Fish and scales compatibility - love, relationships and conflicts


Compatibility of fish and scales in love is not the most favorable. These characters have different parity in the zodiac table, their elements are not combined. They can fall in love with each other, but the relationship will be far from perfect. Consider the features of such a union from the point of view of astrology.

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Compatibility in Love

A well-developed intuition is characteristic of the water sign. But in relationships with the weights, the innate gift to predict them. At first glance, the air personality of weights seems to them a practically perfect companion of life, they fall in love with almost instantly.

Astrological Compatibility Fish Scales

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What is characteristic of such pairs:

  1. If the fish do not have sufficient experience of relationships with the opposite sex, they are almost impossible to escape from the congenital charm of weights. They fall in love instantly and try to achieve the location of indifferent scales by all ways.
  2. Very often, the scales do not correspond to the fish in any social status, nor on the material situation, nor at the place that they occupy in society. But fish attracts and manits beauty and intelligence of scales, so they strive to be nearly constantly.
  3. Dominated in relations in most cases scales. This is an alliance in the type "Break and Rabbit", in which "rabbit" undivided love, of course, in fish.
  4. At the beginning of the relationship everything is usually quite good: there is enough romance for the eyes, a couple seems to be a conventional cute couple of two lovers.
  5. But the scales very quickly understand that the fish are very soft and responsive, they can easily manipulate that the air sign and begins to do without care. They force a partner to sacrifice personal interests, use as they can.
  6. Fish is hard to find with weights precisely emotional contact, the partner seems to them very cold, not ready to share experiences and feelings. In a pair of fish, they give a lot, and their satellite only takes, considering it for granted.
  7. What is good in such an alliance, so it is natural diplomacy and softness of both. But at the same time, both partners have a strong and strong inner rod. Therefore, if it comes to conflicts, they are usually solved peacefully.
  8. The union can be harmonious if it turns out to achieve spiritual proximity. But in most cases, fish and scales are excellent business partners, especially if the scales take the role of the leader and ideological inspirer.

We summarize: such a pair has a chance of existence. They can build long, happy and harmonious relationships, but only until their collaboration is beneficial. Therefore, the union can be successful if they are colleagues or partners not only in love, but also in work.

Causes of conflict

Relations between these signs are unlikely to be cloudless. But if you know how to behave correctly in conflict situations, your pair has a chance.

Love Compatibility Fish Scales

The main causes of quarrels and disagreements in the union of fish and scales may be as follows:

  1. From the senses and emotions, mutual understanding is usually absent completely. Scales seem very cold fish. They are infinitely fighting on the wall of this coldness, trying to share their experiences, but not receiving returns. Fish times with a time will look for an approach to his impregnable satellite, but it is impossible to do it.
  2. Due to the skew in the emotional sphere of fish can take the position "Nutika". They can begin to humiliate, literally putting out love from a partner. Of course, the weights will quickly bother, they will become annoyed and lose all respect for their partner.
  3. In everyday life conflicts also a lot. Scales - a sign is very chaotic, they never live in order, do not like homework. Therefore, their satellite has to take responsibility for this part of life on itself completely, which causes discontent. However, the fish will rather dig about themselves, but will never say out loud that he does not suit. Relationships as if between the slave-owned weights and his slave-fish, about love here there is no speech, rather, contradiction.
  4. Libra long and hard will not notice the wonderful qualities of their companion. But the shortcomings will be constantly talking to him. Therefore, relations with time can turn into a very painful and exhausting, pulling all the moral forces to the Union.

Check out the video about the compatibility of these two characters:

Female Fish and Male Scales

At the beginning, the relationship is made up between them quite well. They can talk for hours, a woman with delight refers to his companion, admiring his erudition, colorful stories and an extraordinary intelligence.

Fish compatibility Scaigs

At the earliest stage, a woman even seems that she met the perfect companion, because the aura of a huge sensual attraction was created between them. But sooner or later, delight from sociability and erudition will be replaced by the disappointment of the coldness and the inaccessibility of the partner.

A man will constantly get the self-esteem of his companion in the dirt. He is too indifferent, cold, thinks only about himself and becomes extremely selfish in such a union. He needs a woman with a stronger inner rod, more selfish, unpredictable and impregnable, and the fish begin to choke him with their eternal delight and constant attention.

A woman from a partner requires reciprocity, compassion, willingness to listen and share their experiences. But it does not get it. From here - constant mood differences and despondency that are incomprehensible to man. He becomes boring, and he will definitely try to break the relationship.

The rupture initiative almost always lies on the scales. He pretty quickly finds himself a new girl, and his former chosen one will experience the painful collapse of their relationship for a long time.

Male Fish and Woman Scales

A man in this pair at the beginning of the relationship will be long and persistently seek the location of his impregnable and cold chosen. But in his courting, he may be too intrusive, from which the scales constantly runs away.

The union of weights and fish in principle is quite rare, because a man is difficult to interest such a girl. She sees her potential chosen one. But it may agree to the relationship if there is no more suitable on the acceptance.

In a pair, a woman will rule and dominate that she will get bored with her, because next to her she wants to see a strong partner, and not to the madness of a love guy who walks behind her tail.

We summarize: the union of fish and scales is almost no chance of existence. And they will suffer from the rupture of fish, and their second half easily goes into other relationships.

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