Female Fish and Capricorn - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


According to some astrologers, the compatibility of female fish with a male-Capricorn is quite successful. These representatives of the zodiac signs relate to the complex feeling of reciprocity. Being in different ways, they are ready to disclose the best features and qualities.

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Love and relations

For a lady-fish to get in satellites of Capricorn's life - a great luck. Love will begin with very beautiful courtship. The guy will be galantan, causing. He will constantly demonstrate his nobility. Communication with him is pleasant, since there will be no rude words from it to your loved one.

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Yes, and to anyone else, he will not allow us to talk about it in an inappropriate vehicle. Even if the companion and will not always behave visually, in public, her man will never make comments and, especially since putting it in an awkward position.

In love, Capricorn is conservative, and this very attracts fish. He is in principle a worker old-fashioned. It will be long to be silent about your feelings, which will spur an impatient fish. Sometimes the lady of the first starts talking about love and future plans. Relationships will be quite smooth, although some of the above-mentioned feelings will strain Capricorn.

This pair, the construction of a solid relationship is disappeared. They are comfortable. Several strange Capricorn jokes The girl will be perceived with interest and sincerely have fun. A man will be delighted with the smiling and mildness of his companion. It is almost always possible to break his disadvadance.

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Sexual compatibility

Fish attract Capricorn at first their appearance. It will pull it to the graceful figure. He will admire it with smooth movements, it is still satisfied with the very correct features of the face. However, he will not stop. The search for mental qualities will begin.

Exposure and kindness will conquer Capricorn. For fish, its sustainability and acceptance of it will be the most important thing in the partner. With him, even in sex it feels reliability and security.

In Intim, a man will be very critical, mainly to himself. The process will bring him this pleasure if the fish will not concentrate on trifles. Satisfaction will be mutual, as both signs love tenderness mixed with passionate actions. Sex without unnecessary words is about a couple of female fish and a Capricorn man.

Family and marriage

According to Men-Capricorn, the wife is primarily the keeper of the family and the hearth, a career and so on it. To please the faithful, it is enough to guide the right house, cook well and love your narrowed. Everything else becomes not important for him.

Ensuring a family, the mining of funds for a decent life husband-Capricorn takes over. He is a real feeder and head of the family.

This distribution of fish is satisfied. For the most part, this sign is not chasing success in work and does not seek to occupy important positions.

She will be pleased to be a pleasure of cotton houses and in the kitchen, she gladly be ready to stand at the stove, if only the beloved could enjoy delicious dishes. All ways she makes it clear that the main in the family is of course he. Wife-fish have excellent qualities that attract Capricorns:

  • loyalty;
  • thrift;
  • Independence.

Such a girl is a reliable support in life, assistant in any problem. Capricorn who knew such a woman, almost never part with her.

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Pros and cons couple

As with any tandem, a woman is a woman, in this pair the identity has its drawbacks and dignity. And consider them.


  • Each member is a supplement to its satellite.
  • Conservative views allow you to not perform hasty rapid decisions.
  • Both sides are very serious about family bonds, they want children.
  • Often the family gets exemplary.

Cons of couple

As they are very small, but they are.

  • Excessive Capricorn Cancer on the farm may tire the fish.
  • If suddenly the spouse wants a variety in sex or in life, then she may face a misunderstanding and offended by the Husband-Capricorn. He will begin to suspect some non-existent things.
  • Emotional misfortune of her husband.

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How to fall in love with Capricorn Men

To draw the attention of Capricorn, the girl can choose a certain tactics of behavior. This does not mean that she should be sick and pretend to those whom she is not really. No, it should only remember what ladies from the point of view of this sign are most attractive.
  • Do not extend excessive sentimentality. It will be Capricorn unpleasant and incomprehensible.
  • Do not speak sharply and categorically.
  • Monitor your figure.
  • Show that you cook well and know how to support the order in the house.
  • Give understand that they are ready to be in a pair of the slave.
  • Do not demonstrate your liberty and freedom.

Naturally, Capricorn will pay attention to an attractive girl, well-groomed, but not too diligent with makeup.

Friendship compatibility

Astrologers assure that friendly relationships may arise between a fish lady and Capricorn in the case when a man is, what is called, always stroking the head, listen to his speech. If he feels that they are sincerely and with good, it will be a good friend.

The sharpness of its features should be smoothed by the accuracy and sympathy of the fish. At the same time, he is always pleased to feel himself a wise patron, who must instruct and give certain explanatory tips. Over the years, friendship can grow, sometimes even develop into a closer relationship.

Compatibility in work

Work and business for a serious Capricorn is an important component of his whole life. He is characterized by the power of will and high-quality performance.

If representatives of these signs will take care of the case, it will absorb them completely. But fish will last long. They are lazy enough, they will not hurry anywhere and strain. A collective lifestyle is not for them. As employees they are balanced and calm, help if necessary, but always prefer to move aside.

Most often, a similar working union will not give big fruits. So that both signs will work for a long time, tremendous efforts. In the case of Capricorn, it should be ready for leadership, which most often happens. However, lady-fish with a successful employee becomes rare. In any case, the joint activity will give more fruits than actions one by one.


Speaking of compatibility in different spheres of female fish and men-Capricorn, you can bring some features:

  • It turns out a beautiful married couple;
  • good lovers and friends subject to the submission of the ladies man;
  • The business union is not ideal because of some negative qualities of female fish.

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