Capricorn woman and Aquarius - compatibility in love, relationships, marriage, sex, friendship


A practical and serious Capricorn woman and freedom-loving and independent male-aquarius - will they be able to create a harmonious couple, are they destined to be together for many years? In this article I will try to tell about the representatives of these two signs of the zodiac and about the possible relationship between them in different life areas.

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Love and relations

There are friendly relations between a Capricorn woman and a man-anquer, they will last for quite a long time and then can grow into love. But when a collision in everyday life, all feelings can quickly disappear. These people are too different in character, both of them need a big spiritual work for a long and happy life together.

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He scary does not like control of himself, and Capricorn seeks to keep everyone, including himself, in his hunters. For each other, they are riddles that they are interested in solving, and only it can keep them nearby.

Sexual compatibility

In sexy, the female Capricorn can be a big fideller. They both love strange books and films, choose unusual seats for sex. But at the initial stage of the relationship, the Capricorn woman shows seriousness, it seems impregnable and fixed.

Aquarius will need time, patience and ability to tame it, but all this will pay off her hidden passion.

As for the sex itself, they are quite traditional forms, they will be able to get pleasure even without preliminary games. Capricorn never refuses to have sex, which is very satisfied with the Aquarius.

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Family and marriage

Compatibility in such a marriage is quite average. The family will take place if both spouses will continuously work on themselves. In the name of love and general children, they should close their eyes to the shortcomings of each other. In social terms, spouses will be interested together to visit various events, theaters, concerts, exhibitions, make joint travel.

Capricorn woman responsible, practical and powerful, she barely withstands unpredictable and slightly eccentric Aquarius. The spouse will constantly control it, and it categorically does not tolerate this and will protect his independence struggle.

Conflicts can be avoided if the spouses go to mutual concessions. If both spouses already have an experience of an unsuccessful marriage behind the shoulders, they will be better away.

Pros and cons couple

In a pair, female Capricorn and male Aquarius partners are an excellent addition to each other. A woman next to the aquarity will always feel young.

The partner will try to protect it in every way and helps to cope with any trouble. In response, the Capricorn woman will help in promoting the career of Aquarius. Next to her is waiting for an inevitable success.

The disadvantage of this union there are quarrels on household soil. A strict and serious Capricorn woman tends to teach the Aquarius at every step, she tries to remake him into his own way, but he will show stubbornness. The victim and freedom of the Aquarius do not like Capricorn.

A woman will have to come to accept some dismissal devotionless to it, and a man should follow the elementary household rules a little.

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How to fall in love with a Male-Aquarius

  • Male Aquarius loves women with an extraordinary mind. Try to show it in something on the first date.
  • Aquarius love feminine, well-groomed and stylish beauties. Take care of your appearance on the full program.
  • Sincerity and openness attracts a male Aquarius, the narrowing and clogs will only scare it.
  • Aquarius is unpredictable and waiting for the same from the chosen. Show originality and fantasy in relationships.
  • He constantly strives for new knowledge and appreciates such quality in a partner. Try to be interested in what is interesting and to him, he will certainly notice and will appreciate.
  • You can not boost events. Aquarius lifts a long time to create a family, but if he decides, it will be once and for all.
  • It is unacceptable to mapping and express claims. Aquarius does not like this very much and can leave forever.

Friendship compatibility

The female Capricorn and Male Aquarius may well be great friends, but this friendship is short-lived. Capricorn is expressing constancy in everything, including in friendship, for which it appreciates the aquarius. But if one of them finds their soul mate and create a family, then this friendship can end.

Aquarius in friendship shows reliability, it always comes to the rescue. But Capricorn does not understand his desire to be friends around the clock, and if the Aquarius appears to the girlfriend-Capricorn is unscheduled, and she reaches it badly, then the friendship will come to the friendship.

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Compatibility in work

In the business sphere, female Capricorn and Aquarius can make an excellent business union, if both are interested in achieving the goal. They will need time to get used to different style of work. Capricorn is conservative, and Aquarius loves all sorts of innovations.

If these colleagues have long known each other, then they will create a single command. If the work is found unfamiliar Capricorn and Aquarius, it will take a certain time so that they adapt them to each other.

The best combination in this pair will be when the Aquarius is in the role of the head, and the Capricorn woman is subordinate. After all, Aquarius is very inventive, he knows how to put original tasks, and Capricorn will have persistence to implement them.

The opposite combination, when female Capricorn acts as the head, will be very unsuccessful. Aquarius does not really like to obey the conservative and strict Capricorn, which also literally pursues his control and manifests any distrust.


A couple of Capricorn female and aquarius has very little chance for a happy life together:

  1. At the beginning of the relationship, they are waiting for a long friendship, which can go into love. But love, unfortunately, is often divided into life.
  2. In marriage, they rarely can create a harmonious pair, only if they restrain their constant discontent with each other.
  3. Sexual compatibility of this pair is quite possible if the Aquarius will show patience and perseverance in the conquest and liberation of strict Capricorn. Then he will be waiting for a pleasant surprise in the form of a passionate and uncompressive partner.
  4. Friendship between these signs is usually quite deep, but short. After the first misunderstanding, the Aquarius may stop friendship.
  5. At work, this pair perfectly complements each other, and in joint projects they may well achieve success. If the Aquarius occupies a leadership position, and Capricorn acts as a subordinate, then the relationship is well to be well, if it turns out on the contrary - the Aquarius will not stand the permanent commocon of the Capricorn chief.

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