life, he "kicks the roots" and rarely agree to change the habitat. It is important for him to adhere to the established lifestyment.
  3. They converge initially on the fact that both strive for success, want a better life. There are an eternal search for the ideal, which is discussed with each other. That's just the ways to achieve goals are usually different. Sagittarius is easy and fast, he got used to go across. Thinks not to problems, but decisions. Capricorn also prefers slowly, but rightly move towards goal, albeit hard work.
  4. Capricorn sees a strong and bright, ambitious person, who deserves respect. He wants to receive a charge of positive energy and inspiration. And gets, but only at the beginning.
  5. Gradually, they join long conflicts. Frank compromises are rare. Everyone will stand on their own and foam at the mouth to defend his own opinion, not wanting to hear a partner. Eternal competition and struggle for leadership - this ruins their relationship.
  6. Sagittarius got used to manipulate people, but with Capricorn his tricks do not act. He condescendingly refers to the attempts to manage, losing confidence in the partner and gradually disappointed.
  7. Capricorn is trying to give the tips in the chosen one, acting from the best motives. But he rarely listens to them, even if he understands that it is not right.

We summarize: despite the fact that they can greatly please each other, relations in most cases are doomed. The problem is in the absence of a desire to hear a partner and make compromises.

Causes of conflict

If you have already fallen into such a union, it is worth trying to restore the harmony and the world in a pair. Perhaps then your future will be cloudless.

Compatibility Capricorn Sagittarius in the relationship

What is worth working in the relationship Capricorn and Sagittarius:

  1. Capricorn wants the Sagittarius to be cooled, became calmer and family. But his companion eats commonness, he is constantly in finding new impressions. Because of this, they often quarrel.
  2. Therefore, it is worthwhile to go at home more often, and Capricorn - sometimes let the partner spend time in noisy companies, not jealous and without arranging scandals. Then there is a chance to keep the favorable atmosphere in a pair.
  3. Capricorn also should learn to withdraw the Sagittarius on emotions. And not only positive. It is the contrast of feelings will not give out the flames of their passion. If the relationship will be too calm, alive and bright Sagittarius comes bored and starts looking for impressions on the side.
  4. Partners differ in the very concept of love. For Sagittarius, this is an opportunity to receive new emotions, for its partner - stability and reliability. For this reason, they often do not understand each other, giving away in relationships not what the chosen one needs.
  5. Capricorn may burst into his attempts to control the lover. He will try to limit the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius, which is detrimental for the relationship. He should weaken the head, if he does not want to lose one.
  6. Both sign are quite selfish in nature. They should learn to go to each other to meet, search and find compromises. Then there is a chance that everything will become ashable as possible.
  7. Often the fracture seems that the partner rejoices his failures, gives out criticism and condemnation. In fact, Capricorn pursues only good goals - he wants to teach the chosen one and instruct him on the right path.

Their relationship will be happy only if both die their egoism and will meet the desires of the partner.

Check the video on the topic:

Capricorn Woman and Male-Sagittarius

This girl is very stable, calm and balanced. She is firmly on her legs, knows what he wants from life, puts the goals and achieves them. She attracts a man with his mind, wisdom and rationality.

Sagittarius like her with his determination, huge charm and sincerity. And if he is already successful enough, it will fall in love with necessarily, because respects the purposeful and clever men.

Compatibility Capricorn Sagittarius

Despite unfavorable compatibility, their relationships may be long and happy. But only if the man represents something. If he is still young and looking for himself, the girl will quickly disappointed and find a more suitable partner.

Capricorn Male and Sagittarius

These relationships could be happy and prosperous if not a huge mutual jealousy. It is this negative emotion that can kill all the positive feelings that partners are experiencing to each other.

A man is jealous of the stormy social life of his chosen. He sees that she has a huge number of fans and everyone is happy to be in his place. But does not understand that she chose him and will not think about treason.

And if at first the temperamental name of the elects attracts it, then over time he is disappointed, loses his confidence and ceases to consider the girl in the role of a future wife. He understands that her character is completely not home. It has little hope that it will become a reliable rear and a custodian of a family hearth.

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