Female Sagittarius and Male Fish - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Hello, my name is Luda, and I am a lover's swash. More precisely, I am on a volunteer principle helping lonely friends and colleagues to find your half and get married. Well, and astrology is also interested in this. Today I will tell you about such an interesting pair, where a man on a horoscope of fish, and a woman - Sagittarius.

Female Sagittarius and Male Fish - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship 1441_1

Features of both signs

Sagittarius - a fiery sign, fish is the element of water. Can people from such different elements be a pair? May, but with reservations.

Features of the Sagittarius

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Sociable and popular, she loves male attention and parties. She lives actively and loves vivid impressions. At the same time, she is a wonderful analyst and learns to make mistakes.

Sagittarius needs love. Such a girl is ready to please his half, and if it decided on a partner, it is unlikely to change. But the man should separate all its undertakings and definitely do not keep at home. Ideal partners for her will be:

  • Lions;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Aries;
  • Scales.

Despite the love of noisy companies, from Girls-Sagittarov, good wives are obtained. They are loving and home. And ready to please the man in bed.

Features Men Fish

Despite the softness of water, fish are real hunters. They have a living mind and strong, they are capable of victory in business and in love. At the same time, they are far from corridor. But the sign is dual, because the prudence can be unthinkable with adventurism.

Fish does not recognize their robes. Even if it is. And they often be angry and angry.

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Is tandem possible?

In general, they have what they both live in dreams and thoughts than in reality. And both will not be refused by what they conceived. But the archers need something tangible, and the fish are sensual impressions. The Sagittarius woman will pull the partner to the side of something clear.

Thus, the water will strive to smear the fire of Sagittarius. And it would be better to stay away from each other, but opposites. Compatibility of the pair - about 70-80%, which is not bad.

Compatibility in Love

Here the couple will have a lot of difficulties:

  • Both jeys. Successful and bright, they are both popular with the opposite sex. Of course, jealousy will be. They are not able to control each other, therefore there will be problems on this basis.
  • They do not know how to give up. Unwillingness to take into account the interests of half usually does not allow to build love.
  • Both do not know how to recognize their mistakes. Therefore, love will be similar to permanent mutual accusations. And only a partner will be guilty.

Marriage compatibility

So that marriage was happy, both will have to work. First of all, both need to be struggling with egoism. Listen to each other and die consumer attitude to each other.

Learn to search for compromises. This art needs to master even more flexible people, not to mention hard fishes and fitters. Otherwise, the marriage will turn into permanent disputes.

Learn to distribute duties. Only it will help you to turn into a team. So, the breadmen here can be both, but the shooter will have to be a woman and do the house. And the fish are still needed. So let them get it.

Children in such a couple are very loved. Parents try not to releasing their negative and the consequences of conflicts on the offspring. And in general, neither the fish nor Sagittarius are disappeared with their negative on children.

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Compatibility in sex

And here there will be many surprises and pleasant surprises. Female-Sagittarius and male fish explore each other ready constantly. But there is a feature.

As in all spheres, the fifty woman is interesting to be a physical aspect of the question, and the fish are sensual and mental. At the same time, the addictions and their characters are similar, therefore there will be no difficulties here.

But do not think that the ladies-Sagittari are focused only on sex. They are very impressionable and emotional. So that everything in the bed is in order, for a long time will have to get used to non-standard fish. But pleasure get both both.

Pros and cons couple

Sagittarov and fish are similar to the characters, because everyone knows them, what to wait from the partner. In addition, both are well able to work on themselves.

The minus is that they also seem bad in the character. Fish and Sagittariov do not know what compromises are, jealous and never recognize that they are to blame.

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Friendship compatibility

Can the fire be friends with water? Yes, it is quite. Moreover, next to each other they will be warm. They never get tired of each other. In addition, the Sagittarius act on fish is awesome, and the fish are able to be a good psychotherapist. In addition, they always feel when it is a shooter (and not only).

They can talk for a long time for tea or cafe, but she can pull fish on incredible adventures. But lovers such friends are unlikely to become.

How to win a male fish

They themselves conquerors, so as soon as you understand that you surrendered, let go to the ocean. But his imagination exciteed women mysterious and modest. Well, and interested by them. Just become a mystery woman.

Compatibility in work

Their cooperation for everyone can be the possibility of pumping those skills that are not enough. In addition, if the work brought them into a couple, they will learn to listen to the neighbor, which is useful both. Usually the Sagittarius is thinking, and the fish perform. Only the work will be active and productive.

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Summing up

Male fish and female Sagittarius - a complex couple. For both problems will be a compromise search. Nevertheless, if the fish are wiser, everything can work out.

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