Divination for compatibility named and surname


Each name and name contains a vibratory row characterized by a certain energy. The coincidence of the energy characteristics creates points of contact, the generality, on the basis of which the harmonious relationship can be built.

Therefore, since ancient times, the names were given great importance, especially if it concerned married relations - after all, people had to live together a large half of life. Division for compatibility by name and surname and in our time is popular. How to calculate? Numerology comes to the rescue.

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divination for compatibility named and surname

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The frequency of divorces and breaking the relationship between once loving people gained the scope of an universal scale. Official statistics brings a disappointing result: almost every second married couple is divorced. The same applies to unregistered relationships. What are the reasons? One of them lies in the misnotation of names.

Previously, the wedding couple was selected - folk psychologists and keepers of wedding secrets and traditions. In the modern eyelid, you can do without matchmaking, if you resort to the help of esoteric - to determine compatibility in numerological formulas. For this, it is not necessary to know the highest mathematics, you just need to be able to fold the numbers.

Calculation No. 1.

To make the first idea of ​​compatibility with a partner, you need to record names, patronymic and surnames in the column. For example, so:

K-O-L-O-S-O-B - A - Z-I-N-A-A-D-A - P-E-T-R-O-N-N-A

V-E-T-R-O-B - V-A-L-E-R-I-Y - E-V-Mr.-Y-E-B-I-h

  1. Now you need to see how many identical vowels and consonants in your names. In this example, there are general vowels in the names.
  2. Next, we look at the combination of vowel-consonant. Suppose, in the first column we see the mismatch - "kV". The second and third column also consists of a combination of consonants. In the fourth, fifth and sixth column, we see a congestive combination of "OR", "CO", "OB".
  3. Next, we look at the coincidence on the total number of letters in the initials. In our example, the initials of women - 23 letters, initials of men - 23 letters. This is a complete coincidence. The greater the number of the difference, the less coincidences.
  4. The first letter of initials is considered - vowels or consonant. In our example, the names and surnames of partners begin with consonant letters - this is a good indicator. But ideally, all initial letters of the initials should coincide on the principle of vowel-consonant.
  5. Now we look at what letters most often coincide in the names. The letter "O" is found once in the initials of a man and 4 times in the initials of a woman - this is a good indicator. The letter "B" meets once in the initials of a woman and 5 times in the initial men. By the same principle, consider the remaining letters. The more coincidences, the better compatibility.

Numerologists believe that even one of the points of coincidence speaks about the possibility of strong relationships. If there are no coincidences in any parameter, the pair quickly dispels or will exist in constant conflicts.

According to this calculation, you can determine who will be the main in the family. This is the one who has more vowels in the initials. In our case, in the initials of a woman 11 vowels, in the initial men - 9. Accordingly, the right of a decisive voice will have a woman. These are unsolicited communication rules that act automatically.

Calculation number 2.

Now we will deal with another calculation, which is based on numerical vibrations of each letter. To do this, use the table.

Compatibility by name

We start counting. For example, your names Igor and Olga.

Igor: 1 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 1 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5.

Olga: 7 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5.

If in the end it turned out a two-digit number, you need to fold two digits and get unambiguous. The surname of a person is also calculated.

The value of numbers

Unit - the number of leader and even a dictator. These are bold people who do not allow any influence from outside. They independently make decisions and are little listened to the opinions of others. When you try to have pressure on them, there are active resistance.

These people have natural beasts, to fool them almost impossible - they read a person, as on the book. They seek to keep control of absolutely all life situations and the behavior of the surrounding people. Until the end of his days, they remain young soul, and the kipping activity does not fade away for a second.

Two - the number of diplomats and psychologists. You can always agree with this person and find a compromise solution. Twos are able to listen to the opinions of others and can repay any conflict at the very beginning. These people are empowered to others, ready to always come to the rescue.

In addition to these qualities, two are endowed with a sense of humor, which helps them to survive difficult circumstances. However, sometimes inappropriate humor or humorous remark can play a sore joke with them if they are directed towards another person - not yet able to adequately perceive criticism, albeit in humorous form. Nevertheless, the twos are always a soul of the company and love to be friends with everyone.

Troika - The number of romantics and dreamers. Their motto: Beauty will save the world. These people know how to feel the taste of life and find the reason for pleasure. They surround themselves with beautiful things, know how to enjoy even the most insignificant pleasures. They have a creative approach to life, good nature and willingness to feed the support hand. Often these properties are used by all who are not too lazy. These are optimists who never lower hands. Three are always treated in a difficult moment to get the charge of the breathtaking of the Spirit. However, it is impossible to help all over the world, people with a troika are needed to know about it.

Four - the number of dimensional and stability. These people adhere to the scheduled routine of the day, always act on the called plan, you can rely on them. The fours are conservative in the perception of the world, do not like change and try to follow traditions instead of romantic unrest.

They seek well-being of stubborn painstaking labor, dislike lazy and frivolous people. Four loves bosses, appreciates for good faith and responsibility. These are honest and open people who do not endure hypocrisy and double standards. Fours always evaluate a person in actions, and not for beautiful phrases and sayings - they are difficult to confuse.

Four never rely on the will of the case, and in no hurry and fruitfully operate on a previously developed strategy. Reliability and moderation exclude randomness and unforeseen circumstances from their lives. However, they have a disadvantage - envy to risky people.

Five - These are pioneers and discoverers. They cannot be called adventurers, but the thirst for the new entails the unknown Dala. Fidgets and travelers, curious and fondant - five are ready to rush to anywhere in the world to search for new impressions. They always go out of the water and are not afraid of difficulties. The disadvantage of the five is hot temper and excessive freedom.

Name Compatibility - Divination

Six They are distinguished by an increased sense of responsibility and are trying to help everyone immediately. These are people of honor who are not able to criticize the soul and look for their benefits. They possess an innate sense of justice and never fall to fraud and adventurism. In family life, six demonstrate the qualities of devotees and reliable spouses.

They are hospitable and helpful, patient and tactful, good interlocutors and smart leaders. The distinctive feature of the sixes - allow people to express their own point of view and never impose their own. These are humanists with high moral principles who know how to forgive and be condescending.

Seven They are distinguished by an unlimited desire to bring everything to perfection. These people know how to choose friends and do not reveal the soul to the first oncoming. For life, they can consist in several marriages, since the desire to ideal does not give rest. Seven can only hold the mysterious personality with a rich inner world and values.

The distinctive quality of the seven is the constant change of ideals, which negatively affects the marital relations - no constancy. The secrecy and silence of seven can put in a dead end of any person, as it is perceived by arrogant disregard. However, no one can store your mystery for years as a seven. Also, the seven are prone to hoaxes, the ability to see the hidden side of things.

Eight They are aimed at the material side of life and see the meaning only in this. Comfortable house, expensive car is the goal and priorities of people with a number 8 among the name. They are able to turn any ideas into a profitable business. These are talented leaders of enterprises that have a rigid approach to their subordinates. The eights are able to achieve their goals and after thirty years have a significant state that has earned their own difficulty.

These are honest purposeful people who are not tolerating doubles and dual rules of the game. They hate the trick and flattery, categorically tearing relationships with such personalities. However, the eights have negative features - this is an unlimited thirst for storage. The pursuit of a state can play with them a sorry joke.

Nine - The number of success. These people can achieve heights in any sphere where their skills and skills are in demand. They are able to go through life with the song even in the most difficult times. These are dreamers, sometimes causing bewilderment among others. Sometimes a tendency to illusions can play with them a sore joke, and to this you need to be prepared. For example, nines can even give their lives in the name of any fantastic idea.


Is it possible to completely trust numerological calculations? This is a matter of personal preferences, but you still need to know about compatibility parameters. Couple incompatible in numerology, they are simply allowed to be constantly checked for strength and exposure. Compatible people are much easier to build harmonious and happy relationships than incompatible.

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