Woman scales and man-lion - compatibility in love, relationships, marriage, sex, friendship


A pair of female scales and man-lion meets quite often. They attract the attention of others, everyone strive to communicate with them. They attract people due to politeness and courtesy. The probability of divorce in this case is minimal, mutual understanding in this pair is perfect.

Woman scales and man-lion - compatibility in love, relationships, marriage, sex, friendship 1433_1

Love and relations

Representatives of these two characters stretch each other immediately after dating. Relations between them are joyful, comfortable. They go together, quickly get used to each other, over the years affection only grows, due to which success is ensured.

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The lion and scales seem to be created for each other, the family union can be created with the right approach. They look great, behave well in society, quickly notice each other. Between them very quickly appear sympathy and attraction.

They are all perfectly in communicating among themselves and others. They are distinguished by politeness, tacty, which gives an additional advantage.

Very quickly, representatives of these signs understand that they are not easy to part. They will always be welcome guests in any company, while they are not arrogant. Scales and lion attract surrounding their benevolence.

The properties of these personalities are manifested with joint living. If representatives of these signs are in society separately, they enjoy the surrounding. A man gives ladies compliments, a woman does not miss a single dance. Their meeting leads to reunion, admiration and love of this pair are immediately noticeable to others.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Rapid in all respects between these two leads to the fact that they become better. Acquaintance is always very romantic, together they are trying to achieve truth, even if for this will have to overcome many obstacles, disputes.

The main advantage of the pair is that they hear each other, take into account the point of view of the other party. All this allows them to make the right decisions.

A woman stimulates a man to earn more, as a result she gets everything he wants. He is ready to work a lot so that in the family it was all necessary. A woman becomes more flexible, which may not be in other unions. The couple can become truly perfect, scales and lions will show their character properties for the benefit of a partner.


  • interesting communication;
  • optimistic look into the future;
  • determination;
  • lack of insults;
  • constant increase in material well-being;
  • no boredom;
  • Respect of hobbies.

People in this pair look great together, get along in everyday life.

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Serious conflicts in this pair are rarely found. A woman can quickly repay the conflict, leverals the impulsiveness of the partner. A man in such a calm harbor can quickly bother, tired of the measured life. This leads to the search for emotions on the side. Woman scales are characterized by flirtability, it tends to flirt with many men.

This behavior does not suit a man who can start jealous. Even light flirt can cause a negative attitude, as a result, he expresses its negative reaction. Male Lev is a big owner, he doesn't even like glances.

Conflicts in a pair often arise due to authoritarianism, a man wants to gain total control. He must know everything about all - where she walks, with whom she communicates, her purchase. Distribution often lead to clarifying relationships.


  • Idyll is often transformed into boredom;
  • lack of powerful emotions;
  • constant desire for the leadership of a lion;
  • jealousy from a man;
  • egocentrism of both sides, the desire for suppression;
  • inconstancy of scales and lions;
  • Dirlininess of a woman.

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How to fall in love with a male lion

Happy Union is possible subject to mutual concessions. A woman must learn less to flirting, especially with strangers. The lack of a compromise in this issue can lead to permanent flashes of jealousy, scandals and quarrels. Wines in this case falls on a woman.

Compatibility in sex

There is a strong attraction between the weights and lions, it turns out that reality differs from ideas. A man prefers to dominate, the woman loves romance, and the pressure only scares it. The tactics of the lion can scare, and sometimes discourage scales.

A man must learn to feel a partner at a distance. Section of steps at the beginning of the relationship will help avoid difficulties in bed. Excessive hurry can lead to the fact that the woman closes in itself, will avoid intimate intimacy. In the first place should be gentle attitude, respect.

Marriage compatibility

The union of weights and lion seems to be perfect at first glance. Very often there is a feeling that they look at the world around the world are equally moved in one direction.

The first difficulties arise immediately after marriage. A woman seeks to please chosen in everything and ignore life. A man at the beginning of relations does not pay attention to the little things, but later it will inform him.

Save the harmony in relationships will help conversations with a partner, he must point to her shortcomings. It should be done in a soft form, which will avoid offense.

The views on the upbringing of children in this pair are also distinguished. A man insists on strict discipline, a woman gives complete freedom to a child. She believes that such an approach will help the child find their way in life.

Friendship compatibility

Scales and lion can become excellent friends, as relationships start only after long conversations.

They have a lot of common topics that representatives of these signs can talk to the days, these two have a similar sense of humor, jokes often understand only they. They can laugh at simple and primitive, according to those surrounding, things.

The lion and scales very much appreciate the support of the partner and are always ready to help, which is important for friendly relations. They are ready to listen to each other, give to speak, will support, help make the right decision.

Compatibility in work

Business relationships in this union can be quite difficult to develop. A man in this pair demonstrates bright leadership qualities, not ready to take positions, recognize delusions. A woman is distinguished by stubbornness and hardness, it will always try to achieve truth and demonstrate to the partner of his wrong.

Such a woman in subordination is not easy. It can work in subordination only at a soft leader with a sharp mind.

The lion has good intellectual abilities, but its character does not differ soft. For this reason, finding points of contact in this union can be quite difficult. Business conversations may end with conflicts.

Option when a man obeys a woman, in this case is not possible. Such a partner does not seek to obey weights, since he rarely listens to other people. Love relations in this case are considered the most optimal option.

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  1. Woman's scales and man-lion are well suited to each other, they quickly find a common language, it is difficult for them to part.
  2. She is enthusiastic with his beauty and power, the lion is used to demonstrate admiration.
  3. Partner's self-confidence can cause a woman's confrontation. Avoid problems will be able to restrain that the girl learn to hold back. The lion must learn not to put pressure on the authority, but to demonstrate who is expensive to him that it is important for him.
  4. Love relations in this pair are quite strong, the business alliance can get very difficult.

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