Fish compatibility and twins


Compatibility of fish and twins is considered not the most favorable. Their elements - water and air are badly combined with each other, so it's hard to get along to partners. Let's try to figure it out if they have a chance to stay together.

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Compatibility in Love

Partners with water and air and air are usually difficult to build relationships, because they are absolutely not compatible. The fish are extremely emotionally, they like to dig in the memories and it is hard to let go of the past, resentment is remembered. The twins are easy to rise, nature is frivolous, positive, do not bother on trifles and live in one day.

Fish compatibility Twins in love

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What is characteristic of the relationship between two such different people:

  1. At first, they really like to spend time together, they always find interesting topics, become beautiful interlocutors for each other. But in the emotional and sensual spheres of compatibility between them, there is absolutely, therefore, the first quarrels occur sooner or later.
  2. Twins at the initial stage of the relationship manitis "fish" mysteriousness, their ability to listen and mysteriousness. Fish can feel fine, their emotional intelligence is highlighted at a high level. This admires their chosen.
  3. Fish fall in love with the light character of the satellite, his sense of humor, creative talents and an incredible flight of thoughts, in erudition and intellect. They are striking the spontaneity of the partner, determination and ability to easily go into some kind of adventure that the fish themselves are not typically completely.
  4. Twins in such respects become a patron, who will open a new world in love with a person. But everything is fine and smooth only at the very beginning. The more partners will recognize each other, the more disappointed with time.
  5. This may be a lightweight resort novel or nothing obliging an intrigue, but such a couple is hardly suitable for serious relationship, too, their characters are incompatible.

Fish is too sensitive, offended, wounds for restless twins, which generally often do not notice problems. Sooner or later, a lump of mutual claims will grow up, and thunder gets. Partners will break up and will be for a long time to curse and blame each other in the unresolved love.

Causes of conflict

Why does this couple quarrel? It is worth dealing with the causes of conflicts to understand how they can be avoided subsequently.

Fish compatibility Twins in relationships

What you need to work in relations to fish and twins:

  1. Gemini are prone to adventurism, and fish are extremely led. Therefore, they can go to something illegal together, captivated with alcohol or drugs. Gemini need a partner who will postpone it and stop it in time in such situations. Pisces are amenable to fish, and then accused the chosen one.
  2. When the first love period passes, partners will see the disadvantages of the partner in all its glory and will immediately begin to disappoint each other. If at this time learn to take a satellite life as it is, to focus on his merits, there is a chance that everything will be good.
  3. Gemini are very lazy. They sometimes think that it's easier to do nothing and not to hurry - everything will somehow be formed. It is not clear to hardworking fish. Periodically, they are angry that the material support of the family Palo is only on their shoulders, while the chosen one is lazy and dwells in creative flour.

In principle, fish can and fall in love sooner or later. But twins such relationships will be bought quickly. And they will leave, leaving the partner to suffer, suffer and cherish memories of failed love.

Check the video on the topic:

Female Fish and Gemini Male

This girl immediately attracts the attention of a man with her bright appearance, the ability to intrigue, by the fact that she is an interesting interlocutor who is able to listen. The first time he pulls it to her with a terrible force, but over time he commetes that she was secretive, rather indecisive.

Her secrecy can bring it to white crown. At this stage, the first quarrels begin, the offenses and the statement of mutual claims.

The girl would like to create with the chosen by their personal close world only for two. She strives for calm and homely comfort, avoids noisy parties, companies. Does not like change.

Fish compatibility Twins

A man seeks to live in a permanent movement, he obeys the element of air, so in such relationships can quickly bother. He pulls him into the crowd, to friends, to actively pastime.

The girl often wounds what the chosen is discussed with other people, makes public moments of their relationship. She was not used to to demonstrate the feelings of appeal, so such behavior is very upset.

Male fish and twin female

The girl in essence is rather frivolous, she has a variable character. But at the same time she knows how to think logically, in important moments there is rationalism. Thanks to these features, she easily falls in love with a man, realizing that he succumbed to all her tricks and tricks.

For a man, this union is quite complicated. It turns out to be completely in love, but does not receive enough return. Therefore, jealous and disappointed, without receiving the emotions they need.

This man is a house. He does not pull on entertainment, he prefers a quiet family comfort and a calm joint pastime. The girl also pulls into noisy companies, she got used to having fun and not very think about living together and serious relationships. Therefore, they are unlikely to achieve harmony and make their union strong, stable.

The girl will hold on to these relationships only if the man becomes fully provided. It will appreciate the material benefit and will allow the chosen one to take care of himself. But this man eats it, and sooner or later he will decide to part, accusing the partner in mercantility and the absence of moral principles.

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